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Ranthak's Horde

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#61 Charon

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 11:44 PM

Ne'Kales was taken aback by his laugh... wondered for a moment if she had done something wrong, but the again... maybe it was just amusing to the man that she had tried to imitate them.

With a wry smile she realised her attempt at their chant was likely as laughable to them as their drow would be to her.

"'Creator, give us strength. Creator, give us courage. Creator, give us victory.' hm?" Ne'Kales repeated "Well strength, courage and victory are doubtless things we shall need" she nodded with an almost softened smile that looked almost out of place set on her angular features...

A smile that hardened the moment Ranthak turned, as he swept his gaze across the men and her besides them. She could have sworn some of them visably shuddered as his glowering eyes fixed on them... for however brief a time his eyes stopped on her, hers stared narrowly back, dark and elegant and dangerous until he turned away to lead once again

Their obediance was amusing in its way... yet again he spoke and they jumped. She herself squinted a moment to peer at the path they now trod.

As she smiled a rather faint, but sardonic utterance of "Well, I wouldn't want to die" carried through the air.

She was used to rock, the underground caverns and steep inclines of her home very much like this slope, only without the snow... and no matter how bright the light was on the snow, this shadow was more than prepared to slip lithely over the rocks rather than down the trodden path.
The path of mushed snow, dead weed and flattened rock that Ranthak left behind him would offer her no grip whatsoever. She stepped forwards tenderly so as to test its depth before stepping lightly down.

The men were already scuttling along in their masters footsteps... but her own first steps were wary... one... two... three... then confident, her balance gained, she shifted her weight with each step to maintain that balance before she made her way over the rocks at the edge of the path they wore

Before they might have doubted her, humoured her as she struggled but now they struggled downwards while she caught up with them almost effortlessly.

"He likes trying to keep us on our toes, eh?" she asked perhaps a little breathlessly as she flashed her grin again, treading her way alongside them...
Or no, ever so slightly ahead of them... ever so slightly ahead of them, with her eyes fixed on the back of the man who was yet further down the slope.

Edited by Charon, 07 October 2004 - 11:45 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#62 Squee



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Posted 12 October 2004 - 01:44 AM

"...It's nearly mid-day," Ranthak seemingly scowled behind him when he could hear the steps of someone behind him; too graceful for his brutish men so it had to be the Drow.

"...If this is too much, we can sit and eat while you catch your breath."

Ranthak knew first hand that Drows were a terribly stout people; more than keeping up with himself. However, just like Ne'Kales pushed him, he would push right back.

Now that Ne'Kales had obviously shown that she could surpass (both literally and figurative, as he guessed) his men, he wanted to know just how high she could jump, given the opprotunity.

He taunted her...which was rare for a man like Ranthak. He didn't usually want to size up an opponent. They were all inferior to him; some more than others. However, there was always the odd "would-be hero" that would amount from all village ashes that he left in his wake. Usually a teenage stragler who was probably hidden away in some cellar by his parents. Days after Ranthak left the village to burn to the ground, this peasant hero would come knocking on his door-step, demanding retribution with an inferno of hate and seething rage burning deep in his eyes.

These people Ranthak had to size up. These were the ones that, if not taken care of, could lead to one's demise. At their clash of swords, Ranthak would tease and "fool about" his opponent to see how he would react. The only ones that dared to challenge him were too mad and blind with vengeance.

They were crushed under Ranthak's heel.

"...Or we can start a fire if it's too cold up here for your bones."
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#63 Charon

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 01:30 PM

"Rest already?" oh yes that response was planned, the inflections in her tone scripted... but it would have an effect, that much she knew. As she grinned her eyes sparkled in the sunlight she could have sworn was trying to blind her, sparkled with a playful maliciousness... "I have no need for rest" Ne'Kales dismissed matter-of-factly as her short, balanced steps brought her swiftly to the brutish mans side

"Of course if its you and your men who are longing for rest and food, I can wait for you" she murmered provocatively, just loud enough for him to hear as she kept pace besides him, looked up with a slight smirk as she directed his own words back at him.

The cold wind however... that did indeed bite at her, but at the least it offered some meager compensation for the burning sun in the skies above. Her eyes weren't as sharp as they were at night... indeed the brilliant sunlight on the snow meant she had to squint in treacherous places but... no, the cold was keeping her alert. She was thankful for it.

