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Morph And Spell Descriptions

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#1 Squee



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 05:41 PM

Panther: MyCrit is a panther. He/She has a gleaming coat of jet-black fur and dangerous, yellow eyes. His/Her whiskers twitch at the slightest movements in the area as he/she bares his/her fangs. She/He seems to have terribly powerful legs, each ending in a razor-sharp claw-tipped paws and he/she is in healthy condition.

Leopard: MyOtherCrit is a leopard. He/She glares deeply at you as he/she emits a low growl. He/She is drapped in a spotted hide that makes him/her difficult to see in certain types of grass. He/She is an owner of sharp, deadly claws and a mouth full of hungry fangs that, when combined with an undeniable swiftness and strength, makes him/her a force to be reckoned with and he/she is in healthy condition.

Jaguar: MyUberCrit is a jaguar. He/She stares at you through piercing feline eyes as she looks you over, judging your every move. He/She bares sharp fangs that shine with a remarkable ferocity. His/Her body seems to be a hefty mass of muscles, hinting at a terrible speed and strength. His/Her coat of spotted fur shines dully in the light but it's more than magnifcent none-the-less and he/she is in healthy condition.

Puma: MyDruidCrit is a Puma. His/Her eyes burn with a fierce determination as he/she moves swiftly into position. Just by watching, you can see each of his/her steps are carefully planned out; not a movement is wasted nor made foolishly. His/Her claws gleam faintly in the light as he/she licks her lips in anticipation. There seems to be some kind of terrible grace about him/her despite the hefty build in his/her fore and hind legs and he/she is in healthy condition.

Tiger: NotMyCrit is a tiger. He/She paces slowly through sharp and dangerous eyes. His/Her muscular body is hidden behind a coat of black-stripped fur. A low snarl is heard as a small portion of his/her glimmering teeth appear. There is no fear in this creature and it is more than ready to strike you down swiftly and precisely. His/her tails sways slightly, keeping his/her bulky mass at balance as he/she skulks about while his/her whiskers twitch in the breeze and he/she is in healthy condition.

Thornshield: Early on in a Druid's training, he/she begins to realize that their symbiotic relationship with nature grants them powers otherwise unattainable by others. A perfect example is the Thornshield. After a relatively fair time of study, a Druid can simply beckon the will of nature to create a barrier of rough and fickle thorn-baring vines to raise in front of a Druid to protect him from lesser attacks. This shield follows the Druid around for only a short time, however, so it is usually in the Druid's best interest to study more powerful spells.

Nourish: For days or even weeks on end, a Druid can find him/herself out in the wilderness, combatting the elements for whatever spiritual reason. Because of the obvious dangers, many Druids teach themselves how to pull natural resources (such as water and food) from anywhere they choose. Not only does this help to keep a Druid healthy but it can also be used to keep comrades battle-ready.

Stormwrath: Though a powerful spell in itself, all Druids know this is only a small fraction of Nature's true destructive force. By concentrating deeply, a Druid can begin to invoke terrible, gale-force winds that kick up debris and can cause severe damage to men and their armours. Great bolts of lightning falling from the sky simply adds to the havoc this ability causes. However, because this spell relies greatly on the pressence of open space, Druids are restricted from using this underground (partly for their own safety).

Stoneform: It is often a misconception that Druids can only (if they even possess the ability) to morph into animate creatures. However, to Druids, all things have a spirit; the wind, the earth, the sky and everything else that happen to share this world with them. It is because of this misinformation that many find it surprising when a Druid casts a spell upon themselves to harden and gray the skin to the point where it becomes rough and turgid like actual stone. Of course, this is only used by the more adept druids as carelessness may lead to permanent deformaties and possibly death.

Nature's Fury: Should the sky be well out of reach, more experienced Druids can learn to summon the forces of nature beheld in the earth and the nearby air instead. The fury of mother nature is almost never the same twice; it has been known to appear as quakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and even small tsunami when near sources of water.

Gaea's Blessing: Gaea is a deity highly respected amongst Druids, but it takes much to please the god. More advanced Druids who have already proved their worth can pray to her for a blessing - if she approves, she is known to offer the druid some heavenly protection and heightened senses for a short while.

Note: Special thanks to Crane for writing these last two descriptions.
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#2 Trevayne

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 05:54 PM

go Squee go!
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#3 Gaddy

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:22 PM

WOOT WOOT! Get em added!
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#4 Sean

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Posted 31 October 2004 - 06:49 PM

Add add and if you dont itl make me mad mad :P
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#5 Trevayne

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Posted 31 October 2004 - 08:00 PM

On small problem... The panther description doesn't fit the panther picture terribly well.

Panther: MyCrit is a panther. He/She has a gleaming coat of jet-black fur and dangerous, yellow eyes. His/Her whiskers twitch at the slightest movements in the area as he/she bares his/her fangs. She/He seems to have terribly powerful legs, each ending in a razor-sharp claw-tipped paws and he/she is in healthy condition.

The morph picture for the panther is 1344.
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#6 Julius

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Posted 01 November 2004 - 02:31 AM

Yes, the panther pic seems more like a cougar or mountain lion with its coloring.

But they are all very excellent descriptions Squee. You rock.

Add em.

Edited by Julius, 01 November 2004 - 02:32 AM.

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#7 Squee



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Posted 01 November 2004 - 02:43 AM

Revised - Panther: MyCrit is a panther. He/She has a gleaming coat of stunning auburn tinted fur and dangerous, slanted eyes. His/Her whiskers twitch at the slightest movements in the area as he/she bares his/her fangs. She/He seems to have terribly powerful legs, each ending in a razor-sharp, claw-tipped paws and he/she is in healthy condition.

