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Eternal Chaos

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#1 Prophet

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Posted 02 August 2004 - 10:00 AM

We are looking for some new members to join the clan and give it a new lease of life.

The Eternal Chaos, ranked 15, with score 1189, consists of 255 members and 17 rooms:

Member List:
Apollyon (Chairman), Azmodan (Founder), Ciribus (Founder), Ganji (Founder), Jello (Founder), Raging_Flame (Founder), Setzer (Founder), Shutdown (Founder), Tribute (Founder), Vercetti (Founder), Absraduel (Leader), Choppa (Leader), GrayFox (Leader), Helghast (Leader), Hinyaku (Leader), Its_Me_Guys (Leader), Malevolent (Leader), Megatog (Leader), Menace (Leader), Ooptey (Leader), Palin (Leader), Saych (Leader), Seraph (Leader), Sullenurchin (Leader), Xario (Leader), Aa_Fighter, Abbadon, Achelon, Adf, Adiban, Alhazad, Alleria, Anasazi, Anhydrous, Anorexia, Anybodykilla, Archyikins, Argue, Atreyu, Autofocus, Babby_Barb, Backlash, Barkavor, BloodShot, Blu_Phoenix, Brennan, Caligostro, Capriana_Raziel, Casualty, Cerberus, Chalice_Raziel, Chameleon, Chant_Raziel, Charm_Raziel, Cheat, Cheat_Raziel, Chimera, Chump, Climax, Confidential, Conjure_Raziel, Corrosive, Corteas, Craze, Creme, Crosis, DareDevil, Darrk_Lord_Jason, Deactivate, Deadpool, Deathbecomesyou, Deep, Devastator, Dilvish, Distrust, DoctorDeath, Domination, Doppleganger, Dracula, Dragon_Man, Drown, Druidguy, Ee_Gor, Egdiuqs, Endless_Gate, Ent, Erupt, Evil_Touch, Faint, Faithful, Firenze, Flamemage, Flaming_Death, Forrgotten_Souls, Gaazetto, Genome, Gerudo_Thief, Ghosts, Giana, Gimley, Gimli_Of_Moria, Glare, Glint, Gngfchnfg, God_Of_Death, Goose, GreyFox, Growl, Hateraid, Hazza, Hazza_Master, Helix, Heroin, Homecoming, Hyperion, Hypothesis, Illusion_Raziel, Independant, Ingenuity, Ink, Invasion, Jager, Jch, Jester, Jghag, Justiceshadow, Justin, Kaliko, Kalikrates, Kanuke, Karandras, Karupted, Kehehe, Krystian_Raziel, Kypo, Legionaire, Legolas_Finel, Legolas_Of_Rivendale, Lennut, Lexicon, Lexus, Lockdown, Lollipop, Lord_Inuyasha, Lucky_Pally, Lunaris, Madness, Marche, Mary_Jane, Master_Of_Sword, Mazzy, Megadeath, Megh, Melisrae, Mighty_Mouse_Power, Mirdon, Morbidda_Destiny, Murderous, Mysticdragon, Natas, Newbie, Nukem, Nyteshade, OldSchoolSkateboarder, Opeth, Orpheus, Pantera_Raziel, Payana, Phase, Pip, Pitchblack, Pricey, Ransom, Raz, Reason_Raziel, Reckoning, Respect, Rhyme_Raziel, Rikuya, Rip, Rocks, Roger_The_Ranger, Russel_The_Oneeyed_Muscle, Rydia, Sacred, Sandare, Saosin, Satans, Saveyourself, Scream, Shadow_Atma, Shashta, Shiro, Sir_Brennalot, Sir_Killolot, Sith, Slaveboy, Smooth, Sneak_Raziel, Someone_You_Dont_Know, Soul_Berserker, Soul_Killer, Soulblade, Spell_Raziel, Spite, Starstruck, Steal_Raziel, Sufferance, Sunlight, Super_Squidge, Support, Sustain, Sytha, Tap, Thain, The_Cleric, The_Crit, The_Legend, The_Palli, The_Reckoning, The_Solid_Snake, The_Wraith, The_Zerker_Master, TheUndertaker, Thyguyhbg, Tiomat, Tool, Towlie, Tri, Trigger, Trivia_Raziel, Twist_Of_Fate, Underlord, Unit, United, Username, Vardoth, Vengance_Is_Good, Veranda, Vexed, Virtue_Raziel, Wicked_Phreak, Xaranth, Xaria, Xenos, Xhilorated, Xile, Xinnox, Xjinx, Xynthe, Yevon, Yieling, Zenfur, Zenieth, Zerlix.

