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The Current Alt Problem Idea.

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#1 Stigmata

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 12:00 PM

This idea has just come to me, yet when I think about it, it seems like a pretty logical thing to do.......

Because the majority use alts, fighting outside towns has become very boring. The reason - because any crit can be rounded within 2 seconds if the right number of alts are used.

To make these fights last longer, which would not only make them more interesting but would give players a chance to actually realise what's going on I suggest the following things :-

Raise the HP for all characters. I don't mean by a few points, I mean either double it or triple it. Having more hp will give players time to think about their next move and plan out their battles, instead of relying on luck alone. With characters having more hp, it will also allow for more variation with spells and attacks - i.e if a crit had 1200hp then it could be coded so that clerics get an offensive spell that does 50 damage, and fighters can hit for 100+ etc etc. (would also allow for more variation on weapon and armor bases)

Critical hit - With more hp on all crits, more devastating attacks could be added, as apposed to just hitting for around and doing about the same damage each time. The way critical hit would work, like in any other game, is as followed - When each attack is initiated the attacker would have a random chance to do more damage than they would usually, this could obviously depend on the character stats, but also on other things such as HP (more likely to score critical with low hp etc).

New spells for each class - Off the top of my head, (I could write a list of spells that would work in nightmist for each class in about 2 hours) I could see a new mage spell working very nicely. Because the HP would have increased, thus needing to do more dmg to kill someone, mages could get Vamparic Touch back. For those that don't remember vamp touch, it did around 40 damage, but gained the mage back 40 hp. Obviously mages would have a more damaging spell, so using vamp touch to gain back hp, sacrificing damage, would add some more strategy to battles.

Party HP - This is the idea that brings all of the mentioned together. Obviously if all characters gained more hp then using alts would still be as devastating as ever.......not if we introduce 'party hp'. The way this works is as follows - If your using more than 1 character and they are partied together then they all get the same hp.
e.g - If I team up with my 5 rangers, each ranger having 1400 hp, then the party as a whole would have around 3000. What I mean by this is that an opponent could attack any member of the party but would still drain hp from every member. If one person takes 3000 dmg then the whole party dies.
Imagine the scene if you will - I'm in a party with 2 clerics, a ranger and a berserker. The berserker alone has 3000 hp, but because its teamed with other crits, the party hp is only around 4000......Because the zerker has the least armor, opponents would be wise to attack it, to elminate the party quickly, leaving alot of room for some strategy! Do you invite a mage to the party, sacrificing some hp for the chance to invis the zerker so it doesn't let the team down? Do you sacrifice attacking with the ranger to hypno your enemies, to give them less chance of killing you? possibilities are endless!

Also, some of you probably won't like this idea, but I think it would work nicely - Because the alt party is being controlled by one player, the whole team would not be as powerful as if the crits were used alone. What I mean is, how can a single person control 5 characters effectively, making the most out of each of their skills and talents........looking at it from a RP perspective, it would be pretty damn hard. This is why I suggest that if a number of alts are in the same party, each crit would notice a small loss of stats............e.g lower dex, lower strength, less stamina regen per round and less attacking power. My reasoning being that if a player is not concentrating on each character, only swapping windows quickly to hit a macros, then how can they be as good as if they were used alone, with the player concentrating fully on just that one crit.............obviously at the moment it is possible to use a crit effectively in an alt party, by swapping and hitting a macros.......which is why it needs to be changed.

Ideas are welcome.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#2 JLH



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 12:06 PM

just wait to see what i have planned for the future
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