Yes it was uncomfortable, but no, Ne'Kales was not about to admit weakness.

"Don't worry yourself over my bones" she sneered "They are more than strong enough to hold me up, and my weapons besides. I'm sure you have greater concerns than my wellbeing"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#64 Crane


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Posted 13 October 2004 - 01:07 AM

(To Helevorn...)

"Not everyone talks to their deity in any one way, Helevorn. Some talk, dance, sing, meditate..." Europa was interrupted by a huge explosion of golden light from the East.

"A new day begins," he said aloud to himself. "My duty is done for now. I bid you good day, Helevorn." He gracefully bowed to the Druid and disappeared into Arilin, and then into the Large Forest beyond. It was only then that he realised he had totally forgotten about Styx.

"I have been so rude, Amadora," he apologised to his deity. "For I have unintentionally abandoned a friend and felt bemused by Helevorn's dance."

"Fear not, Europa," Amadora gracefully replied. "The night has been long and tiresome."

"What of the turbulence?"

"I feel the presence of a Drow spirit entering our domain... a ritual suicide before the evil that causes the rifts in our realm. The spirits sense the enemy is moving."

"Where are they to be heading?"

"We are uncertain." Amadora actually knew, but she did not want to break the news to him that Squee and the source of the evil, Ranthak, were on a direct collision course.

(Sorry if the timeline is a bit inconsistent. It is still dawn from where Europa left off but it is now midday where Ranthak and Ne'Kales are... Europa is probably resting by now! Sorry also if I have kind of God-modded via playing the role of fate by directing Squee and Ranthak towards each other)

Edited by Crane, 13 October 2004 - 01:14 AM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#65 Squee



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 01:12 AM

((I think we all knew that Ranthak and Squee were going to have some kind of run-in so that's okay to assume. ^^ Also, the time lines are pretty close so no worries there either. :P))
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#66 Charon

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Posted 13 October 2004 - 04:42 PM

"An' th' mo-wast Hiy-ya Pay-see-feyst Yuro-wa-pa... ay-sant vayree tal-kay-teeve it seems" Helevorn sighed as the man swiftly excused himself and she turned back to the horion, watching as Squee truly did dissapear from sight

<You do nae know quite the dangers that lurk up there little one... So I do hope you know what you're doing> she thought almost sadly. Some part of her wanted to follow... some part of her always wanted to explore that she had not yet seen, but good and excuse as this might have been she could not deny the voice she heard right now...

Well, she could, but she would not.

She tapped her staff lightly against the ground three times as she turned, and then in her dark and abyssal eyes, a glassy green reflection could be seen... a man vaguely elven and yet most certainly not... the wind whistled and the leaves blew past her as Helevorn nodded to the space before her

"I hear you, I hear you" she smiled distantly... for indeed the pacifist was not the only one able to talk to himself

"If... if-fa you say Ayreelin... Ayreelin it ee-yas thin" she murmered softly as she moved back into the woods, towards the small town framed by the tall trees of the forest

[And the most High Pacifist Europa... isn't very talkative it seems]

[If... if you say Arilin... Arilin it is then]

((ooc: Cernunnos (pronounced Kur-nun-noss) is more frequently used, but Cerunnos and Cerrunos are valid... it's a myth, myths are spelt differently :P
I mean even with simple, "well known" mythological figures such as Odysseus (sometimes called Ulixes/Ulyxes), Hektor/Hector, Achilles/Achilleus or Ajax/Aias... and you run into trouble (okay, so none of them are gods but... ^^)
My celtic wisdom cards say Cernunnos, but I was prepared to type what you did ^_^ ))

Edited by Charon, 13 October 2004 - 04:43 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#67 Squee



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Posted 16 October 2004 - 12:35 AM

((Does anyone else have anything they'd like to post? If not, it'd probably be best to fast forward the time-frame to the first evening/night.))
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#68 Opie

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Posted 17 October 2004 - 11:01 AM

((Yeah, you better do that. I'll Post soon, I've been busy with my school work. Sorry everybody))
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#69 Crane


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Posted 22 October 2004 - 12:32 AM

As Europa paced through the Large Forest, somewhat tired after the night's events, it was only then that he realised that he had completely abandoned Styx - slightly annoyed with himself that he was so rude to her, he made a sprint back to the meadow, occasionally dodging a bear with a hangover or a snake trying to nip his ankles!

