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Triplex Alteration

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Poll: I would like the Triplex to be: (75 member(s) have cast votes)

I would like the Triplex to be:

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#1 Oracle



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Posted 05 December 2004 - 10:37 AM

Which option you players want will go.

#2 Wind


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Posted 05 December 2004 - 11:38 AM

i think lvl 29 to 30 so we have a good change of winning without having lvl 25 in the triplex like last night i got a lvl 25 lol :unsure:
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#3 Vodka

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 11:48 AM

I may not join events and such. Bleh, I agree with Tanja's first suggestion... so, I'm not voting!
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#4 deadman

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 12:08 PM

make triplex 29-30 with lvl 1-28 mosh after
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#5 Sneaky

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 12:25 PM

Really like the idea, always sucks for teams of 3 arches v. 1 arch 2 expert, heh. Great idea! However... any type of prize for the 1-28 mosh? Since you're taking the possible chance of winning the triplex amulet away, what could you give in its place that would be most beneficial to a lvl 28 and under character?
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combusta said

deimos the noob said no

#6 Oracle



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Posted 05 December 2004 - 04:08 PM

I thought about that when the poll was made. Could do with someone creative making a name like 'amateur triplex amulet' lol. Too cheesy but suggestions are welcome.

#7 Stigmata

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 04:35 PM

Here's my opinion.

The only thing people are complaining about is getting teamed with these lower level players and hence having a reduced chance of winning the match. Why must we change the Triplex (which has been running for ages anyway) just so players have a definate high level team?

To me it's one of the interesting elements to the event, where of course some people are going to get unlucky and team up with lower levels, but let's face it there really arn't that many of them joining (not enough of them to warrant this imo).

These players are obviously new to the game, as they don't have any level 30 characters to use but it shouldn't mean they have to be left out of a communil event simply because a few higher level players get angry when they don't get another level 30 player on their team.

And as for a mosh - well.....whats going to be different there? The higher level players that complain about teaming with lower levels will simply join the mosh on another character and spoil it for the newer players who couldn't join the triplex anyway!

A definate 'Leave it the same' from me.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#8 Metatron

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 05:58 PM

I dont think that there should be an increase in the level restriction untill a staff member is found that will run a lower triplex.
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#9 deadman

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 08:23 PM

The point is that no staff will want to run another event.... but the triplex as old as it is needs to be changed to 29+ the lower ppl dont have a chance of winning anyways so why have them there? to screw ppl out of winning? get rid of them make it 29+.
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#10 Eternyte

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Posted 06 December 2004 - 06:42 AM

Nulled Vote:-

Personally I think 2 Triplex's should be run. One for levels 26-30 and another for levels 20-25. Maybe then a level 1-19 mosh afterwards.

Like Ste said there is more fun in the chance of having a team with 2 level 25's, it just adds to the excitement. Plus it's only for fun, winning isn't everything.

*Just read Maha's post see it Here*

Edited by Eternyte, 06 December 2004 - 06:45 AM.

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#11 MessiahX

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Posted 06 December 2004 - 09:02 AM

I like eternyte's suggestion but I can't see Wes doing two triplex's followed by a mosh. If he'd do it however I'D LOVE YOU FOREVER WES :|!

#12 Ryuku


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Posted 06 December 2004 - 10:12 PM

Same chance for you to get a lower lvl as it is to others, it's fair, even if it may not seem so at the time.

#13 Oracle



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Posted 07 December 2004 - 12:20 AM

The more I think about this and what Stigmata has said here and elsewhere, I agree with his points more than I see the need for this. This poll was never going to be lost either, due to which type of players are likely to see and vote on it here.

I've discussed the options with JLH also and as he soon stated, there isn't a way everyone will be happy without running two events. I'd do it if I could ensure I'd always be available another night and well... at the moment I'm only making half the Saturday nights to JLH's disadvantage :unsure:

I'm thinking after the views expressed to me that we'll keep this Triplex as it is for now.

If you’re going to reply in protest to this, make sure you have valid reasons other than that you’re more likely to win without the level 25s etc.

#14 Lady_Maha

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 01:03 AM

As I mentioned in my other thread already, the current lvl span gives a disadvantage not only to the lvl 30s, but also to the lvl 25s, considering no lvl 25 ever has a real chance at winning that event.

I know it's been asked for and turned down many times, but maybe it really is time to hire more staff simply to run events. Player entertainment/relations staff so to speak. I perfectly understand that you have other priorities in life, as you should have, same with JLH, so I wouldn't want to force a split up triplex on you alone, but we have so many able people that would make good staffers, why not finally take the chance and do it?

I know that with new staff usually comes new harassment, new complaints, but you won't see if someone is fit for the job unless you try it.
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#15 Stigmata

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 01:59 PM

I've spoken to JLH regarding that Maha, and he says hiring new staff would be too much of a risk. Basically, he doesn't want anymore annoying complaint emails, or the added chance of a new staff member cheating etc. I still think i'd fit the position perfectly (and probably would still be willing to try), a long with a few other players that should probably get noticed.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#16 Stigmata

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 02:13 PM

Also - In response to the idea of another triplex.

I noticed you said that the reason you wanted a new event for lower levels is because they don't stand a chance in the high level event?

That statement is pretty much true, and the lower levels stand very little chance of winning, and obviously will reduce the chance of others they team with.

The reason I see no point in this, is because the players from the higher level triplex will simply create alts to fit the restrictions perfectly and go and own the lower level players they wanted out of the first event.

These players arn't going to be rich, and they will be generally new to the game and so won't have crits with good stats and hp, or good items (if they havn't got a single arch) so therefore regardless of what level the crits competing are they are still going to be at the same disadvantage. Sure they may stand a slightly greater chance of damaging crits a few levels lower, but if myself and jess joined, got teamed together with a player who got kicked out of the last event, wouldnt we still be at the same type of disadvantage should we be teamed against 3 players using decked out alts?

