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Arcane Paths And Celestial Caves

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#1 trigger happy

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Posted 11 August 2004 - 01:13 AM

ok...i found that this all fit very well with the story and wasnt like everything else in Nm.....allthough the story wont be added in in Nm lol..ok fist ill tell you the story(which is just to give you idea of how these places came to be)

A long time ago these great and powerful beings had battles with each other to find out who was the strongest warrior in the lands. They used many things to win their battles including weapons made from special metals and even some of special rocks but mostly these angels used magic to win a battle. As they did this though they accidentally had an affect on the area around them. The flowers grew bigger and stronger and seem to of started possessing magical abilities as well as many of the monsters and creators that roamed these lands before. The people of Nightmist named these beings Seraphic Angels. Finally when all the fighting was over the field of which the "Seraphic Angels" used to fight on had changed and formed a great forest. The people of nightmist ventured out into this forest searching for anything that could tell them more of these beings that was bringing new magic to the earth. Finally after many days and weeks of searching the forest and learning how to survive one man found a circular crest from which they found had special abilities. This crest would allow people to walk on water. One day the man that found the crest stumbled unto the Celestial Caves. He found an angel hidden far back in the caves but the angel was hurt. The angel starting casting magical spells and other magical defensive spells at the man. The man ran out and told everyone in nightmist of what had happened. The people of Nightmist decided to create a monument to this angel and to warn anyone of entering the caves by forming a huge ice crystal inside the cave with the markings; Celestial Caves written on it. The Monument was placed in front of the entrance of the Celestial Caves and on the monument the man placed his crest. The man never forgot what happened and neither did anyone else. He told everyone stories of everything he saw in the caves. The monsters but most of all he told stories of the Ancient Seraphic Angel. The man had come to realize that the angel most likely just attacked him from being afraid. The angel most likely fled into the caves after a battle to escape death but will not leave and let anyone else leave from fear of the other great angels of finding him. The angel must of created the traps in the Arcane paths by casting spells on certain flowers to send people who smell it back to a certain spot. And he also created room in the Celestial caves to suite him as a house but one room stands out, His lair.

ok thats basicly how these places wear created and all..
now ill give you the discriptions lol

--------First square into the arcane paths!
Arcane paths: You have just entered the arcane paths. In this magnificent place you see many beautiful flowers surrounding you. As you walk you notice that the floor is very damp the further in you go down the paths. You notice that you cannot see the sky anymore as if you had just entered a monument to magic full of paths with only one exit. You may journey further more into this magical place to the East or leave to the West.

---------------The usual square description on paths
Arcane Paths: You are now completely in the arcane paths. You see many trees, flowers, and also many beautiful but deadly monsters. Some of the flowers seem as if they them selves have magic for by looking at their pedals you almost can smell the flower without getting close to it. You realize that this whole place must be made of magic and now you have to find a way out! You can journey further more into this magical area to the East.

---------The entering description for your every step!
Arcane Paths: You have just entered more of the arcane paths. You may journey further more into these paths to the West or go further into these paths to the East.

-----The description for when you enter a room that teleports you back to the first square!
Arcane Flower Nest: You have just entered the Arcane Flower nest and in this place you find a giant flower. This flower must possess magical abilities also because you feel like you must get closer to this beautiful flower and smell it but when you finally smell it you feel your self raise into the air and you fly to the place where you entered this magnificent place.

------------Finale room for which you get the Seraphic Crest …you wear this crest to get threw the Celestial Caves!
Arcane Seraphic Monument: You have just entered a room for which you see many great flowers surrounding a giant stone monument. This monument has something impressed in the front of it. You can see a circular object. Under the object there is writing which says: To enter the Celestial Caves you must obtain the Seraphic Crest or you shall dround in the water thats threwout the cave. You can also see what looks like a dark cave to the east. You can enter the Dark cave to the East.

/examine gives you the crest

-------Celestial Caves…the is the first room into the caves
Celestial Caves: You are now in a bright cave with many ice crystals around you of which may be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You find a huge ice crystal in front of you that has words marked on it you get closer and see that they read; Celestial Caves. You cannot go back the way you came to the west for odd colored vines are covering the cave entrance now. You may go further into these caves by going East.