We really only have two rules in the clan:

1.Use you head
2.Be loyal

Both of these rules are very important, but most of all rule number 2, if you join Eternal Chaos you must join it on a long-term basis, we do not like just being used as a clan to stick your alts in until you join another clan.
Therefore, before anyone joins or considers joining I must ask them whether they are prepared to be loyal. Then it will be up to you to keep your word.

We welcome all types of members no matter what level and we like to help you all. However, the area we would most like to focus on is the more experienced players. As they tend to be more mature.

Although the following are not rules they are things, which would make the ideal member:

-Talking in clan chat, if you don't talk in clan chat then I don't really see the point in you being in the clan.
-Have a reasonable understanding of the game.
-You must also be prepared to fight with the clan and do things with the clan.
-You must also be prepared to donate.

Clan Tournaments:

On Wednesday at 9PM GMT (Server Time) we hold a single alt competition, with an entry fee of 1k. 75% goes to the winner 25% to the clan. These teams are randomly selected, and no favouritism can do on because we use the random player choice command.

On Friday at 9PM GMT (This is not to be confirmed times may vary) we will hold a 3 alt competition similar to the Proficiency tournament. However, if we have enough members on it will turn into a Triplex style tournament. The prize for this tournament has also not been decided, as this is a new tournament.

Our clan revolves around friendship and loyalty so if you are not willing to be both of them, this would not be the best clan for you.

If you are interested in joining Page Azmodan.
Si Senior!

#2 Prophet

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 01:55 PM

A little member update:

The Eternal Chaos, ranked 14, with score 1359, consists of 301 members and 18 rooms:
Apollyon (Chairman), Ambushed (Founder), Azmodan (Founder), Jello (Founder), Raging_Flame (Founder), Setzer (Founder), Shutdown (Founder), Tribute (Founder), Vardoth (Founder), Vercetti (Founder), Blame (Leader), Choppa (Leader), GrayFox (Leader), Its_Me_Guys (Leader), Kazuya (Leader), Malevolent (Leader), Megatog (Leader), Ooptey (Leader), Palin (Leader), Saych (Leader), Seraph (Leader), Absraduel, Achelon, Adiban, Alana, Alexisonfire, Alhazad, Anasazi, Anhydrous, Anorexia, Argue, Asdgfjk, Assault, Atreyu, Babby_Barb, Ballistic, Banana_Rejection, BloodShot, Bobbins, Boss_Slayer, Brennan, Bullcrap, Burn, Caesar, Caligostro, Canceling, Capriana_Raziel, Casualty, Cerberus, Chalice_Raziel, Chameleon, Chant_Raziel, Chaosuk, Charm_Raziel, Cheat_Raziel, Chump, Climax, Coke_Count, Conjure_Raziel, Conrad, Cornrad, Cornucopia, Corpse, Corrosive, Corteas, Covert_Assassin, Craze, Creme, Crosis, DareDevil, Dark_Link, Deactivate, Deadpool, Deathblow, Decade, Deep, Degree, Devastator, Dilusions, Dilvish, Dirty_Outlaw, Distrust, Dj_Rankin, DoctorDeath, Doppleganger, Dracula, Drown, Dysfunction, Eclypse, Eddy, Ee_Gor, Egdiuqs, Enhance, Ent, Erupt, Evil_Touch, Eye, Faint, Faithful, Fearless_Outlaw, Final_Fantasy, Firenze, Flamemage, Flaming_Death, Forrgotten_Souls, Frkd, Gaazetto, Galactic, Ganji, Ganondorf, Gauntlet, General_Outlaw, Genious, Genome, Gerudo_Thief, Ghosts, Gimley, Gimli_Of_Moria, Glare, Glint, God_Of_Death, Gohma, Goose, Grand, GreyFox, Growl, Hal_Emmerich, Haze, Helix, Heroin, Hexen, Hyperion, Hypothesis, Iccler, Illusion_Raziel, Independant, Invasion, Jester, Justiceshadow, Justin, Kaliko, Kalikrates, Kanuke, Karandras, Karupted, Kessen, Krystian_Raziel, Kypo, Legionaire, Legolas_Of_Rivendale, Lennut, Less_Than_Jake, Lexicon, Lil_Turbo, Lockdown, Lollipop, Lord_Inuyasha, Lunaris, Lust_Vii, Lye, Madness, Magic_Monkey_Man, Marche, Mary_Jane, Masta, Master_Of_Sword, Master_Thief, Mazzy, Megh, Melisrae, Metro, Mighty_Mouse_Power, Morbidda_Destiny, Morphesto, Mortis, Mysticdragon, Natas, Natura, Newbie, Nothing_Else_Matters, Nukem, Nyteshade, OldSchoolSkateboarder, Olympus, Opeth, Orpheus, Pantera_Raziel, Payana, Phantom_Ganondorf, Phase, Phoenix_Nights, Pip, Pitchblack, Pray, Pricey, Prophet, Pyro, R, Raja, Ransom, Raz, Reason_Raziel, Reckoning, Respect, Rhyme_Raziel, Riddlebox, Rikuya, Rip, Rocks, Roger_The_Ranger, Russel_The_Oneeyed_Muscle, Rust, Rydia, Sandare, Saosin, Savino, Scelestus, Scream, Seclusion, Sega, Serana, Shadow_Atma, Shamed, Shashta, Shiro, Silverstein, Sir_Brennalot, Sir_Killolot, Sith, Slaveboy, Smooth, Sneak_Raziel, Someone_You_Dont_Know, Soul_Killer, Soulblade, Speed_Renamed, Spell_Raziel, Spite, Spray, Starstruck, Steal_Raziel, Steeltoe, Sticky_Fingaz, Stray, Sufferance, Suffocate, Sullenurchin, Sunlight, Super_Squidge, Support, Sustain, Sytha, Tabloid, Tactical, Tantric, Tap, The_Cleric, The_Crit, The_Legend, The_Outlaw, The_Palli, The_Reckoning, The_Solid_Snake, The_Wraith, The_Zerker_Master, TheUndertaker, Tiomat, Tokaro, Tomb, Tri, Trigger, Trivia_Raziel, True_Glory, Twist_Of_Fate, Twitch, Tyler_Renamed, Ugod, Underlord, United, Username, Vampire_Mastr, Venx, Veranda, Vexed, Violent_Intentions, Virtue_Raziel, Volvagia, Whatsmyname, Wicked_Phreak, Wip, Xaranth, Xaria, Xenos, Xeroth, Xx_Shadow_Xx, Xynthe, Yokosaky, Zenfur, Zenieth, Zerlix, Zero.
Si Senior!