Should this event be only open to players that didn't compete in the level 30 event, then it'd have my support, as thats the only way I can see it being actually fair to the lower level players most want kicked out.

As a final note, I joined triplex once ages ago, when few used clerics and I managed to take through 2 'newbs' against decked out arches. I obviously didn't like my chances, but I managed it anyway. Too be honest, the game is getting to the stage for me, where I'd actually prefer the challenge of taking through 2 newbies, than i would teaming up with arches all the way to the final, then getting looked over, and teamed at the end :unsure:
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#17 Lady_Maha

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 02:25 PM

I quite agree that those participating in the lvl29 to 30 triplex should not be allowed to participate in a following lvl 25 to 28 version of it, since the 25 to 28 would be made for those who can't participate in the actual triplex due to lack of master or archmaster crits.

As for JLH's reasoning, I can perfectly understand that he is tired of emails complaining about the unfairness of staff, but I highly doubt the amount of staff members makes a difference. Players will continue to complain with or without added staff, and accusations of cheating will always be an issue, even with the staff that's been around for ages. I think not hiring new staff to avoid those accusations is like avoiding to eat in fear of food poisoning.
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#18 Oracle



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Posted 07 December 2004 - 03:50 PM

The only real way to monitor blocking the same people being in each event would be to run the 2 events along side each other. Anyway there will still be people who have level 28s and not 30s that will enter. It gives something better for that section of the game to enjoy, despite the alts of big people being in as well. I do appreciate your comments on the alted crits being more skilled though :-/

#19 deadman

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Posted 29 December 2004 - 05:58 AM

So are we going to have the change to the triplex or not? Support seems to be toward change.
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#20 Sean

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Posted 29 December 2004 - 02:43 PM

Ste for staff!!!!!
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#21 Oracle



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Posted 31 December 2004 - 12:11 AM

Oracle, on Dec 7 2004, 12:20 AM, said:

The more I think about this and what Stigmata has said here and elsewhere, I agree with his points more than I see the need for this. This poll was never going to be lost either, due to which type of players are likely to see and vote on it here.

I've discussed the options with JLH also and as he soon stated, there isn't a way everyone will be happy without running two events. I'd do it if I could ensure I'd always be available another night and well... at the moment I'm only making half the Saturday nights to JLH's disadvantage :unsure:

I'm thinking after the views expressed to me that we'll keep this Triplex as it is for now.

If you’re going to reply in protest to this, make sure you have valid reasons other than that you’re more likely to win without the level 25s etc.

It stays until a time when 2 events can be run along side each other or you enlighten us on something we've not thought of?

#22 Careface

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Posted 31 December 2004 - 11:14 AM

talked to JLH about it before, but why dont you just automate it? to be honest i really cant see why you dont automate it.. people cant exactly cheat in a triplex (ive never been in one due to timezone differences, but i still cant see why it cant be automated).. it could save a lot of hassles for all of you if staff wasnt needed.. but correct me if im wrong (i probably am, and ill get flamed for it no doubt :unsure: )


#23 Oracle



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Posted 31 December 2004 - 01:36 PM

JLH always said he would automate it eventually. If 2 could be run automatically with a member of staff just overseeing it, things would be ideal.

#24 Gaddy

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Posted 01 January 2005 - 12:43 PM

In all honesty, I'd rather be teamed with a level 25 cleric casting enhance and RF, trying to heal himself and knowing what's going on than an arch that is a moron.
I see more people who don't really use crits in the most advantageous ways than I see experts.

It's not like it really is fair anyway; there isn't really a reason to take level 25s out of the Triplex when people are allowed to sit and do nothing because they don't want to hit their clannie or clannie's party. That is worse than being teamed up with 2 level 25s.

I would say- If you end up changing the event to make it more fair, start with rules about participation. If people are going to join, they should have to fight, be it against friends/allies or not.
I think that is a much more reasonable request and a far less fair situation for members of the Triplex to be stuck with.

Anyway, I didn't think it through before I voted..so I voted for the 29-30 triplex with an expert mosh following..which I still think would be cool and nice to have.
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#25 Tom

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Posted 01 January 2005 - 04:58 PM

agreed ^
Feck Off

#26 Oracle



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Posted 01 January 2005 - 11:37 PM

Gaddy, on Jan 1 2005, 12:43 PM, said:

I would say- If you end up changing the event to make it more fair, start with rules about participation.  If people are going to join, they should have to fight, be it against friends/allies or not.
I think that is a much more reasonable request and a far less fair situation for members of the Triplex to be stuck with.

So true but I think it's been publicly discussed before too?

It's one of those things about drawing the line somewhere and enforcing it, being equal to everyone. Do a forum search for this before anyone comments more.

#27 Bubba

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Posted 02 January 2005 - 08:04 AM

I say 29-30 then 1-28... Cuz then... yeah... I have no opinion on it, My opinions are gone...

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#28 Ë£ Mëxíçåñø

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Posted 05 January 2005 - 03:46 AM


Nulled Vote:-

Personally I think 2 Triplex's should be run. One for levels 26-30 and another for levels 20-25. Maybe then a level 1-19 mosh afterwards.

Like Ste said there is more fun in the chance of having a team with 2 level 25's, it just adds to the excitement. Plus it's only for fun, winning isn't everything.

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#29 Ryuku


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Posted 06 January 2005 - 03:44 AM

I remembered this topic and though I might post something, me (on a friends arch ranger) an arch mage, and expert fighter (had 5stam) beat another team of arch zerker, arch druid, and something else, think it was another druid, unsure, might have been a mage. So a 2 arch and expert team beat a 3 arch team, so it's fair.

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