-------Second square into the Celestial Caves.(next step east you’d get choices of where to move lol)
Celestial Caves: You are standing in the celestial caves still but this time you notice water on the ground. You notice your feet rise off the ground but you still feel like your standing on the ground. Your standing on water, it must be true, what the monument said that is. You may journey further into the Celestial Caves to the East or go back the way you came to the west.
-------This is the area where you kill(if you can) the Ancient Seraphic Angel…(to get a special item..Ooo to find out what this item is and what it does you will have to just go threw my area if its implemented in the game…lol good luck)

Ancient Seraphic Angel Lair: You have just entered the great Ancient Seraphic Angel’s Lair and find your self in immediate danger! You find a giant angel standing in front of you with a look of hatred in his eyes. As you look around the room you notice many things including a black high backed chair, a big bed with red covers and a silk blanket lying over it. You may leave this place threw a golden door to the East.----This is the description of the angel

The Ancient Seraphic Angel stands what must be at least 9 feet and is wearing mostly silver robes that wave around violently as if they’ve got a mind of their own. He has three sets of bright white wings that each expand to at least 3 feet wide and 4 feet long. Golden sandals cover his feet. The Ancient Seraphic Angel is in a healthy condition.

btw the angel attacks with this robes(lol thought it was new enough)

btw....iam creating the map now so if staff would like to view the map it shouldnt be to hard to do..

ty and plz show me any missspelled words or mess ups in grammer with the descriptions...the story doesnt matter much....just typed that as something to explain how these places came to be and they wont be added ingame...now lets hope staff likes this idea and everyone else does!

btw when your in the angel's lair and you try to leave it wont allow you...what it is you will just simply walk threw the "golden door" and it will take you to boars tusk inn...if you kill the angel...lol

---monsters in arcane paths
brown bears
black bears
trolls and orcs

----monsters in Celestial caves(unless will get special monsters made which would be better)

water fairys(but made so they harder)
also improved Pirhanas(couldnt spell it right lol sry)
sence most of these or borrow'd from shallow stream i think atleast 1 monster should be made...not sure wut that could be though.....any ideas?

Edited by trigger happy, 11 August 2004 - 01:21 AM.

#2 trigger happy

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Posted 12 August 2004 - 11:17 PM


a couple sentences in a few of the descriptions have be changed..

ill add the descriptions that had any change...
---old one----
Arcane paths: You have just entered the arcane paths. In this magnificent place you see many beautiful flowers surrounding you. As you walk you notice that the floor is very damp the further in you go down the paths. You notice that you cannot see the sky anymore as if you had just entered a monument to magic full of paths with only one exit. You may journey further more into this magical place to the East or leave to the West.

--new one--
Arcane paths: You have just stepped onto the arcane paths. Many beautiful flowers are growing in this magnificent place. Though this path is dry, those ahead look damper. An aura of magic obscures your view of the sky. Many large trees surround you. You may return the way you came by going East or continue journeying in this magical place to the West

---old one---
Arcane Paths: You are now completely in the arcane paths. You see many trees, flowers, and also many beautiful but deadly monsters. Some of the flowers seem as if they them selves have magic for by looking at their pedals you almost can smell the flower without getting close to it. You realize that this whole place must be made of magic and now you have to find a way out! You can journey further more into this magical area to the East.

---new one---
Arcane Paths: You are now completely in the arcane paths. You see many trees, flowers, and also many beautiful but deadly monsters. There are many trees and flowers growing along the path boundaries. They seem almost magical, for their scent fills the air regardless of their distance, and their large petals glint and sparkle mysteriously You can journey further along the paths to the East(etc)

---old one---
Arcane Paths: You have just entered more of the arcane paths. You may journey further more into these paths to the West or go further into these paths to the East.
---new one---
You continue along the arcane paths(? for some reason "you have just entered more of the paths" doesnt sound right to me) You may journey further along them by going East, North and South(etc)

---old one---
Arcane Flower Nest: You have just entered the Arcane Flower nest and in this place you find a giant flower. This flower must possess magical abilities also because you feel like you must get closer to this beautiful flower and smell it but when you finally smell it you feel your self raise into the air and you fly to the place where you entered this magnificent place.
---new one--
You have just entered an Arcane Flower Nest where a large flower is growing towards the sky
The scent of the large blooms is overpowering! A tingling sensation comes upon you as it fills your nostrils and your senses fade. It feels almost like you are flying over the paths you just traversed, until you find yourself back where you started

