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Poll: Does beam deal to much damage?

Does beam deal to much damage?

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#1 Epic

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Posted 20 October 2004 - 03:02 PM

Vangelis cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 60 points of damage.
Vangelis cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 63 points of damage.
Vangelis cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 62 points of damage.
Vangelis cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 61 points of damage
Vangelis cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 64 points of damage.

~Epic fell to the floor, his injuries getting the better of him.

He left then i got on my master mage to check..

Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 61 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 62 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 60 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 30 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 62 points of damage.

~24hp's left after 5 stam and 1 slight resist

Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 61 points of damage.
Acapulco tried to cast Beam on you, but you resisted.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 60 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 62 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 62 points of damage.

~51hp's left after 5 stam and 1 resist

Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 62 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 61 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 62 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 63 points of damage.
Acapulco cast a spell and a beam of pure light strikes out, blinding you for 62 points of damage.

~Epic fell to the floor, his injuries getting the better of him.

Now these are all in a row, its not like i did a bunch of attempts then picked the good ones out of the bunch

Edited by Epic, 20 October 2004 - 03:09 PM.

#2 Crane


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Posted 20 October 2004 - 04:56 PM

People probably say the same thing about Druid's Stormwrath.
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#3 Crane


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Posted 20 October 2004 - 04:58 PM

Besides, I think Mages deserve to dish out some damage after gaining 5 stamina and Beam, seeing as how hard they are to train.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#4 Sneaky

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Posted 20 October 2004 - 07:41 PM

Pfft...total luck for having such awesome rounds, unless the equip. would include boots of time + wis ammy. Do all your crits have max wisdom? It's luck that it happened like that, I've fizzled 4 in a row on a journeyman druid.
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combusta said

deimos the noob said no

#5 Squee



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Posted 20 October 2004 - 08:16 PM

I agree that those are lucky rounds. Squee is Archmaster with the highest intelligence possible with elves and it's rare that he'll ever get a full round off. To be honest, his rounds usually are 2 full hits and 2-3 (partial) resists (with an odd fizzle thrown in here or there).
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#6 Epic

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Posted 21 October 2004 - 01:36 AM

I dont know about the first mage that rounded me first try but the master mage i used doesnt have boots of time or a wis ammy on, and yes my char has max wis..as far as druids go, i dont know i havnt tested any for awhile and mines to low of lvl to check...but yeh im sure they are about the same(tho should do lil less dmg then mages will do..after the mages are fixed that is :P )

#7 lowmion

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Posted 25 October 2004 - 04:22 AM

/t Epic
My mage is only master atm, but it doesnt have that kinda of consistant result's, maybe like Squee says you've got 2 exceptional mages,

Judging by your post you're not happy with having 2 such crits, that out perform the rest of us, so maybe you should in the interest of fairness to the rest of nightmist have them deleted.


#8 Epic

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Posted 25 October 2004 - 02:13 PM

lol, well the first one isnt mine..the second one is and hes only master, but hypothetically speaking if i did have a couple mages that seemed to work wonders compared to other mages, i wouldnt vote to keep them the way they are just because its what i have and i want the edge :P ya know?

#9 Tom

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 12:43 AM

belief has that sort of constant result, but whats your point?
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#10 Epic

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 03:16 AM

Point is, the average beam would be fine lowering 5 dmg on the average per stam..but by the results most people dont think so..

#11 Malavon

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 11:35 AM

Hmm... I got an idea. Probably crap but hey :P

Lower the beam damage by 5 or 10 (not sure how much) and give it say a 15% chance to 'blind' the enemy, which would have the same affect as divine light. I think that would make it more interesting anyway... and it would lower the damage so you dont get rounded, but it would also give it a small boost that may help out a lot.

#12 Epic

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 02:29 PM

Not a bad idea

#13 lowmion

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Posted 27 October 2004 - 02:58 AM

If the beam damage was lowered like you ask, then the cleric spell's should also be adjusted to work on mages Beam as well,

That way it would all stay balanced and in line with the other class's damage dealt per stam when spelled up. With less chance of fizzle or resist etc etc.

But who wants to be reliant on clerics ?

#14 Eternyte

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Posted 27 October 2004 - 07:08 PM

Malavon, on Oct 26 2004, 12:35 PM, said:

Hmm... I got an idea. Probably crap but hey :P

Lower the beam damage by 5 or 10 (not sure how much) and give it say a 15% chance to 'blind' the enemy, which would have the same affect as divine light. I think that would make it more interesting anyway... and it would lower the damage so you dont get rounded, but it would also give it a small boost that may help out a lot.

Malavon, on Oct 27 2004, 05:11 PM, said:

Not true. Me and Rich haven't played in like a year ^_^

If you haven't played in over a year stop posting on what you think needs to be updated, because you have no experience in the current matters. Infact, why do you even post on the forums of a game you don't even play?
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#15 Malavon

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Posted 27 October 2004 - 09:45 PM

Wow, someone got pissed off with me not agreeing with him. Go away and come back when you've grown up a bit.

