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Are These Good Stats?

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#1 stefan575

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 03:07 AM

i just made a dwarf cleric and stats are 18 xx 17 21 17 14. also i would like to know which type of cleric is better . a healing cleric or fighting cleric. Also wut would be good race for healing cleric and max stats plz. well thanks

#2 Raylen


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Posted 08 March 2004 - 11:13 AM

Well...i'd advise you to get a dwarf cleric, as they are the best at not getting assassinated and the like, but i would also advise you to get better stats than that. If you have the patience, try and get xx xx 18 21 18 17. Maybe don't worry too much if the charisma is a little bit off though :)
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#3 Arsenal

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 03:23 AM

Charisma does count when for the amount that you heal for but does effect it a whole lot. The difference between a dwarf with max charisma and an elf with max charisma i believe is around 10 hp more. Heres my breakdown. Feel free to add or modify what I say because I dont know all about clerics. Just the basics:

Halfling Cleric: Good for fighting because of their higher dexterity and good strength if u wish to purchase/roll them that way. Although not being able to heal for as much as an Elf cleric they are almost just as good. For halfling clerics are not made to heal for great amounts like the elves are made for.

Elf Cleric: Made for healing. An Elf Cleric can fight but are not usually the ones to pick fights with Halfing, Dwarfs, or even Humans. Elf clerics heal for the most but lack in hp compared to a Human or a Dwarf. I believe that Elves heal for 110 max at lvl 30 with 21 charisma.

Dwarf: Consisting of great hp a dwarf cleric is used for attacking. Dwarf clerics can heal but not for as much as an elf. With DR(Divine Restoration) Arsenal heals for 100 max at arch with 17 charisma. Skilled with a weapon dwarves are and damage they dish out to their enemies. For Fighting i believe that this might be the best.

Human: Human clerics I dont know much about. As I have never had one before I dont know how good they are. As i think they have fairly good hp and can attack for decent damage i believe that they would amount to be a pretty formitable opponent.

Gnome: Gnome clerics I would not make one. I believe that they are overall not that great because they lack in strength and charmisma which a cleric needs.

Half-Elf: I dont know much about Half-Elves either. They probably are pretty good based on their max stats. I have never had one so i would not know how good they are or how much they heal for but i would think it would be around 105 max with DR at lvl 30 wit max char.

Theres my breakdown. Feel free to add things or advise him otherwise if my information given is wrong.

#4 Ryuku


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Posted 11 March 2004 - 04:55 PM

Thats pretty accurate I think, but i also need help. I have an Cleric with 17/forgot/19/18/20/20 is that a good cleric?

#5 alone

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 05:16 PM

Ryuku, for someone who would like to become staff, you seem to not know too much about the game as it stands right now.

Those stats will do you fine.
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#6 Arsenal

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 01:01 AM

*nods his head in agreement*

17 x 19 18 20 20 stats will work great. to bad the char couldnt have been 21 cuz then it'd pwn at arch.

#7 Ryuku


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Posted 23 March 2004 - 04:41 PM

Thank you, I feel so good ive rolled great crits recently. 17/21/19/18/20/15 stat Elf Mage.

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