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Member Since 23 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2012 11:45 PM

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In Topic: Name For New Training Area

02 August 2012 - 07:06 PM

Not Running through the Jungle with CCR as the main boss? & Heard it Through the Grape Vine as a mini boss in the grape vine clearing?

In Topic: Main Checkers

27 June 2012 - 03:39 AM

I don't think all areas of the game should be log to local. I think i have provided a solution to running past everything below. As well as given a better explanation of what areas should be log to local.

- At the entrance square(s) of areas that pacifists don't belong in make that first square a no pacifist square. That seems simple enough.
*All areas should have this unless they meet the criteria of the exceptions below.
~Areas that have heal to kill monsters
~Areas that pacifists need to pass through to get to heal to kill monsters
~Towns that pacifists have to be able to get to.
`Note: Monsters and bosses such as Banshee that are heal to kill should not apply. A single pacifist isn't going to solo banshee.

- All bosses should have a strong KTP monster that blocks the use of a solo druid or mage from checking bosses.

- All squares near the bosses or where keys are found should be log to local.
*An example would be the non log to local square in the chronos temple. As well as the room to get orbs for the dungeon. The icy cavern by banshee. ect. ect.

The point is that the game shouldn't be as easy as just logging on a checker to see what bosses are in. It shouldn't be as easy as just logging on a character to gather keys. As i said in my previous post. It's not far off from just having a command that shows all the bosses that are in, and if we are in fact in the business of making things easy. We could delete all areas and move all the bosses to the meadow. I am of the mind that it wouldn't hurt for things to take a little more effort. Why must checking for bosses be a matter of instant gratification. I feel like there are simple things that can be done to prevent boss checkers and characters that gather keys. I don't feel like players that might get upset over the extra effort have a valid complaint. Please, please, please tell me that "I want to be lazy" isn't being accepted as valid.