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Member Since 02 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2004 11:05 PM

Topics I've Started


12 December 2004 - 08:40 AM

Time for a useless race post

Strength: 11 The race is abundantly weak do to thier small size.
Intelligence: 22 Most intelligent race to associate with the human kind.
Dexterity: 20 Fast and nimble species due to thier size.
Constitution: 17 Thier lack in size depletes them in some hardiness.
Wisdom: 20 Although intelligent, the race somewhat lacks a desire to delve int the phylisophicals
Charisma: 19 Same in charisma as Humans...

Classes would be: Cleric, Druid, Pacifist, Thief, Mage,

Need A Clan

07 December 2004 - 10:35 AM

Well, Unrestrained Abnormality is finally dead, im conceading to the facts. So here I am now, looking for a clan. Rescently I have been in Unrestrained Abnormality, The Aviators, The Resistance, Beyond Betrayal, Original Pranksters, and a few others. My alt base is small, and since I'm restarting the game, they're all low levels. I've been a member of UA for 2 years, and would love a new clan that will be around for awhile and that has experienced players. I know my way around most of the game, including Giant Chameleon, Chronos, and Fortress yet lack skills in areas like dungeon and mount frostburn (sp?). If you need to ask me anything, my ingame name is Cope.


02 December 2004 - 10:40 PM

all low levels

21 x 18 21 18 10+
21 x 18 21 18 15+ x2

18 x 21 18 18 16+ x 2

16+ 21 20 18 19 17+

19 x 19 19 19 18+