mikeyoursogayYour the thief in this situation
ori tried to jack me back when i used to share with niq lol he tried to jack dirty_outlaw.
i dont know when ori tried to jack you but i payed my debt i gave up 4 cr's+AOH+sg+sodr so dont bs about that and that is worth way more than 1.8 mill so baisiclly i lost from apperantly "thieving"
yeah dude ryans not on at all he doesnt play worth crap...
and we still own you
and ur still nubs lmao
we have more archs in are acc than you have in your entire clanTrue_Sixteen, True_Eighteen just went South.
making some more lvl 10s to join lmao...
Paged User True_Sixteen: whats stats...
True_Sixteen Pages You from The Forest of Souls (Forest of Souls): crap...
Paged User True_Sixteen: makin for clan?...
True_Sixteen Pages You from A Worn Path (South of Nightmist): yup
and on that thief kid um that isnt the only thief in that clan
/cough ORI
/cough DAVID
ori attempted to jack me long ago..
david's cool but he jacked jonos little brother.
and gary stfu dude your some little cabbage who thinks hes cool over a game like 3/4 of nightmist heh.
you gamme your account but okay