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Member Since 05 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2005 06:01 PM

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In Topic: §u‡c‡ð€

05 April 2005 - 06:04 PM

True_Sixteen, True_Eighteen just went South.

making some more lvl 10s to join lmao...


Paged User True_Sixteen: whats stats...
True_Sixteen Pages You from The Forest of Souls (Forest of Souls): crap...
Paged User True_Sixteen: makin for clan?...
True_Sixteen Pages You from A Worn Path (South of Nightmist): yup

we have more archs in are acc than you have in your entire clan :D

and ur still nubs lmao :)

and we still own you :D

:P yeah dude ryans not on at all he doesnt play worth crap...

and on that thief kid um that isnt the only thief in that clan
/cough ORI
/cough DAVID

ori attempted to jack me long ago..
david's cool but he jacked jonos little brother.

and gary stfu dude your some little cabbage who thinks hes cool over a game like 3/4 of nightmist heh.

i dont know when ori tried to jack you but i payed my debt i gave up 4 cr's+AOH+sg+sodr so dont bs about that and that is worth way more than 1.8 mill so baisiclly i lost from apperantly "thieving"

ori tried to jack me back when i used to share with niq lol he tried to jack dirty_outlaw.

Your the thief in this situation


you gamme your account but okay :rolleyes:

In Topic: §u‡c‡ð€

05 April 2005 - 06:03 PM

How about if you get jacked, talk about getting jacked, DO the jacking, you just leave your computer out on the freeway and pick it up in about a week. K thx.


for you idiots who didnt no yeah i am a 'thief' ^_^
god jackasses of nm oO