He entered the meadow and was welcomed with the scent of fresh morning air, the sky had become remarkably light now, even only after a few minutes of being under the cover of the forest's thick canopy. As he expected, Styx was nowhere to be seen.

"The price I shall pay for such discourtesy." he mumbled to himself, before retiring to his lair to sleep, wherever that may be.

(Now you can fast forward the clock a bit, Squee!)
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#70 green_mantis

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Posted 28 October 2004 - 07:28 PM

As Snowstrider approached the town of Arilin, he noticed the setting of the sun.

"Now this I don't like, I either took way too long, or the time is running out."
Time running out? Why in the name of the couatl would I say that. Time isn't running out...

Regardless, Snowstrider entered Arilin, concealing his weapons so as not to have them confiscated.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#71 Squee



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:09 AM

The moon was high up in the sky, illuminating the snow in an eerie, silver colour. The sun had long since been away hiding.

Ranthak's party had found themself inside a small cave near the base of the mountain. The forest canopy was in view from the mouth of the hovel but they would not venture there yet.

"...It is too dangerous there to approach fatigued. We will continue at sunrise," Ranthak told them.

On the way down the mountain, there were a few odd attacks of the local deziens; wolves and rams and others of that sort. None of them, however, gave them much problem. Any wounds were none too great and Still Leaf treated them with various powders and mixtures on his belt pouches. Though the wounds closed and healed fairly quickly, the pain remained...which was no problem for the men of Ranthak. For them pain was their friend; the licks of pain told them they were still alive.

All the men gathered round a fire pit deep within the cave. Ranthak remained silent as he turned the spit holding a rather large piece of meat (a smaller wolf that had attacked them closer to the cave opening). Still Leaf (directly across the fire from Ranthak) widdled a rib bone from the carcass, also saying nothing. The three men sat to Ranthak's left and to his left sat Garneth and Tarnack. No small talk was made around the camp fire, only the odd necessary talk - "How much more food will we need?", "Did any weapons get damaged?", "Is anybody still injured?"

Frigid breezes whisked through the opening of the cave and tossed embers here and there but none of Ranthak's men seemed to mind - not even Still Leaf who wore next to no clothing.
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#72 Squee



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:15 AM

Squee sighed heavily as he stared into the fire he had just started. In a paw was a lodestone, minus the glamour and sheen. It was dead now; the magic drawn out of its core into Squee's body. It was almost sad when Squee thought about it.

Like he had just sacrificed the being of the lodestone in order to preserve himself. Staring down into it, he could help but let his heart bleed for it. He knew it wasn't sentient - it couldn't feel pain, couldn't speak, couldn't express itself... Still, there was a grief in his mind that he could not shake.

In the orange glow of the fire, he slowly dug a whole near his blanket and placed the dull, dead stone back into the earth, covering it gingerly with the soft dirt he had dug up.

Then, with eating barely anything, he laid his head to rest and slept a dreamless slumber all throughout the night.
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#73 Charon

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:54 AM

Ne'Kales breath left wisps of white wafting through the air as it collided with the cool of night. Darkness around her and the faintest of stars twinkling against the backdrop of the snowy peaks Ne'Kales was now almost... relaxed. The perpetual grimace that had frozen itself on her face as the day went on, the accute squint she'd been forced to adopt so as not to stumble while facing the excuses for creatures that dared to think they might be lunch... the silvery glow of moon and the snow reflected in her hair. If not for the red eyes, it would have softened her visage substantially.

For the slightest of moments her gaze focused on the group. She had to admit, she was almost impressed with their perseverance to have made it down in one day... and with a smirk rather than a smile she was amused to note that they had kept up with her as she had kept up with Ranthak. She never had gotten an answer for all her provokation, and it was probably for the better... though the dear animals of the mountain hadn't been so lucky as to escape the weapons of the troupe.

Now, however, she found herself sitting appart, perhaps making a statement more than anything else as they huddled around their fire. Let them shelter from the night... Yes, she herself was tired and she couldn't deny that, but just the fact that her eyes now worked as intended was enough for her. She listened to whatever tidbits of conversation drifted to where she sat, leaning back against a jut of rock on the mountainside just outside their cave

The Drow peered into the blissful darkness of the canopy ahead almost longingly. Even during the bright, those trees would offer substantial shade...
And when they got through, that same cover would likely allow them to sneak upon their target town before anyone noticed them enough to create any organised defense.


