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Dr. Sunglasses

Member Since 09 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2005 06:07 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Halloween Ideas

24 October 2005 - 03:25 PM

Posted Image

In Topic: Your Favorite Game Console!

24 October 2005 - 03:13 PM

Why is this thread still alive...

Anyway so yeah i probably use gamecube the most bc games are weird and addicting and its fun cause most people can pick of games like mario kart and i can play it with my friends or w/e, has hardest game this gen too since dreamcast doesnt count anymore imo.

xbox has mass amount of fps', ninja gaiden, dead or alive, and xbox live owns ps2 network connection, and the graphics that i dont know why people care about so much cause its gameplay that counts.

ps2 has the some of the best games this gen, and most good rpgs, also has metal gear solid, and ico, ffx, and has backwards compatibility with ps1 games

pc has awesome free online, tons of free games, and most mmorpgs, the best ones anyway.

so yeah, snes still owns them all, and alwasy will. :(

p.s: forum acc gets unbanned tommorow woot...

In Topic: /ignorepc

24 October 2005 - 02:58 PM

/ignorepc them...

Edit: Supported

In Topic: How Much?

22 October 2005 - 10:16 PM

Because http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/ is oh so hard to find. :rolleyes:

Initial Cost (at EBgames):



You have three options, as you will see when you create your account: a month-to-month package at $14.99 per month, a three-month plan at $13.99 per month, or a six-month plan at $12.99 per month. Please be aware that the subscription fees for three-month plan and the six-month plan must be paid in full.

In Topic: Fingering

22 October 2005 - 10:12 PM

I can do all 4, and I can do that just bending the tip of your finger too, with all of my fingers. :(