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Member Since 01 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2004 06:29 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Puppy

21 October 2004 - 06:30 AM

You should have named it Muppet.

In Topic: What Is The Best Soda

21 October 2004 - 06:25 AM

Soda is bad for you. It makes your bone structure weak.

In Topic: Mountain Dew

21 October 2004 - 06:20 AM

There are so many things going around about that soda im starting to think it's true... MOUNTAIN DEW KILLS THE BABY MAKING MACHINE. Nuff said :P

no its yellow #5 makes you grow man breasts... seriously.

In Topic: Star Wars: Battlefront

21 October 2004 - 06:10 AM

I like it alot. I still have to take some time and master the controls. I'm not much of a 3rd person shooter, but I'm starting to like it. Just a little dissapoining because I thought you could play as the main characters as well such as Darth Vader...unless theres something I'm missing.

In Topic: John Kerry Or George Bush?

21 October 2004 - 05:51 AM

I hope Bush wins, but really Im not voting. For one, my vote really doesnt count. Two, no matter who wins I'll still wake up to a new day the same way I do every morning. Three, Im sick of this "You MUST vote" attitude. People have the same right NOT to vote as they do to vote. Im so tired of people being so damn pushy on voting.

Trust me you can do something way more constructive than waste your time voting.. plant a tree, fix your car, buy a lotto ticket, etc. This voting thing seems to be an attempt to just brain wash people imo. If someone from mtv or whatever patted me on the back and told me I have to "get out there and vote!", I swear I'd smack em.

oh and about abortion... the woman should only have the choice to abort if her life was in danger. I say give her the independant right to abort only if she is willing to be accused of murder and go to trial. There is such thing as letting your kid live, and putting him/her up for adoption. People these days dont like to see a sandwich go to waste. Why waste a perfectly good newborn life, when someone out there is unable to have the privledge of giving birth. Most abortions are just selfish acts imo. "oops my bf got me knocked up again, time for another abortion before mom finds out!"