"You're sure I can't take a fatigued wander down to the forests edge?" her clear, crisp voice cut through the rock, over whatever necessities they were mumbling to each other as their meat cooked "Surely it couldn't hurt if I scouted ahead just a little, hm?"

"I'll come right back... I pwomise" she added, red eyes glinting in the dark as she tacked the childish air onto her query, though she never turned to allow them to see that, nor to see what they made of it
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#74 Charon

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 01:05 AM

green_mantis, on Oct 28 2004, 08:28 PM, said:

As Snowstrider approached the town of Arilin, he noticed the setting of the sun.

"Now this I don't like, I either took way too long, or the time is running out."
Time running out? Why in the name of the couatl would I say that. Time isn't running out...

Regardless, Snowstrider entered Arilin, concealing his weapons so as not to have them confiscated.

"Who-was tyme?" Helevorn asked suddenly, leaning forwards over Snowstriders shoulder from behind without any warning. She'd seen the man heading towards the town ahead of her and as her instructions had been to head there herself... well, it hadn't hurt her to speed up her pace a little.
However having overheard his apparant worry over something...

She blinked slightly, her mood switched as she saw the man reacting to Arilin's Guards and she chuckled under her breath.
"Nigh-yace waypons yew have theyar" she grinned as she took a step and watched him tuck them away when he stepped through the gate. Her staff got no such treatment, but then a staff wasnt particularly threatening to an armoured guard "Iyam shuyar heyd luv tew know ya have thow-was" she raised her eyebrows at him as her feet swiftly managed to place her by his side

"But ay-ne-way... for-gi-yav me f'eavesdropping sah... but you sayd somethin' about tyme?"

[Whose time?]
[Nice weapons you have there. I'm sure he'd love to know you have those]
[But anyway... forgive me for eavesdropping sir... but you said something about time?]

Edited by Charon, 29 October 2004 - 08:57 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#75 Squee



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 01:57 AM

Ne'Kales (Charon) said

"You're sure I can't take a fatigued wander down to the forests edge?" her clear, crisp voice cut through the rock, over whatever necessities they were mumbling to each other as their meat cooked "Surely it couldn't hurt if I scouted ahead just a little, hm?"

"I'll come right back... I pwomise" she added, red eyes glinting in the dark as she tacked the childish air onto her query, though she never turned to allow them to see that, nor to see what they made of it

"Garneth, cook the meat and feed the men," he said quickly as he stood up and lazily walked to the front of the cave, arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't know how long it has been since you've visited this forest but..." Ranthak started as he continued to stand by Ne'Kales side.

"...It's not the same as it used to be. It has grown dangerous. It is wild down there and to trek anywhere near it at night is almost sheer suicide - even more-so when you're tired."

"You Drow people maybe swift but... you still get tired just like any of us. I know you also like the night... so I'll be staying up this night. Feel free to join the other men inside if you are feeling hungry," Ranthak said to Ne'Kales, slowly sliding down the wall into a sitting position.
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#76 Charon

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 11:05 PM

"Indeed we drow are swift, but we do not show fatigue as easily as you imagine unless we chose to... so perhaps you should be more aware of what you are being shown" Ne'Kales snipped as she peered at him, but whatever trace of annoyance was there subsided quickly, replaced by sarcasm as she rolled her shoulders and tried to get comfortable against the rock "Now don't get me wrong Mister Ranthak, I appreciate the offer of company, I do... but if we're all 'tired' and 'fatigued' don't you imagine it may be a good idea to sleep rather than bother one of 'we Drow people'?"

"As for the forest, I doubt that place could change that much" Ne'Kales smiled distantly, perhaps wistfully as she looked at the thicktopped trees whose leaves rustled in the wind. As if on que a bird fluttered out of the canopy... only to be snared by tendrils of some kind and pulled back down with a shriek and a flutter of cracked wings as the drow grinned pointedly "Heh- things like that happen there... so I can't say it ever was the safest of places, though not so much due to the wildlife, but rather the company I kept..."

