Not Another Poll
Posted 06 October 2004 - 05:51 PM
Posted 06 October 2004 - 07:20 PM
They may get teased. Every child gets teased for something, either your to fat, or your black, or your poor, or your a plethera of other things, if you have parents who are good parents they are going to help you through it and teach you how to turn it into something that will drive you.
It's not the way it was meant to be, how the bloody hell do you know did you create the world? Don't say because the bible says so, I am not christian nor will I ever be so come up with an arguement that doesn't require religon as its base, and the we would have different parts your body is proven naturally bi sexual. Who you love is not controled by sex or you would never be attracted to another women once you were in love. So therfore that arguement is Idiotic as well.
The thought of them walking in on daddy and daddy is disturbing, no more so than you walking in on your NORMAL parents because to them it is normal, and would have to be handled the sameway. So I find that arguement more idiotic than the rest.
We are not gods, and religion has no play in the lives of those who don't beleive in and I feel that the beliefs of any religion should not be forced on the whole, and that is what is happening now when people say gay people shouldn't be allowed to... It is the same that if my religion now listed as the second biggest in the world when all denomiations(sp) are added was to become stronger and say that from now on Christians and any religion based on the bible were no longer allowed to pray using their gods name whatever it be.
In my religion being gay is accepted a normal natural of life, and me as a person am smart enough to know that no religion even my own has a place in politics where people of many faiths, many beliefs must live together. I use chritians more than others in my arguement because for every one good christian i have met i have seen five that were fanatic's. So I ask if you feel that this does not apply to you ignore it.
I have my reasons why i dont believe the bible, and most every arguement i hear as to why gays should not be allowed to do what ever is because the bible says so. This is suppose to automatically be accepted when there are so many holes in the bibles beleifs, that every scientist in the world state there is no proof to what is said with in it at all. Yet it is still accepted that what is said in it is an automatic truth. WHY? Because god says so. Where have you talked to him have you physically sat down at a table with him and had him say to you this is fact. No and if you say yes let me get you your jacket its the white one with the long arms right? Oh don't mind the locks they are ummm seat belts.
I really have no problem with christians as in single people. DC I have never had a true problem with he tends to think out his arguements and bring forth his veiw even when religion based as a decent arguement, others Like Jasmine no not to preach at me and i wont pick holes in it. But sadly enough the vast of majority of christians I have met would rather force the world to their beliefs then to go by what the book they belive in so strngly says. Do unto other as they would have you do unto you. You would not have me force my beleifs on you, You would not have me bend you to my beliefs of right and wrong. So why do you do it?
End rant.
Posted 11 October 2004 - 05:35 PM
Well that will be all for now
Creator of All Things Fluffy
Posted 11 October 2004 - 05:47 PM
Dan, on Oct 2 2004, 11:11 PM, said:
lol Yeah.no
Edit: Some/most of us accidentally walked in on mom and dad doin the deed.... The thought of a child walking in on dad and dad smokin pole is disturbing.
I disagree, they shouldn't be allowed to adopt.
Posted 11 October 2004 - 05:50 PM
Anyway, with this bullying crap:-
"OMG...you have 2 gay dads, hahahaha"
"so, who cares"
"i'm gonna beat you up coz you have gay parents"
"do that and my dad's gonna beat you up"
"and my dad will hurt your dad, coz my dad's bigger"
"well, my 2 dads will beat the crap out of your 1 dad, loser!"
Imagine having 2 dads, as a child you'd win all arguments. Plus in todays society it doesn't matter. Aslong as we don't bring out own children up to be racist or homophobic, then it boils down to our problem.
Posted 11 October 2004 - 10:22 PM
adoption should not be a matter of sexuality but a matter of love, doesnt matter if you have a mom and dad if they dont love you its just not right.
the only thing that i can see come out of gay parents is a more accepting child.
Posted 12 October 2004 - 10:52 AM
What the hell is some people's problem with homosexuality?
Is it a moral issue?
Morality is your own affair dictated by the current social mores. To my knowledge homesexuality is legal in most 1st world countries, therefore morally its acceptable.
Is a conceptional thing, in that you personally can't concieve of being, or practising homosexuality?
There are numerous sexual practicies indulged in by consecting adults that the majority of people cant concieve of. S&M, bondage, foot worship etc. Just because it doesn't rock your boat, doesn't mean we should outlaw people's practice of it.
How about the old chesnut of animals are built to be homosexual.......
Well besides the well documented evidence that plenty of animal species can be homosexual, neither are they designed for space travel, so guess we should ban that to? Maybe if you're Amish foo! in which case what the hell are you using a puter for you hypocritical idiot?
Or the ethical argument?
2 things to say to that! 1st, give me god's phone number so I can ring him up and ask him direct and if he says homosexuality is wrong then the dude is a bigot and he can f off with all the other facists!
2nd I just rang Santa and the tooth fairy and they agree with me!

Posted 16 October 2004 - 08:26 PM
Posted 08 November 2004 - 04:37 PM

Crith/Angelic in-game.
Posted 08 November 2004 - 04:49 PM
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