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Member Since 14 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2004 03:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Spell Descriptions

27 September 2004 - 11:44 PM

Good job Squee, you just made all of our lives a whole lot easier.

In Topic: Possibly The Best Ideas Ever!

27 September 2004 - 09:05 PM

No.Period.Times 2.

In Topic: Rappy = Ez Pk

26 September 2004 - 05:33 PM

Why the hell is this in the Clan Forum? Posts where it belongs, god damn.

But that IS funny.

In Topic: Theft.

16 September 2004 - 02:19 AM

Theft is overrunning this game, and I think its time for it to stop.
If JLH cannot find enough proof to help the person get their account back, I think people should post it on forums, im sick of people stealing nuts and then saying they are "Man Made Gods". I am pretty sure this clears up who this post is about.
Their rash and unjust actions are making the playerbase of nm look like crap.

They are not the only thieves however, there are "newbs" who steal everyday, and it needs to be brought to the attention to JLH/Sysops. Stealing is based on someones morals, ppl who steal have low morals. As most of you know, I am an ex-thief. I returned things to people, and found it much more respectable to work for your own things. In the end, it feels better for your self-esteem. I can honestly say im one of the better nm players, and I worked for it all this time.

It IS ok to share, but make sure you trust the player 100%, and if possible, know them irl. I share with my brother, and everyone I know irl shares with our IRL friends. You are responsible for your own things, not JLH/Sysops, so treat them as if they were irl properties and you will keep them.

I expect to be flamed for this post, so please flame on, but if you are robbed, please inform me. I am a loser with no life and alot of arch thieves, if JLH cannot do anything to stop theft, ill encourage them to give it back :P..

Ed a.k.a PurpleHaze

Theft is ALWAYS going to happen on ANY game. Thats that. Deal. With. It.

In Topic: Some Level 1's For Sale

14 September 2004 - 05:13 PM

How much you want for Technical?