She closed her eyes for a moment, stared at the ring of light the moon had left on her eyelids and took a deep breath of the cold night air... he was right about one thing, she did like the dark, did like the night... It pained her to think that some part of her mind wanted her to sleep through it.

She shook her head, opened her eyes and shifted slightly so she was looking at him more directly "My own experience makes me wonder if thats the reason you want to keep me company" she grinned impishly, her white hair fluttering slyly across her gaze before she swept it back behind her pointed ears "Is it perhaps that you, my dear Ranthak, don't quite trust the company you're keeping either?"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#77 Squee



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 11:26 PM

Ranthak just smirked as he looked off at the forest tops and greenery. He picked up the offence Ne'Kales received in his last remark... but he would never apologize for something like that. He was so much better than that.

"...No, it's not just those things. There are other things lurking in those shadows that even make me weary. Things have changed. Lots of things," he said, trailing off. Whether he hinted at something or not was anyone's guess. Ranthak sat solemnly and still did not make eye contact with Ne'Kales. Another brisk breeze kicked up and flicked Ranthak's sleek, black hair into his face. With a sigh, he jerked his neck and let the hair flow behind his head.

At Ne'Kales final remark, he let out a full grin and even a chuckle.

"...There is always a dagger pointed at my back. If someone kills me, my Horde becomes theirs. All my men and their loyalty - all theirs to control and command."

"...Which brings me to my last point before I say my good-bye to you...

...I don't sleep. I never sleep. Sleep makes one vulnerable," Ranthak seemingly snapped to Ne'Kales as he slid back up the wall to his feet.

"...If you wish to go into the forest, I can't stop you. But know that I will not risk the lives of my men to come after you."

With a sigh, Ranthak walked back into the cave. Stopping for a moment to steal a gaze at Ne'Kales in the corner of his eye before continuing his slow and heavy walk back to his men.

Once he was totally out of sight, another rustle in the canopy below rang through the ears of Ne'Kales. And, soon after, another sound echoed off the mountain tops. A terrible screech that made the hair stand on end - a gurgle of death, amplified through unearthly pain.
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#78 Charon

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Posted 05 November 2004 - 11:17 PM

"If there's always a dagger at your back... and you consider that the 'loyalty' of your men you have a warped idea of loyalty" Ne'Kales remarked matter of factly as she followed his gaze into the treetops and kept it there, staring into the darkness, never quite returning to him to pay him the attention he perhaps ought to deserve.

Ne'Kales sighed, the weariness that had built up throughout the day dissapearing into the cold night air... it seemed she also didn't feel the inclination to sleep. Perhaps the conversation, Ranthak's lack of trust for those he considered loyal had made her doubt just how much any of them were truly prepared to accept her.

They had, presumably, got to their positions through years of loyalty. Whatever power or respect they had, whatever had granted them the 'privelige' of being part of this mission, they had worked for it.
The same could hardly be said of her, and yet she had been invited along...
A Test... it had been said this were a test of her own loyalty, yet she knew Ranthak toyed with her as much as she did with him. It infuriated her, and yet at the same time she welcomed the sharpness, the harsh edges it gave, the wariness it forced into her mind...

But that grin, the chuckle about danger was more than familiar enough to her mind, familiar enough that she reciprocated the grin before she even realised she had.
Yes, too much trust was dangerous... and he understood that. However she mocked his perception of loyalty it was all too similar to her own.

She let out a mock yawn as she looked at him rising to his feet once again, refusing to rise herself. She waited until he was almost gone, until she saw his gaze rest on her for that extra moment before he returned to his men... then, and only then, did she call out softly but pointedly after him

"Sleep, dear Death's sister, can indeed make one vulnerable. How else can her sister claim her playmates? But given the choice of voluntary rest or unbidden waking sleep... exhaustion? Is that the word? I know which I would choose"

Somewhere in the forest beneath the agonising death throes of whatever had met its end jarred through her, but she merely smiled with grim anticipation. Indeed, things were ever changing, indeed that forest was but one of many things that had changed...

A few times she almost got up, almost entered the cave... and yet didn't. She longed for that forest, but it made more sense to go together with them... at the very least because she was less likely to be hit if there were more targets. Having them around... would be safer, to some extent.

