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Member Since 01 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2016 04:07 AM

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In Topic: What's New?

25 September 2016 - 04:06 AM

Personally I Agree with Kakarott, Nightmist was originally intended for multi-use its always been the intent for Nightmist, 1-alt was a test to see if JLH and PAndilex could get the core of the game to function properly as a single user instance for the reveal of Opal Spheres back in the day, but things fell thru corruption amoung staff and numerous other issues arose and set the 3d Upgrade of Nightmist back a few years, then when 1-alt started receieving a larger number of players, and multi-alt started dieing out, they aborted the production of Opal Spheres, but 1-alt was never meant to stay around aslong as it did, but it did due to certain players whining about the removal of the services due to them "working so hard 30'ing toons". but other then that, there are still a few of us original Multi-players still lurking about, that take joy in running around killing things and taking bosses etc.