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#31 Wolfgang

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 03:58 AM

/me drowns in the sarcasm from that statement...

Get over it. Stormwrath is a mid-level spell. Its pretty much expected that you'll morph instead at higher levels.

What the what?

#32 Epic

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 04:39 AM

:) , well okay okay...."i fought the law and the..law won.."

#33 dec

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Posted 20 March 2004 - 10:28 AM

nice song that.
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#34 Kalypso

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 11:45 AM

On my druid I have about 29 wis, can have up to 30 with all mods and I never fizzle, of course we're talking about 30 wis.

Druids are a pretty powerful class I would hate to think of them fizzling less, lol. Someone stated above that Stormwrath was a mid level spell, try low lvl.. but I guess one would expect us to use morph at high lvls. :)

I guess it's kinda like dual shot on rangers, you use it till the next most powerful attack ( rapid fire )..but then again, wouldn't flaming arrow be the most powerful attack, it being obtained at lvl 28? *shrug*
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#35 Epic

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 08:52 PM

I wasnt saying that the mods didnt help fizzing..my druid without mods doesnt fizz that much..im saying the mods dont increase the damage of stormwrath for nuts

#36 Kalypso

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Posted 23 March 2004 - 11:18 AM

They do though, but just by very little.
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#37 Gaddy

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Posted 23 March 2004 - 09:17 PM

Epic, on Mar 11 2004, 05:27 PM, said:

Anyway, no point in arguing about something completly diff. if wisdom mods dont even help a druids dmg(or anything else for that matter) then wtf is the point of having them in the game

1 wis = about 7 armor on a druid w/ spells i think.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#38 Vampyre

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 02:11 AM

I think 1 wis is a difference of 4 armour. 2 from gaea's and 2 from stoneform. However I could be wrong. I don't remember much anymore... x.x All this useless information from school is pushing the important things out, like NM... ^.^;;

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#39 Reborn

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 05:07 AM

Zephie, on Mar 22 2004, 11:45 AM, said:

On my druid I have about 29 wis, can have up to 30 with all mods and I never fizzle, of course we're talking about 30 wis.

Druids are a pretty powerful class I would hate to think of them fizzling less, lol. Someone stated above that Stormwrath was a mid level spell, try low lvl.. but I guess one would expect us to use morph at high lvls. :)

I guess it's kinda like dual shot on rangers, you use it till the next most powerful attack ( rapid fire )..but then again, wouldn't flaming arrow be the most powerful attack, it being obtained at lvl 28? *shrug*

30 wis? just curious what items you got to reach 30 wis?

#40 Wolfgang

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 05:13 AM

I think she means spells, as well as items. >_>
just a guess.

What the what?

#41 Raylen


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Posted 24 March 2004 - 10:36 AM

Library info for Ring of the Wise:

Level needed to equip it: 1, Strength modifier: -2, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 2, Charisma modifier: -4.

4 of those will help you on your way :)
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it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#42 Satterlee

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 10:29 AM

/who Reborn

That crit can do 70s-80s, so the whole

(Level+Wisdom)*1.5 = Damage

makes sense.

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#43 Wisdom

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 06:41 PM

You raise your arms, and summon a storm to strike on Driveby for 53 points of damage.
You raise your arms, and summon a storm to strike on Driveby for 52 points of damage.
You raise your arms, and summon a storm to strike on Driveby for 54 points of damage.
You raise your arms, and summon a storm to strike on Driveby for 54 points of damage.
You raise your arms, and summon a storm to strike on Driveby for 53 points of damage.

Took two trys, I fizzed out big time, but second time was good. My stats are 18 17 19 18 21 23 With mod and 18 17 19 18 20 21 without.
Online characters: Wisdom

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