"Still" she murmered "Whatever has changed in there... Something capable of making anything cry out in that much pain... should at least be interesting"

Edited by Charon, 06 November 2004 - 12:00 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#79 green_mantis

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Posted 07 November 2004 - 09:03 AM

"Aack!" Cried Snowstrider as he is surprised by Helevorn. He turns to see who it was behind him, and he loses his balance, toppling over backwards. He tries to get up, but due to the sticky entrails of an unseen spider clinging on his back, and the way he stashed his bow, all his attempts are of no avail.
"If your going to scare me like that would you at least help me up." Snowstrider asks Helevorn, quite annoyed.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#80 Charon

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Posted 07 November 2004 - 01:30 PM

For a moment Helevorn stared... her smile was strained but she managed to stop herself... but as the annoyance tinted his voice the control was gone, and the girl burst into a fit of laughter. Her auburn waves tumbled around her face as she shook her head trying to stop herself... but the best she could do was to stiffle the laughter, and replace it with a grin that glinted playfully in her unnervingly dark eyes

"Oh are-ent you an aj-jiy-al one" she chuckled in her melodic way, smiling widely at him. Then for a moment she paused.... and then she calmed herself a little "I'm sorry I'm sorry. Heyalping hm? ... Weyell..." Helevorn bowed her head slightly and held out her hand "I guess ays it was my-ya fawalt I mightat just think abowt it"

[Oh aren't you an an an agile one]
[I'm sorry I'm sorry. Helping hm? Well... I guess as it was my fault I might just think about it]
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#81 Opie

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Posted 09 November 2004 - 11:02 PM

"WEEEEELL Opie's bored. Let's get outa here eh?"

Opie said to Blaster as he jumped out of the hole in two movements: On Blaster's back and out of the hole. He then reached down and pulled Blaster up.

"Chrimany! You are gettin TUBBY!"

"You Humans and you're appearance ideas. I'm heavy because I'm a Dwarve, I'm not tubby, I'm... I'm... Stout."

"Well get you're stout rear off the ground, we have to go to Arilin." Opie said as he started to walk. "I'm getting the feeling that one of our old friends has been by here."

Opie looks at the sky to see the moon high above them again. Slightly put off by his loss of time, he heads for Arilin.

"I don't like what's been going on lately Blaster. Something big is going down. And I mean big. Lets get out of here.

With a final shiver they leave. As they are exiting the large forest towards the entrance of Arilin, he noticed Snowstrider laying on his back, looking quite ridicculous. He didn't recognize the stranger, but he new very little of Snowstrider, so he didn't think anything odd of it.

"Well old friend, it looks like you aren't as nimble as you would like to think." Opie yells as he laughs.

"Haha, Well old boy, I guess this girl is pretty attractive to you Men, that's the only way I would think YOU would get knocked down by a woman."

Edited by Opie, 09 November 2004 - 11:13 PM.

*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#82 green_mantis

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Posted 10 November 2004 - 05:22 PM

Snowstrider grasps Helevorn's hand, and pulls himself up. After dusting himself off he explains:
"You're a sneaky little devil, you know that? I don't think we've met before... And what were you asking about time? Snowstrider could hardly understand this person's whimsical way of speech.
I would rather you not make any comments about my weapons please.
Snowstrider says in a hushed voice.
Snowstrider catches sight of Opie, but doesn't want to bother to talk to him.

So, he is still alive.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#83 Charon

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Posted 16 November 2004 - 10:49 PM

Helevorn tilted her head back slightly, looked over her shoulder at the other two approaching from behind, speaking to the man she herself had chosen to bother.
"Hey-ya! Now what sort owv cowment is that t'make arowand a girl" she frowned slightly "You ownally 'think' I'm praytee attrayk-tive little one? What's there t' think abowat?" she poked her tongue out at the dwarf before she actually supported Snowstrider in his rising,then clasped her hands together and gave him (Snowstrider) and exaggerated bow

"Whya thankyou. Beyin' sneaky sowmatimes has its reywarads... the laughs be but one owv theyam" she grinned "But no.. met before we haven't. I'm Hellevorun. Helevorn" she nodded her head in what was the start of some form of bow... and raised her head almost as sharply as if she hadn't the inclination to complete it

"Ays for what I was ayasking Sah..." her eyes sparkled as she looked back at his 'friends', and then looked back to him. When she spoke again she murmered quietly, the accent dropping out of her lowered voice. For the slightest of moments while she spoke she was serious... almsot subdued "I was asking what you were saying about time. Im particular, you said something about running out of it..."