#16 Eternyte

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Posted 28 October 2004 - 02:01 PM

Malavon, on Oct 27 2004, 10:45 PM, said:

Wow, someone got pissed off with me not agreeing with him. Go away and come back when you've grown up a bit.

If you haven't noticed I haven't commented on this thread at all, I'm just very curious as to why someone who hasn't played for a whole year seems to think he has the knowledge of the game and current affairs to says what should and shouldn't be changed.

So, why do you still post on a game you haven'r played for a whole year?
I am the Dragon, before me you Tremble!

#17 Malavon

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 07:22 PM


If you haven't noticed I haven't commented on this thread at all

I meant on other posts, like the 'zerker idea' one :P


I'm just very curious as to why someone who hasn't played for a whole year seems to think he has the knowledge of the game and current affairs to says what should and shouldn't be changed.

Because, when I did play, I knew just about everything there was to know about the game. I haven't forgotten a lot (as annoying as that is), and as I still read the forum, I'm still fairly up to date on what's happening. Up to date enough for me to make a suggestion on one spell, anyway.


So, why do you still post on a game you haven'r played for a whole year?

It's something to do. The only other things I have at to do at the moment is CS (clan matches, the wc3 plug in, it's fun), college (get to talk to friends and stuff) and work for college (so I don't screw up like I did in high school. All Cs when I was predicted As.. meh). It's something to do in the 5 minute gaps I have.

Edited by Malavon, 29 October 2004 - 07:23 PM.

#18 deadman

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Posted 04 January 2005 - 08:24 PM

This isnt the arguments section..... malavon ur not playing the game get a life or somethin maybe? eternyte just let him go its not worth it

beam is fine way it is.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#19 Ryuku


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Posted 05 January 2005 - 08:04 AM

You're just sad cause you get your crit gets rounded by others, but "Hey guess what? Other classes are doing 100s 130s and 180s." Mages are fine now, cept the ez training of lvl 5-20. Which I dislike.

#20 Evergrey

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Posted 08 January 2005 - 11:43 PM

How about making mages useful? keep beam with 21 intel set at 60 dmg<on 20ish wisdom>, and then let the spell variate itself from 70-50 dmg instead of having the small variations... let mages actually have a small chance at rounding a dwarf thief/cleric... and also let them have a risk of failing to round a halfer ranger/thief/cleric.
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#21 hellomoto

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 11:37 AM

Leave mages the way they are. I'm a druid person myself, but I like what's been done with them. No major coding into the game, they've been evened out to the point that yeah, they hit hard but they're also hard to train, so it compensates.

They don't have a one click ability or high HP, they're just more of a solo class(druid, paladin) than a party class(berzeker, theif, ranger).

*goes off to get owned by an archie mage* :unsure:

#22 Penguin


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Posted 14 January 2005 - 02:54 AM

I've owned many master mages and even more of lower levels. They are slightly over powered atm, and unbeatable when pre-casting, but not so overpowered that they should be weakened.

#23 deadman

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Posted 14 January 2005 - 12:12 PM

I disagree with Evergrey mages are fine the way they are now they have no need to try to be able to round dwarves with good hps they can already round mostly every other race least 5/10 an their armor is fine too.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#24 Tom

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Posted 15 January 2005 - 07:45 PM

if people are finding mages too challenging start using wisdom gear
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#25 Bun

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Posted 17 January 2005 - 02:26 AM

why have u got a picture of bill as you avatar tom?

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#26 Evergrey

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Posted 14 February 2005 - 11:08 PM

deadman, on Jan 14 2005, 12:12 PM, said:

I disagree with Evergrey mages are fine the way they are now they have no need to try to be able to round dwarves with good hps they can already round mostly every other race least 5/10 an their armor is fine too.

Let's do some quick comparisons here.

Zerker - usually 19-15 wisdom and 500ish hp's
Mage - Usually 21 intel and 254hp's

Rangers/druids/fighters/etc <anything but thief> Chanceless in the long run.
<seeing as Druid generally has tops 50hp's left after 5 beam or is rounded... and fighters dealing to low dmg>

Zerker is unroundable by a mage yet they have the perfect anti mage weapon... Smite. Which enables them to pretty much click Mages left and right <if they hit, and they do fairly often with a cleric around.>
Thieves can do some nice dmg, if the mage is unprepared or lagged... but Assassinate is affected by the mages AC. And to add to that, any cleric user that's on their cleric holding macro <and isn't lagged> can do 1-3 heals in the time it takes to hold /Cast beam macro or Click it out.

And I have yet to see a mage round a 18 wisdom 21 con Dwarf anything at arch.
But I've seen mages come close to rounding 21-22 wisdom elves with nearly 300hp's <not quite ever succeeded, most likely due to vast quantity of Wisdom mods.>

Mages aren't good as they are right now, maybe on a 1on1 point of view they can atleast seem balanced, but this game isn't played 1on1 it's played 4+ alts now a days, preferably zerkers or other Clicker alts.

Down with the zerker mentality.
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