Like this /clan monster *Name*/*Description (lookover)*/*Phrases (What it can say, seperated by a comma)*/*Picture No. (Such as the pic for the tiger, which the number for is 1207)*/*Can it be attacked (Scroll Down for more info)*/*HP*/*Spawn time*
**Can it be attacked
I thought it would be cool if you could attack your own clan monsters. They shouldn't give xp. Just an idea

And the spawn time and HP - obvious as to what it means.
Btw - the cost should still remain at 50k.
Colors should be able to be used for the phrases and discriptions. You should be able to Change the Phrases and Discriptions and HP, Spawn Time at any time at no extra cost - So maybe a seperate command for that such as /clan monster edit /*Description*/*Phrases*/*HP*/*Spawn time*.
Edited by Stealthy One, 10 November 2004 - 05:06 AM.