[Hey! Now what sort of comment it that to make around a girl. You only 'think' I'm pretty attractive little one? What's there to think about?]
[Why thankyou. Being sneaking sometimes has its rewards... the laughs be but one of them. But no... met before we haven't. I'm Hellevorun. Helevorn]
[As for what I was asking Sir...]

Edited by Charon, 16 November 2004 - 10:51 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#84 green_mantis

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Posted 17 November 2004 - 05:12 PM

"I don't recall exactly what I said, but I have been fearing a looming threat to Arilin, ever since Harabec took over I haven't wanted to leave, because I felt as if something would happen."
Snowstrider glances around nervously as he said this. (he was always making fun of superstitious people, but was secretly superstitious himself.)
"I just have a bad feeling..."

Edited by green_mantis, 17 November 2004 - 05:13 PM.

I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#85 Opie

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Posted 21 November 2004 - 08:10 PM


Hey-ya! Now what sort owv cowment is that t'make arowand a girl" she frowned slightly "You ownally 'think' I'm praytee attrayk-tive little one? What's there t' think abowat?" she poked her tongue out at the dwarf before she actually supported Snowstrider in his rising,then clasped her hands together and gave him (Snowstrider) and exaggerated bow

"I uumm.. I don't... I didn't..." Blaster stutters

"What'sa matter Blaster? Boy I never though the great Blaster would have been rendered speachless by a girl. She must be Pretty attractive to you Dwarves!" Opie says, his voice dripping with Sarcasm.

"I'll have you know she is not! You slimy little spellcaster. She's far taller than I, and weighs less than me. Plus! She lacks a beard!" Blaster says, now getting red in the face.

Changing subject, Opie moves closer to the two "Hi, I'm Opie, and this rude tubby little thing is Blaster." He extends a hand to her. Blaster stayed behind sulking, looking quite annoyed when Opie insulted him, but not saying anything.

Getting there after she had whispered to Snowstrider, and not realizing he had been intruding on a conversation he says under his breath"So, What are we supposed to do about our weapons?"

Edited by Opie, 21 November 2004 - 10:18 PM.

*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#86 Charon

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Posted 28 November 2004 - 06:14 PM

"Haha, true true little one- the bee-yerds are a leet-tle hard for us el-ves to grow-wa" she grinned at Opie before leaning down to Blasters level, head on his shoulder as she whispered in his ear, far to quietly for the others to hear "You know-wa what? I ked al-weys try for ya, if that-ted chaynge ya mind"

There was a mysterious glint in her dark eyes as her grin turned almost malicious, chuckling even as she raised her head again, straightened up and stretched her arms up to the sky as if to reaffirm her height.

"Aye-nee-how... a slimy spe-yal-caster ey?" she bowed her head to Opie flashing the same playful grin "Good t'meetcha mister Opie. Well if ya be knowwin spells, ya should gee-yav ya weyapons to th' niyace guards. But if you don't want-ta do that... I suggest you hide 'em and keep on walkeen"

She smiled brightly... but then for a moment she stalled. Beyond the group, beyond the merryness she caught sight of a green elven man and she felt her eyes burning as he met her gaze and grinned. That grin... it was the only reflection of herself that she would ever see, her grin on that mans face, and when she saw the darkness she herself flashed so easily... she was unnerved.

She was unnerved... and so she faltered... his smile softened but it didn't make it any easier, for she knew from experience that no others saw him - Much like the pacifist she'd met earlier, like the man she'd derided earlier for talking to someone unseen... she could never have told him that in her way she knew exactly what he had been doing, could never have told him that from time to time, she thought herself crazy for seeing something all too similar.

Indeed, while she stared at him as he shook his head and whispered something that dissipated on the air before it reached her ears... Helevorn's eyes glazed, seemed almost green, and the young druid seemed to be in almost a daze. Truth be told she was aware of that, and also aware that though though the breeze whistled past unbearably slowly, that though she felt stuck staring like the startled deer in the way of the hunter, the one without the sense to move... she also knew that it was her own perceptions that were skewed, knew that in fact barely a moment had passed...
Her long stare were truly no more than a momentary distraction, one that if noticed tended to make her come across as simple or ditzy, but that all too often wasn't, that all too often people's own thoughts would cover the gap left by her momentary distance.

