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Member Since 30 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2010 06:30 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Staff

31 January 2009 - 02:32 PM

I do appologize for my temper. That was uncalled for, this post was supposed to be taken seriously. As HellsAngel said many many times before. It was another staff member that told him to post to see what the playerbase thought and so the staff could see what the players did think. The only replies that were supposed to be on here were yes or no's to the idea of expanding, and nominees for the staff position. The point of there being a new staff member, and I'll say this again, was to take the stress off of the exsiting staff members. That way Elf isn't the only one trying to work on Nightmist. This is what the staff member wanted HellsAngel to do. And as to the staff member position.....Yet again I will say, I am not interested in such a position. I have no time for such a thing, I am a mother of two children who will be starting college as well as a job. I'm going to be hard pressed to do that let alone have time for a game. The players deserve someone who can actually devote at least a descent amount of time to the game.

HellsAngel just brought it to my attention that the way I made it sound was like the staff member agreed with his idea. The staff member just listened to his idea and told him to post it to get the opinions of other people. I am sorry if I made it sound otherwise that was not my intent.

This post was in no meant to sound like I'm sucking up and trying to get people to vote me staff again, or whatever. Even if people did, I would decline. The playerbase deserves someone more dedicated than I could be. My only intent was to applogize for childish behavior after complaining about your guys childish behavior. (what can I say a true American trait, hypocrisy, well more human trait, but w/e lol :-D)

If you choose not to take the appology. Fine, no skin off my nose. I did this because I knew what I did was wrong and I knew I had to fix it. I've corrected my mistake.

edits were due to missing letters from typing with a wrist brace on.

In Topic: Staff

31 January 2009 - 03:15 AM

All I got to say about this post is "Lol"

(Please note that I did not read all topics just the main one and a few few random ones that caught my eye {Like Jay pointing out the accounts being made all in the last 24hrs, lol} I will read over it move tomorrow after work maybe... but as it stands right now... Lol....)

<3 Scripto :ph34r:

Absolutely good F-ing job morons. This is why HellsAngel said no fighting. No wonder things aren't getting anywhere with this game. Staff is having too much fun laughing at you guys. And I don't blame them. I would too if I were one of them. In order to get anything done in life people have to cooperate! Instead of taking things seriously and trying to find a way to make things better for everyone. You had to indulge yourselves in petty d**k measuring contests. Good job to those of you who have screwed the game up for the rest of us. I was actually looking forward to Nightmist becoming less stagnant. So much for that idea.

In Topic: Staff

31 January 2009 - 12:49 AM

People can't be chosen as staff because of one or two 'cool' ideas. If this was true, Alan would've been staff a long time ago :ph34r:

I do think that this problem needs addressing, on both servers, but I don't see why you are trying to address it. Staff members are needed, but maybe not full staff members. People who have the ability to run moshes, teleport, keep a good events calender going maybe? Something like that. They should also be chosen or nominated by those who are going to be working with them, the staff team themselves. It shouldn't be a popularity vote.

I do agree with not full staff. I think Hells had dsaid that too if not oh well. Very good idea. I wasn't saying it should if it came across that way my apologies.

In Topic: Staff

31 January 2009 - 12:22 AM

Why are you worried about staff, becoming staff, or even making new staff members. Why arent the people who THINK they could be staff members actually do something prior to being a staff member. If ur dedicated to new equips and areas go and create them on paper. then come back and run your proposals/ideas to staff or on the forums. Nothing says you have to be a staff member to think things up.

As far as a new staff member there is many key factors to take in consideration:
*the amount of time you can put into the game
*knowledge of the game
*your attitude - this pretty much rules 90% of players out of my vote lol

People have posted with new ideas and staff said there was not enough players. The point was that in order to have more players we need new things to attract players, new and old. Staff is very busy, we all know this. HellsAngel was trying to come up with a compromise. If you doubt posts have been made check out Tietsu's post which is in the same section as this one. I believe he had an absolutely perfect idea and it was tunred down.

In Topic: Staff

31 January 2009 - 12:09 AM

If this was even remotely possible, I wouldn't suggest any sort of player vote, nor knowledge of the votes even happening. I'd say leave it all up to staff. If the players know about it, they're gonna try to show the staff they're qualified and over-act about it. I just think the chosen member should just get a random teleport to be debriefed on his staff issues and duties and limitations.

That is a very good point. Honestly I did not think of that. Maybe a submission, like people designing the areas and sending them to staff and staff choosing from there. I suggest this strictly because this gives staff an idea what said person can do.