--old one
Arcane Seraphic Monument: You have just entered a room for which you see many great flowers surrounding a giant stone monument. This monument has something impressed in the front of it. You can see a circular object. Under the object there is writing which says: To enter the Celestial Caves you must obtain the Seraphic Crest or you shall dround in the water thats threwout the cave. You can also see what looks like a dark cave to the east. You can enter the Dark cave to the East.
---new one--
Arcane Seraphic Monument: You have entered a cavernous room with a large monument at its centre. A circular object is carved into the monument along with some writing.You may enter a dark cave to the east

Flowers wind around the monuments pedestal, but fail to obscuring the writing engraved upon it "The Crest of the Seraphim shall protect ye from harm and allow access to the Caves of the Celestials if ye find it. Pray and look, and the blessings of Angels be upon ye"

(attempting to go east without crest)

Dark and mystical waters swirl at your feet, protecting the inner sanctuary! You cannot continue without something to aid you...

---new way that you get the crest---
As you examine the monument something falls from the front and into your hand. You have obtained the Seraphic Crest!
/linbrary Seraphic Crest
A crest engraved with the symbols of holy Seraphims, rumour has it that it can allow the user to walk across the protective water barriers and cross into the Celestial Caves.

--old one--
Celestial Caves: You are now in a bright cave with many ice crystals around you of which may be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You find a huge ice crystal in front of you that has words marked on it you get closer and see that they read; Celestial Caves. You cannot go back the way you came to the west for odd colored vines are covering the cave entrance now. You may go further into these caves by going East.

--new one--
Celestial Caves: You are now in a bright cave with many ice crystals around you of which may be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You find a huge ice crystal in front of you that has words marked on it you get closer and see that they read; Celestial Caves. You cannot go back the way you came to the west for odd colored vines are covering the cave entrance now. You may go further into these caves by going East.

(going east without crest)
You cannot cross this water without a special item to aid you!

(going east with Crest Equiped)
Magic envelops you and you find yourself hovering across the protective waters! You go East

also some how i seem to have forgoten to add the usual Celestial Caves square descriptions so ill add them now.

Celestial Caves:You are now in a bright cave with many ice crystals around you of which may be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Many magical water and ice creaters are surrounding you, and few flowers that are a mystery of their own for how they survive this cold. The cave is brightly lighted but there is no torches or any exit for sunlight to enter from. You may keep going on onto your chilling journey by going to the East(esc.)

well these are the desciptions at the moment.
Ive decided to have the Ancient Seraphic Angel drop a special robes. if this is a problem with balance in nightmist then please let me know.

Library info for Silver Seraphic Robes:
Armor base: 20, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, mages, Description: The Silver Seraphic Robes are made of a silverish cloth designed and made by the Ancient Seraphic Angel him self. This robe does not have a length for it takes its wearers size at the time its equiped. These mysterious robes also show a aura of some sort that shows the angel must of given the robes some of his knowledge to hold for his own was to great. It's said that by wearing these robes one shall gain wisdom beyond imagination., Level needed to equip it: 29, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 1, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

iam not sure if this makes mages just to over powered tho?...but in anycase the drop will be very rare..about like geting spyglass drop lol(which personaly is impossible rofl)

#3 trigger happy

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Posted 13 August 2004 - 01:04 AM

the arcane paths are open to all lvls btw......but Celestial Caves are lvl 25-30 ONLY...lol a friend pointed out something..

#4 trigger happy

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Posted 14 August 2004 - 05:12 PM

Library info for Silver Seraphic Robes:
Armor base: 25, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, mages, Description: The Silver Seraphic Robes are made of a silverish cloth designed and made by the Ancient Seraphic Angel him self. This robe does not have a length for it takes its wearers size at the time its equiped. These mysterious robes also show a aura of some sort that shows the angel must of given the robes some of his knowledge to hold for his own was to great. It's said that by wearing these robes one shall gain wisdom beyond imagination., Level needed to equip it: 29, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 1, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

the armor was raised because people think the 20 armor was just to low even with its +1intell....also ive got a better detailed boss.....same boss just little more detailed

hits for 60 every 5 seconds
has 2 stamina
its damage is with magic so armor doesnt help it when it attacks with a magical attack...........but when his robes attack every 8 seconds they hit for 40-80 depending on armor...
and 10 dex? cause the monster is very old(ancient even lol) so it cant move very fast thats why he has his robes attack also and uses magic so he doesnt have to move much

plz give opinions

#5 Charon

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Posted 14 August 2004 - 05:24 PM

It's said that by wearing these robes one shall gain wisdom beyond imagination

Intelligence modifier: 1 :P
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#6 trigger happy

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Posted 14 August 2004 - 08:24 PM

lol i thought i fixed that..i copy/pasted it from old one and i thought i corrected it...guess not lol....but ty

#7 trigger happy

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Posted 15 September 2004 - 10:43 PM

still waiting for a staff comment......also i'd like to point out something i never mentioned....when you walk on certain squares in arcane paths you get sent to the first square in this given area(first one you enter to enter arcane paths from where ever it is this place will be put at if its put in)....so thats kinda like hedge maze...

