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Member Since 20 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2004 06:42 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Legal Or Not?

03 December 2004 - 02:57 AM

lol.. that is a lot to go through.. now back when reguler nintendo was still a hit there was an old game called wizardy. it made it really easy to accumulate money by making and deleting crits... :unsure:

In Topic: Nicest Person In Nightmist

23 November 2004 - 03:44 AM

Well I'm sure that most everyone nominated is nice. However, im not familiar with everyone. I would vote:

Jurian (for all his hard work).

In Topic: Nmhelper Splash Screen Vote

04 November 2004 - 04:29 AM

I voted 5.

In Topic: Nmhelper V2.0

20 October 2004 - 04:07 AM

There has been a couple of things I looked for and couldn't find. However, it is my online resouse to the game. I refer to it constantly. Good Jod. Excellent resourse. Those of you that don't know what we are talking about will be amazed!

In Topic: Selling Ingame Stuff For Irl Money

15 October 2004 - 01:23 AM

[QUOTE]How would JLH or even us determine the value of a crit or even a whole account?

Not to metion the legal interest involved when a game starts to deal openly with $RL money. That's alot of disclosures to cover to ensure the success of NM. If He's willing to go through the headache of covering his A$$ then go for it. However, in my opinion it would be alot easier for JHL to have control over a P2P enviroment. This game is great! I know alot of people don't want to think about P2P but it would surely be easier for him to control. I'm sure if it's a reasonable cost people would be willing to pay. But, trying to figure out what is reasonable for all well-------------anyway i've rattled on enough..
