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Insane Reality

Member Since 08 May 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2005 01:01 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Seeing As I Am The Oldest Player...

08 June 2005 - 02:46 AM

aww how pathetic seriously get a life don't ask for stuff that you cant get on your own, and secondly your a poor excuse for a nm player Void so hence.. why don't you roll over and die already so we can have less newbs like you running around asking for stuff.

In Topic: Account Clearance

03 June 2005 - 06:46 PM


In Topic: Account Clearance

19 May 2005 - 05:10 AM

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In Topic: Account Clearance

18 May 2005 - 12:25 AM

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In Topic: Account Clearance

15 May 2005 - 06:40 PM