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Member Since 22 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2005 03:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Crit Sale

19 October 2004 - 12:37 AM


In Topic: Off To University

02 October 2004 - 04:04 AM

You're one of the few people I talk with ingame. The only one I know who starts every sentence with a capital letter, properly punctuates it, and spells every word correctly. I just know you're going to change the world some day.

You know where to find me.



In Topic: Picture (2)

19 September 2004 - 09:57 PM

Prisoner of Love. Someone's heart is imprisoned, but it could escape if it really wanted to.

In Topic: How Did You Get To Play Nm?

19 September 2004 - 02:52 PM

I was taking PSP7 lessons online through a mailing list I was on. The instructor mentioned he was making himself a tag for the Message Board of *a different role playing game.* He talked me into trying that game, rolled my first crit for me (Mistique) and helped me a bunch... I got hooked on it. Nightmist was whispered about as being similar to it, but if anything was posted about it on the MB there, it was usually quickly deleted by staff. That game's server was always crashing, and over one long period of no game there, I decided to try Nightmist.

My first "Mistique" here was a cleric and had 14 Constitution but I didn't think it would matter, because I would only be playing until the other game got back up and running. I did post on the other game's MB about NM and invited everyone to try it. I helped some of the other players who I had talked into coming to NM learn the basics of it, healing them and showing them around town. I never left the town of Nightmist on my own, since I was used to the automap feature of the other game and couldn't figure out which way to go once I left the safety of town.

I returned to the other game, playing NM once a month or so for a little while. Then I read on the Forum here about Pacifists being introduced someday and I knew I would play this game exclusively if that happened. About that same time, my best friend in the other game had to stop playing due to IRL stuff... I quit playing that game and moved over to NM full time. I haven't signed my Mistique crit on in that other game since April.

In Topic: Roller Stat Colors.

09 September 2004 - 04:54 PM

I noticed it, too, before this last update.


But I have gotten used to it. I now stare blankly at the numbers while rolling, and like a flash of light in the 'mist', the perfect stats shine through. :P