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No Massdestruction Weapons In Iraq

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#61 Epic

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 03:18 AM

Go Bush

#62 Dan

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:46 AM

Then who are those people filling up the streets during the RNC and DNC?

Lifeless people with nothing better to do with thier free time.

Driving down the road I saw the best bumper sticker, and I just had to share it. It said the following...

"Help conserve our environment,
Plant a Bush back in Texas."

#63 PurpleHaze

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 08:58 AM

Yea when Bush went at the moderator like he did, that wasn't very respectfull imo. I felt he did more then just whine, more like demanded to have his way, ignored the moderator who was allready speaking and decided that he was going to do as he pleased. This sent out a good message, kind of like: if you don't like it, tough.
As for Iraq, I'm dumbfounded on the whole topic. I also believe this was done for oil. The first things secured were the refineries and oil lines, then they proceeded onto other things. I to this day say that Bush's 2 reasonings were for oil and revenge for his daddy.
Kerry said 2 different things reguarding N. Korea sanctions. In the first debate he wanted bilatteral talks, whereas last night he mentioned pulling in a few more countries to help in the talks. Thats fine, shows that he has an open mind. Whereas Bush is telling us, Unless it's done my way, it'll never work. Bush's way killed our economy, Bush's way put thousands of soldiers into harms way by leading them from the hunt for Osama into an un-needed war on Iraq, Bush's way lost some of our allies, etc... etc... etc...
Bush has been running this country for the past 4 years as if it were a personal business making it so more wealth is put into the allready wealthy's pockets. He wants small businesses to join together as one, not a bad idea except that the economics factors are screwed not leaving competition out there for prices to fluxuate.
I could continue on, but you all see whats going on, some people are just to blind to see it clearly.

(I may have mixed some things up, im at work and not thinking straight, and it is a nice refreshing thing to see how people in other countries view the topic)

im 16 yrs old, yet i know the facts from desert storm, Saddam ordered oil rigs dismantled and refinaries burned (sorry about spelling). This was to in fact, keep us from paying $5 a gallon of gas (although i dont agree $2 a gallon is better)..
We should not need a reason to liberate countries from cruel tyrannies, saddam mustard gassed his people once, what is to stop him from doing it again?
It isnt hard to aqquire nuclear arms, all u need is a nice pocketbook, which iraq certainly has. It in itself isnt a poor country, but the people are.

Please before you post review ALL the facts, I do support bush because he knows how to handle himself in times of war. If you noticed, the unemployment rate was 6% from the 70's-90's, it is "up" to 5.6%.. it is called false media my friends, if there wasnt something to pregnant dog about, we'd be hearing about shark attacks (if neone remembers from a few years back). Bush landed in office in a troublesome times, 9/11, a mooseed up economy which isnt really mooseed up, and corporate scandals.

If the Economy was so screwed up, why is there a 2 hr waiting line at Red Lobster?
Why does the food industry (Mcdonalds for example) make over 1billion dollars a month? People are careless about their money, this is why the economy is nuts, as i previously stated, KNOW THE FACTS BEFORE YOU TALK SH!T!

That is all, ignore my spelling and grammar mistakes, its 5am in the morning here, and im a bit groggy... thats all ill post on the subject, have a nice day! :P

Ed A.K.A PurpleHaze

#64 lowmion

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 09:43 AM

All countries at some time or other have tested things on their civilians, so saying saddam hussein was bad for his ppl because he tested stuff on civilians isnt an excuse.

What you pro-bush types seem to forget is that Iraq has a different culture, a different religion and totally different ideal's.

Whilst at first it was shown on usa controlled tv ppl embracing their apparent freedom from a dictator, they quickly realised that they were to be made a christian type society whether they liked it or not, as their liberator's refused to leave and allow them to ellect who the wished.

Can you imagine being invaded by muslim's, they then enforce the wearing of headscarf's and no alcoholic drink's, no voting for women either, and then when ever a leader of YOUR faith arises, they assassinate him/her etc etc.

If Australia/USA was in danger I'ld have supported the war.

If there was ANY evidance at all I'ld have supported the war.

Heck I'ld have joined up.

But there wasnt any real proof nor proof of Saddam moving the supplies to Iran either, but that's another debate.

P.s what's an illegal combatant?
Is it someone that America doesnt santify to defend their belief's/country ?
Is it a way to get around the genever convention and not call prisoner's of war what they are?
And what about american troops not being allowed to answer to war crimes?

Australia's president isnt a saint either, and seems to be doing a monica on bush, but c'mon guy's , you do live in a democracy ? or are ya being suppressed by a Christian dictator, and not aware?

#65 Cule

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 02:09 PM

Wheres saddam now btw? :P

#66 jurian


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Posted 10 October 2004 - 02:22 PM

prison :P
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#67 Cule

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 04:02 PM

yeh i figured that out ...

but where, america?

#68 jurian


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Posted 10 October 2004 - 04:03 PM

i think they moved him to a secret location now? i dunno haven't heard much of it lately other then that he was doing well or something.
Even in death my hate will go on

#69 Cule

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 04:08 PM

So what they charge him at? genocide?

#70 Lich

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:24 PM

I beleive that was one of the 50 charges.
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#71 Dan

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Posted 10 October 2004 - 08:19 PM

Ed, I do know the facts. You questioning about Red Lobster lines and the McDonalds industry aren't what I considder the national economy, they are major corporations. Yes they are a small portion but in whole what I was saying is that back when Clinton was in office our economy was in the black, our national debt was looking smaller and smaller, whereas now were so far in the red it is rediculous. These resturants are also benifiting from paying low wages to employees with little to no health benefits.
Much of the job increase is due to simple population growth. Adjust it for that, and the per-capita growth is less than 6%. Tons of jobs have been outsourced making millions of Americans jobless so that the corporations could save a few pennies.
The middle class is actually shrinking in size where the lower class is growing and the upper class has also shrunk about .4%.
Now granted yes people are careless with money, most households are worse off economically now than they were when the President was sworn in.
Bush is giving the better incentives to those who make 200k per year and over, Upper class starts at $75,000 per year. So yes it is those major corporations, poloticians, doctors, lawyers, etc.. who are reaping the rewards, whilst everyone else is getting the small handouts like paupers.

Also, Burning refineries and plants would make our gas costs go down? Where did you get this information? In the 25 years I've been driving every time something happened to oil plants/refineries my gas cost went up. I do remember the gulf war and I had alot of family/friends/co-woorkers who fought there. That would have been the time to take Sadam out of power, but it wasn't done. We waited untill something major happened then decided to rush into something we weren't prepared for. Had we finished one thing at a time, we might have Osama right now, but we don't so now we still have this burden on our backs of not 1 but 2 countries we are trying to reform. Sadam may have had the cash to obtain what he wanted, but plain and simple HE DIDN'T HAVE IT. This was no reason to go there. Thats like saying I "think" my neighbor has a gun that he "could" kill me with if he wanted, so I ran him over with my truck this way I'd feel safe. Kinda stupid ain't it?
Bush stood on an airline carrier with a banner saying "Mission Accomplished" flying behind him. This is far from Accomplished, and had it been done properly without dollar signs in his eyes maybe everyone would be breathing a little easier, but no, we were told that unless Bush is re-elected we will be hit again. Pretty convienent coming from one of the people benifiting monitarilly

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