All that mattered... was that now she was getting her silent reproach yet again. Her gentle but silent reproach...

"Ow-wa kay, owkay, Iyve had my-ya fun" she said softly as she averted her gaze, for a moment sullen and subdued by whatever she thought she'd just seen or heard.
She dared to look up, to look at where she'd been staring- and yet no longer saw the green elven figure staring back at her. She blinked, her eyes remaining closed, but when they opened they had the spark once again

Slowly she turned her attention back to the first man (Snowstrider) "Yep, I've had my fun, I've had my fun... Now you-wa were ac-chally beyin serious just now. You were saying abowat a bayad feelin' hmm? In its way... a similar thing led me heyar" she murmered distantly "That and a caw-wal that... that it seyams will nae be ignored..."

As she trailed off her eyes were solemn and the jokey malicious smile ran away from her face... She turned away as if to lead the off the street, any excuse to hide her expression long enough for them to decide to speak or follow.

"So... now-wa my niyace illegal wep-pen car-ray-yin friends. Miyt I sug-yest we move off of th'main streeyt?"

[The beards are a little hard for us elves to grow. You know what? I could always try for you, if that would change your mind]
[Anyhow... a slimy spellcaster ey? Good to meet you mister Opie. Well you be knowing spells, you should give your weapons to the nice guards. But if you don't want to do that... I suggest you hide them and keep on walking]
[Okay, okay, I've had my fun]
[Yep, I've had my fun, I've had my fun. Now you were actually being serious just now. You were saying about a bad feeling hmm? In its way... a similar thing led me here. That and a call that... that it seems will not be ignored]
[So... now my nice illegal weapon carrying friends. Might I suggest we move off the main street?]

Edited by Charon, 29 November 2004 - 12:14 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#87 green_mantis

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 04:53 PM

Well, she seems friendly enough, but friendly people always have something to hide. Don't they? Why do I talk to myself, I just get confused...
Snowstrider shoots a secret glance to where Helevorn's attention was momentarily diverted.
If he hadn't been so worried about his weapons he may have never caught it, but his uncanny knack for noticing useless details, also bade him notice that. For some reason, it disturbed him...

Did she even really look there? Or was I looking there? What was she looking at? What is a guard?wasitachild?wasitaflower?whowasit?whatwasit?
Snowstrider clutches his head in pain.
"Aack, no more talking to myself. Hold up. I'm gonna come with you."
He yells after Helevorn as he jogs up behind her.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#88 Charon

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Posted 13 December 2004 - 03:21 AM

There was a rustle from the forests edge... and that was perhaps the first time that NaKales actually began paying heed to her surroundings once again. Before alertness truly came to her, her eyes were separating black from black....

The mace was already gripped tightly in her hands, her red eyes glowering as a shadow leapt from the forests edge, unawares that the girl had already noticed its prescence. The sharp vicious spikes pierced flesh again and again and again as the creature hissed and wailed... though the thrashing beasts actions didn't subside until the drow instead drew the shortsword from its tribally marked sheath and dragged it across what could be called the beasts neck.

Then, as adrenaline pumped through her and she looked at the writhing forms life fading away... NeKales cursed herself. Sleep... no, she couldn't call the state she'd been in sleep. Her mind had picked up every conversation, every cry of night wildlife, her mind had simply not comprehended them.

Her eyes, though open had been unseeing... but even as she denied it, as her brain fought the notion... perhaps... perhaps it could be called sleep after all, for even if she physically had not been asleep, her mind had.

Either, she was now more awake than ever- That simple motion, however she'd percieved it and however lucky she'd been to have done so... had made sure of that.

As she looked down at the being with distaste... the dwindling light from within the cave seemed almost welcoming for the first time. She was cleaning the blade as she moved in towards what remained of their fire, propped herself up by a wall with barely a sound...

Then as she sat she looked up, casting an almost bitter glance at Ranthak across the fire before the sneer found its way to her mouth, tainting the words that twisted their way from her lips "Mind if I join you?"

Edited by Charon, 13 December 2004 - 03:21 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

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