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Member Since 30 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active May 17 2006 04:10 AM

Topics I've Started

What Has This Become?

17 May 2006 - 03:21 AM

Seriously now... Before when i played... This Forum was actually alittle amusing. Now it seems to be dulled down to an elderly billboard at a bingo rally. What happened to all the topics on people having Beef with eachother or people makin fun of noobs. *shakes his head in dissapointment* NightMist has truley become a nulled game.


Bubba Be Leavin You

06 January 2006 - 07:25 AM

Later... Adios... Hola or whatever they say.

Oh yeah... a 5 stat Elf was put in the restore thing named Garithos i beleive... i think Charisma was like 12 or 13 or something. pw for it is hellothere123 Just incase anyone wants it. :(

World Of Warcraft

24 September 2005 - 08:48 PM

Is it worth buying? And are there prepaid cards you can buy instead of payin monthly? ...I must know...


17 August 2005 - 05:42 PM

I got a kick out of this...


Redneck Rapper...

07 July 2005 - 07:57 AM



First link is the link to his songs... The second is the picture of the dude rappin. Tell me what you think of that. ROFL. (Homie is gonna kill me HAHA!)