#8 sayadin

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Posted 16 September 2004 - 01:33 PM

great story, i liked it. The angel sounds great, nice descriptions, not bad actually... oh another thing, when you post your area, the staff is not going to respond to it right away. it will take them time to realized it. It took me a while for them to respond to my Undead Area. But great job! You are missing something though... the descriptions of the monsters thats in the area.
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#9 trigger happy

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Posted 16 September 2004 - 08:24 PM

iam still in the process of making the monsters or deciding what allready existing monsters should go in......i actualy need some help with the monster part....ive been thinking and thinking and can come up to only a improved water fairy...lol someone help??!! lol ty though....and yeah ive had this area on forum days in and days out over 2weeks i'd bet...and staff hasnt said anything...lol

#10 sayadin

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Posted 17 September 2004 - 01:18 PM

how about some low level angel scouts... they could be searching for the angel do fight and destroy him since he fled from battle. or maybe some demon scouts, have some ranking angels and demons in the area or something... think... think about the area your boss is in, what is his doing, what kind of creatures will be in that area, and go along with the story.
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#11 Wolfgang

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Posted 17 September 2004 - 04:23 PM

I only skimmed through this because I'm a little limited on time.

Spelling errors are my main complaint, thought I don't think I saw <i>too</i> many of them.

Oh. Also capitalization. Having those things worked out is generally a plus if/when a staff member looks at your idea.

Even on the other parts of the post that are not part of the area, you should take extra care with the spelling, capitalization, grammar, and other such things. Not doing so reflects badly. I'm not saying that you can't have a few typos here or there, but the better it turns out, the better impression your area will make.

For example, I was expecting much less before I actually stopped to look at it, I was not expecting much. Allowing such things to pass is a bad first impression, and reflects badly upon your work, whether it should or not. It's just human nature, you know?

But I like it thus far. I'll finish reading it when I have more time.

err... I don't mean to sound overly critical, or give the impression that I'm yelling at you or berating you. I'm just trying to be helpful, and sometimes in doing so, one may give a different impression.

What the what?

#12 trigger happy

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Posted 17 September 2004 - 09:42 PM

Yes. I'am currently in the process of checking for misspelling.

#13 Julius

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Posted 19 September 2004 - 07:39 PM

I don't remember seeing if it was class restricted or not, if so then I am wrong but, 30k hp on a boss seems a bit low.

Taking my berserkers as an example when I go to a boss, with Enhance/RF they will do an average of 300 damage a round.

30000/2100=14 rounds to die.

That seems a bit easy for a level 29 armor with a mod on it. But if the area was limited to clerics/druids/paladins/mages or so that would make it completely different. Just putting that out there for your consideration.
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#14 trigger happy

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Posted 19 September 2004 - 11:17 PM

i havent decided exaclty what will be allowed..i am thinking along the lines of mage only area or maybe let mage/cleric's allowed in....cause the armor is for MAGES and thats something thats rare in the game....what do yall think about arcane paths open to all magic users and celestial caves open to mage/cleric's only?

#15 Julius

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Posted 20 September 2004 - 11:46 PM

I think the area will be quite unbeatable if only clerics/mages are allowed in. Mages hit hard enough, but they will run out of mana far too quickly. I think clerics/druids/paladins/mages is a good bet. That way it is still a challenge, with no straight beater class, it will take skill to win.

Edited by Julius, 20 September 2004 - 11:46 PM.

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#16 trigger happy

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Posted 21 September 2004 - 12:46 AM

good point...unless it was made so that all the monsters have a percentage of droping mana...but i dont want it like that so nvm...lets just make it open to all mana users...cause this is a magical place...that be best...lol and if anyone with alot of knowledge about ingame monsters can help me out plz tell me..i need a little help with that part...lol

#17 trigger happy

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 01:42 AM

-----first square in arcane paths----
Arcane Paths: You are now completely in the arcane paths. You see many trees, flowers, and also many beautiful but deadly monsters. There are many trees and flowers growing along the path boundaries. They seem almost magical; for their scent fills the air regardless of their distance, and their large petals glint and sparkle mysteriously you can journey further along the paths to the East.

