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Foamy The Squirrel

Member Since 17 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2005 02:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Paci's Dragging...

20 August 2005 - 03:47 PM

not surporting it , you have no control over me sean ill post where ever i want

In Topic: Paci's Draggin

18 August 2005 - 10:43 PM

god damn i said im not going to surport it so leave me the hell alone you immature gits

In Topic: Paci's Draggin

18 August 2005 - 10:03 PM

Oh for the love of the game people!!!!!!!!

This thread is about whether or not paci's should be able to drag around monsters in order to kill other parties training.


I have to also support the idea that if dragging monsters with paci's are not removed, then we should be able to kill them with vines. I find that fair. One question though, thought vines only worked in the forest so how would they be able to be worked in the dungeons? Correct me if I am wrong on this.

Last but not least, Foamy, stop posting. You are only adding on to the flaming and you are arguing over a point that was never mentioned till you did.

Btw, this goes out to everyone else to.. lets cut the flaming. Either you support the idea or you don't. Just that simple and leave it at that.

ok ill if you think im a noob think again my crits name is wobbly lvl 23 paci so stfu plz and leave me the hell alone , but for this i do not surport it

In Topic: Paci's Draggin

17 August 2005 - 11:58 PM

Foamy, yes all classes drag stuff, but paci's can't be hurt when spelled by the monsters they are dragging, so they are able to drag them over people over and over until they die. Also, since they can cast Greater Pact they just run everywhere with that cast instead of killing things to get through, or invising leader or whole party like other classes do. So as a result areas like chronos and dungeons where 5 monsters on a square was never intended because of the strength of these monsters, are all messed up with 5 wall crawlers, tree frogs, etc. That's how people abuse paci's and screw NM up for the rest of the population, and why them dragging should be stopped.

I don't think I could have explained that any clearer, (correct me if I'm wrong guys).

Edit: I know they have been stopped from chronos, was just usin that as example of what they do to areas, and i agree, they shouldn't be banned from dungeons.

ok ill take that , but greater pact doesn't last long , last like a couple mins then boom dead

In Topic: Paci's Draggin

17 August 2005 - 11:35 PM

so immature