Sorry about that. I was sure I screwed up on at least one description since I didn't know what images went with what morphset (the panther can easily be mistaken for a cougar). I was just going by the panther that walked into my small town a few years ago (which was obviously a jet-black). ^^;

Thanks for pointing that out. :P

Edited by Squee, 01 November 2004 - 02:44 AM.

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#8 deadman

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Posted 05 November 2004 - 04:36 AM

Very nice Squee good work :P they should be added
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#9 Crane


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Posted 05 November 2004 - 11:24 AM

On small problem... The panther description doesn't fit the panther picture terribly well.

Panther: MyCrit is a panther. He/She has a gleaming coat of jet-black fur and dangerous, yellow eyes. His/Her whiskers twitch at the slightest movements in the area as he/she bares his/her fangs. She/He seems to have terribly powerful legs, each ending in a razor-sharp claw-tipped paws and he/she is in healthy condition.

The morph picture for the panther is 1344.

It doesn't look much of a panther to me - I usually think of panthers of having jet-black fur, but I may be mistaken.
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#10 Angelic

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Posted 05 November 2004 - 02:42 PM

Great job as always, Squee. :P
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#11 Kreaper

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Posted 05 November 2004 - 08:10 PM

great add add
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#12 Squee



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Posted 21 November 2004 - 05:36 PM

Is there something wrong with my descriptions? Am I missing something that prevents it from being put in?

Do I need to make my descriptions more...well...descriptive? Are some just too long?
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#13 Bishop

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Posted 21 November 2004 - 08:24 PM

most likely staff just don't care to be bothered - your writing is great Squee, don't let the (mostly) ungreatful nightmist commmunity cause you to second-guess yourself.

#14 Sean

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 09:21 PM

Yeh Squee, dont let the lazy staff discourage you.
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#15 Thunderja


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Posted 23 November 2004 - 11:03 AM

Great work mate
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#16 Raylen


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Posted 23 November 2004 - 11:36 AM

Just a small thing - could you have a look at the Wolf morph? I can't get it atm, but i remember it is basically a look over of a wolf, just slightly edited. Looks something like:

Cirrus is a Wolf. its powerful jaws...etc.

Obviously this sucks B) - when i next get on i'll post it properly, edited and all :)

Btw add Squee's descripts already ty :unsure:
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#17 Thunderja


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Posted 23 November 2004 - 12:25 PM

Cirrus is a Wolf. his smooth white coat is bristled fiercely atop its neck and down its long back. his cunning yellow eyes are locked ever intently on you, as saliva drips from its gleaming white fangs, which are set in its obviously powerful jaws. It appears extremely agile and ferocious and he is in a healthy condition.

Not too bad I think Alan
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#18 Sean

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Posted 23 November 2004 - 08:11 PM

Wolf description is fine. Just add the rest please.
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#19 Sean

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Posted 23 November 2004 - 08:16 PM

Just talked to JLH over msn and this was his reply

JLH - Nightmist says:
they have been noted for checking over

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#20 Metatron

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Posted 23 November 2004 - 10:20 PM

On small problem... The panther description doesn't fit the panther picture terribly well. 

Panther: MyCrit is a panther. He/She has a gleaming coat of jet-black fur and dangerous, yellow eyes. His/Her whiskers twitch at the slightest movements in the area as he/she bares his/her fangs. She/He seems to have terribly powerful legs, each ending in a razor-sharp claw-tipped paws and he/she is in healthy condition.

The morph picture for the panther is 1344.

It doesn't look much of a panther to me - I usually think of panthers of having jet-black fur, but I may be mistaken.

Panters are really just black leopards, the namefor the black leopard came from its latin name 'Panthera pardus'. :unsure:
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#21 Squee



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Posted 23 November 2004 - 11:42 PM

Just talked to JLH over msn and this was his reply

JLH - Nightmist says:
they have been noted for checking over


And thank you. ^^
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#22 Charon

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 10:20 PM

These were really good descs, but they've been hanging around a little while now B)

Now I know we have the msn confirmation... any chance of getting a confirmation of these via a little 'noted' on the forum? Just to make it a bit more... certain? :unsure:
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#23 JLH



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Posted 18 December 2004 - 12:38 AM

nice, added for next update
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#24 Charon

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Posted 18 December 2004 - 07:37 AM

*Charon bows*

Thankyou ^^
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#25 Sean

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Posted 18 December 2004 - 05:47 PM

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#26 Squee



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Posted 21 May 2006 - 05:24 PM

Description problems have been brought up time and time again. I think it's time to fix 'em.

Firstly, all the instances of "its" should be replaced with he or she as appropriate. Keeping it as "its" kind of demeans the druid - as if the morph were less of a person. Not good at all, in my opinion.

(In my original descriptions, I believe the character is always referred to by gender pronoun rather than generic.)

Secondly, the dangling modifier in the Tiger description seems to really bother some people (myself included). Sure, it makes for a real laugh riot when you picture it, but it's certainly not very professional.

Therefore, I suggest that the first line be replaced as follows:

"Glaring through his/her sharp and deadly eyes, he/she paces about in a dangerously seductive way."

(Yes, yes. It's a little more jazzier than the original, but all in the name of progress, no?)

If there are any more problems with descriptions, please be sure to point them out so we can bother JLH until they're fixed. ;)
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