----normal square desciption---
Arcane Paths: You have just entered more of the arcane paths. You may journey further more into these paths to the West(esc)

----flower nest square description(which is a trap to send you back to the first square in the arcane paths)----
Arcane Flower Nest: You have just entered an Arcane Flower Nest where a large flower is growing towards the sky; the flower is massive in size and beautiful of its many colors and patterns. The scent of the large blooms is overpowering! A tingling sensation comes upon you as it fills your nostrils and your senses fade. It feels almost like you are flying over the paths you just traversed, until you find yourself back where you started!

------room before celestial caves that holds the arcane seraphic monument---
Arcane Seraphic Monument: You have entered a cavernous room with a large monument at its center. A circular object is carved into the monument along with some writing. You may enter a dark cave to the east

(when type /look Seraphic Monument)Flowers wind around the monuments pedestal, but fail to obscuring the writing engraved upon it "The Crest of the Seraphim shall protect ye from harm and allow access to the Caves of the Celestials if ye find it. Pray and look, and the blessings of Angels be upon ye"

(attempting to go east without crest) Dark and mystical waters swirl at your feet, protecting the inner sanctuary! You cannot continue without something to aid you...
---new way that you get the crest---/examine As you examine the monument something falls from the front and into your hand. You have obtained the Seraphic Crest!

/library Seraphic Crest A crest engraved with the symbols of holy Seraphim's, rumors has it that it can allow the user to walk across the protective water barriers and cross into the Celestial Caves.

-------first square in celestial caves--
Celestial Caves: You are now in a bright cave with many ice crystals around you of which may be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. You find a huge ice crystal in front of you that has words marked on it you get closer and see that they read; Celestial Caves. You cannot go back the way you came to the west for odd colored vines are covering the cave entrance now. You may go further into these caves by going East.

(going east without crest)You cannot cross this water without a special item to aid you!

(going east with Crest Equiped)Magic envelops you and you find yourself hovering across the protective waters! You go East

-----normal description for normal celestial cave rooms----
Celestial Caves: You are now in a bright cave with many ice crystals around you of which may be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Many magical water and ice creaters are surrounding you, and few flowers that are a mystery of their own for how they survive this cold. The cave is brightly lighted but there is no torches or any exit for sunlight to enter from. You may keep going on onto your chilling journey by going to the East (esc)

-----boss drop----
Library info for Silver Seraphic Robes:
Armor base: 25[/COLOR], Can be worn by: Mages, Description: The Silver Seraphic Robes are made of a silver cloth designed and made by the Ancient Seraphic Angel him self. This robe does not have a length for it takes its wearers size at the time its equiped. These mysterious robes also show a aura of some sort that shows the angel must of given the robes some of his knowledge to hold for his own was to great. It's said that by wearing these robes one shall gain intelligence beyond imagination[/COLOR]., Level needed to equip it: 29, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 1, Dexterity modifier: 0[/COLOR], Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

----ancient seraphic lair and the boss himself----
Ancient Seraphic Angel Lair: You have just entered the great Ancient Seraphic Angel's Lair and find your self in immediate danger! You find a giant angel sitting in front of you in a golden high back chair with a look of hatred in his eyes. As you look around the room you notice many things including a black high backed chair, a big bed with red covers and a silk blanket lying over it. You may leave this place threw a golden door to the East.

Hits for 60 every 5 seconds.
Has 2 stamina.
Its robes just do all the attacking for the seraphic angel.
0 strength
20 wisdom
20 intell
10 dex

The Ancient Seraphic Angel stands what must be at least 9 feet and is wearing mostly silver robes that wave around violently as if they've got a mind of their own. He has three sets of bright white wings that each expand to at least 3 feet wide and 4 feet long. Golden sandals cover his feet. The Ancient Seraphic Angel is in a healthy condition.

Arcane paths and Celesital Caves are open to Paladins, Mages, Clerics, and Druids only.

