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Member Since 02 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2005 09:57 PM

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In Topic: Wtf

02 January 2005 - 09:30 PM

we all kno this is a lie, we all kno noones stupid enough to rob someone and then juss give the password right back, its common sense, so explain that one, and juss wanna say, i lose out on this stuff wit this acct, some was mine, and rest of it was gonna be mine, now i dont get my stuff or the stuff soon to be mine... so guess what that means, its open season once again and the famous ed/bill are back in the ball game, since noones banned, plz watch urself, good day

So, in other words you were planning to gain half of the stolen stuff in the first place? and now you are telling people to watch out because your going to start stealing again? That is what it looks like you are saying to me.