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Member Since 22 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2005 09:32 PM

Topics I've Started

Mailing System

05 December 2004 - 06:59 PM

I was going back and forth from nightmist to blackthorn selling stuff and i thought what if there was like maybe a postal service to send stuff to other towns it would work like the bank to hold stuff like sending money with that money order thing and also like the vault for items. You could send your own stuff and pick it up there and do what you need with it without having to travel everywhere all the time. You could even send stuff to other people and they can pick it up at a post office in that town. Since it worked like the vault they would have there own little like holding plac for it. You could charge for shipping stuff like maybe give the items weight like maybe something simple such as light, heavy, really heavy, something like that, Or just charge it by its type like weapon, armor accessory. Stuff like money orders would just ship for stamp cost like they regularly do. it would safer even to do this instead of like /give or /drop because it would help to lessen people steal items from other people cand it would be a lot less of a hassle.

Monster Health

22 October 2004 - 11:28 PM

Maybe the monsters should have a health bar under their picture to help see how much you got him killed. Also they should have a health and total health setup like the character (such as health/total health) by the healthy condition/slightly wounded/moderately wounded/mortally wounded part whenever you look them over. That would be a lot more helpful than just seeing the health condition whenever you look them over.