----monsters for Arcane Paths----
The Unicorn stands about 5 feet and has a long main of silver. It sports gray-like hair and has a single horn on its head that stands about 1 foot tall. The horn has a circular pattern as it goes to the tip of it self. The Unicorns eyes are blue like ice and its feet are pure white. The Unicorn comes at you with a powerful but fashionable charge. The [color="red"]Unicorn
[color="blue"]is in a
[color="green"]healthy condition.

10 wisdom
20 dex
10 intell
20 strength
attacks Once every 5 seconds. attack depends on armor.

The Baby Basilisk is around 20 feet long and has a green toned skin. Its fangs are about 4 inches long and are poisonous to the tip. Its eyes are bulbous yellow and its said to look in to them is to meet death in the eyes. The Baby Basilisk is in a healthy condition.

10 wis
10 intell
20 dex
20 strength

The Billywig is about 4 feet long and 3 feet tall. Its hard shell is of a blue color and it beholds a stinger at the end of its tail. At the tip of the stinger bits of poison emerge. The Billywig uses its large clear wings to advance towards you. The Billywig is in a healthy condition.

10 wis
10 intell
10 dex

more will be poster later........ty (ran outa time so had to run fast and didnt get time to finish will finish later)

#18 Julius

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 02:21 AM

Maybe its just me, but all those colors make me go blind. I don't mean to complain, but it makes it a little difficult to read,
Julius/Juls main
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#19 trigger happy

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 08:39 PM

sry...thought it'd make it easier to read...made it easier for me anyways lol...wont do all that work then next time lol...please give opinions on the monsters! i am gonna make more of course....but like them Billywigs spawn fast why they got such a low hp and all....so they arent that hard...oh and drop 100 Gold....and Unicorns drop 200 Gold....if any problems with this are seen plz tell me..

#20 trigger happy

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 05:12 PM

i've decided that 3sets of wings on the angel didnt make sence so lets just keep it at 1set lol

The Ancient Seraphic Angel stands what must be at least 9 feet and is wearing mostly silver robes that wave around violently as if they've got a mind of their own. He has a massive set of pure white wings that expand up to 6 feet long and 4 feet wide. Golden sandals cover his feet. The Ancient Seraphic Angel is in a healthy condition.

also got a enhanced water fairy in the works...for celestial caves....does anyone know the current stats and hp of a water fairy?

#21 Julius

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 08:44 PM

bro page me in game and ill try to help you out.
Julius/Juls main
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#22 trigger happy

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Posted 27 September 2004 - 11:49 PM

more monsters.....

arcane paths monster

The satyr is a curious looking creature, standing just under four feet in hit, it has the legs and lower body of a goat, although it stands on its hind legs, its upper body resembles a human, though it has horns as a goat. In his hands he holds a short bow, ideal for hunting rabbits. The Satyr is in a healthy condition.

15 strength
15 wis
20 intell
20 dex

30% chance to drop Mana Crystal.

The Unicorn stands about 5 feet and has a long main of silver. It sports gray-like hair and has a single horn on its head that stands about 1 foot tall. The horn has a circular pattern as it goes to the tip of it self. The Unicorns eyes are blue like ice and its feet are pure white. The Unicorn comes at you with a powerful but fashionable charge. The Unicorn is in a healthy condition.

10 wisdom
20 dex
10 intell
20 strength
attacks Once every 5 seconds. attack depends on armor.

The Baby Basilisk is around 20 feet long and has a green toned skin. Its fangs are about 4 inches long and are poisonous to the tip. Its eyes are bulbous yellow and its said to look in to them is to meet death in the eyes. The Baby Basilisk is in a healthy condition.

10 wis
10 intell
20 dex
20 strength

The Billywig is about 4 feet long and 3 feet tall. Its hard shell is of a blue color and it beholds a stinger at the end of its tail. At the tip of the stinger bits of poison emerge. The Billywig uses its large clear wings to advance towards you. The Billywig is in a healthy condition.

10 wis
10 intell
10 dex

and celestial caves monster

The Water Fairy is as cute as can be, but don't underestimate it for it has powerful magic attacks. The Water Fairy is in a healthy condition.


60% chance to drop Fairy Dust

Edited by trigger happy, 27 September 2004 - 11:51 PM.

#23 Kreaper

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Posted 24 December 2004 - 01:42 AM

I honestally think this area will never be put in...sorry! Staff just are to lazy lol. But I do love it. I hope they will implement it because it would draw some people's attention from bosses i kill a lot to this new area. I like it great job!!!
Toki ingame!!!

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