#3 Vardoth

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 06:39 PM

JLH (Game Programmer) Pages You from (Hidden): you annoy me


#4 Vardoth

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 06:40 PM

JLH (Game Programmer) Pages You from (Hidden): you annoy me


:P :P

#5 Ambushed

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 07:34 PM

Another Update:
The Eternal Chaos, ranked 10, with score 1443, consists of 334 members and 18 rooms:
Apollyon (Chairman), Ambushed (Founder), Azmodan (Founder), Jello (Founder), Raging_Flame (Founder), Setzer (Founder), Shutdown (Founder), Tribute (Founder), Vardoth (Founder), Vercetti (Founder), Blame (Leader), Choppa (Leader), GrayFox (Leader), Its_Me_Guys (Leader), Kazuya (Leader), Malevolent (Leader), Megatog (Leader), Nemesis (Leader), Ooptey (Leader), Palin (Leader), Saych (Leader), Seraph (Leader), Absraduel, Achelon, Adiban, Alana, Alcoholic, Alexisonfire, Alhazad, Anasazi, Anhydrous, Annihilations, Anorexia, Argue, Asdgfjk, Assault, Atreyu, Babby_Barb, Ballistic, Banana_Rejection, BloodShot, Bobbins, Boss_Slayer, Brennan, Bullcrap, Burn, Caesar, Caligostro, Canceling, Capriana_Raziel, Carling, Carlsberg, Casualty, Cerberus, Chalice_Raziel, Chameleon, Chant_Raziel, Chaosuk, Charm_Raziel, Cheat_Raziel, Chump, Climax, Coke_Count, Confucius, Conjure_Raziel, Conniption, Conrad, Cornrad, Cornucopia, Corpse, Corrosive, Corteas, Covert_Assassin, Craze, Creme, Crosis, DareDevil, Dark_Link, Deactivate, Deadpool, Deathblow, Decade, Deep, Degree, Demented, Devastation, Devastator, Diesel, Dilusions, Dilvish, Dirty_Outlaw, Distrust, Dj_Rankin, DoctorDeath, Doppleganger, Dracula, Drown, Dweeb, Dysfunction, Eclypse, Eddy, Ee_Gor, Egdiuqs, Enhance, Ent, Epidemic, Erupt, Evil_Touch, Eye, Faint, Faithful, Fearless_Outlaw, Final_Fantasy, Firenze, Flamemage, Flaming_Death, Flesh_Arsonist, Forrgotten_Souls, Freeze, Frkd, Gaazetto, Galactic, Ganji, Ganondorf, Gauntlet, General_Outlaw, Genious, Genome, Gerudo_Thief, Gex, Ghosts, Gimley, Gimli_Of_Moria, Glare, Glint, God_Of_Death, Gohma, Goose, Grand, GreyFox, Growl, Hal_Emmerich, Haze, Helix, Heroin, Hexametaphasate, Hexen, Hyperion, Hypothesis, Iccler, Illusion_Raziel, Independant, Invasion, Jebus, Jester, Justiceshadow, Justin, Kaliko, Kalikrates, Kanuke, Karandras, Karupted, Kessen, Kolobos, Krystian_Raziel, Kypo, Legionaire, Legolas_Of_Rivendale, Lennut, Less_Than_Jake, Lexicon, Lil_Turbo, Lockdown, Lollipop, Lord_Inuyasha, Lunaris, Lust_Vii, Lye, Madness, Magic_Monkey_Man, Marche, Mary_Jane, Masta, Master_Of_Sword, Master_Thief, Mazzy, Megh, Melisrae, Metro, Mighty_Mouse_Power, Morbidda_Destiny, Moron, Morphesto, Mortis, Mysticdragon, Natas, Natura, Newbie, Nothing_Else_Matters, Nukem, Nyteshade, OldSchoolSkateboarder, Olympus, Opeth, Orpheus, Pantera_Raziel, Paranoia, Payana, Phase, Phoenix_Nights, Pip, Pitchblack, Plague, Poltergeist, Pray, Pricey, Prophet, Psycho, Pyro, R, Raja, Ransom, Raz, Reason_Raziel, Reckoning, Redeyed, Renovate, Respect, Rhyme_Raziel, Riddlebox, Rikuya, Riot, Rip, Rocks, Roger_The_Ranger, Russel_The_Oneeyed_Muscle, Rust, Rydia, Sandare, Sanity, Saosin, Savino, Scelestus, Scream, Seclusion, Sega, Sentinel, Serana, Shadow_Atma, Shamed, Shashta, Shiro, Silverstein, Sir_Brennalot, Sir_Killolot, Sith, Slaveboy, Smooth, Sneak_Raziel, Someone_You_Dont_Know, Soul_Killer, Soulblade, Speed_Renamed, Spell_Raziel, Spite, Spray, Starstruck, Steal_Raziel, Steeltoe, Steve, Sticky_Fingaz, Stray, Sufferance, Suffocate, Sullenurchin, Sunlight, Super_Squidge, Support, Sustain, Sytha, Tabloid, Tactical, Tantric, Tap, Telepathy, Tergo, The_Cleric, The_Crit, The_Legend, The_Outlaw, The_Palli, The_Reckoning, The_Solid_Snake, The_Wraith, The_Zerker_Master, TheUndertaker, Tiomat, Tokaro, Tomb, Tri, Trigger, Trivia_Raziel, True_Glory, Twist_Of_Fate, Twitch, Tyler_Renamed, Ugod, Underlord, United, Username, Vampire_Mastr, Venx, Veranda, Vexed, Violent_Intentions, Virtue_Raziel, Volvagia, War, Whatsmyname, Wicked_Phreak, Wip, Xaranth, Xaria, Xenos, Xeroth, Xx_Shadow_Xx, Xynthe, Yokosaky, Zenfur, Zenieth, Zerlix, Zero, Zinc, Zip.
Ambushed in-game.

Play Time : 1 year 10 months

#6 JadedSoul

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 01:21 PM

Though I am quite happy being in the clan I am in, I just wanted to say to you that it is awesome that you have events in your clan. Clans should be about friends doing things together, helping each other out and just having some fun.

Good to see there are some folks still out there that remember what this game should be about. :P
I am whoever you think I am.

#7 Prophet

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 01:49 PM

ty, Well I don't see the point in a clan if you don't do stuff together.
Si Senior!

#8 jurian


    YAY! Less Lag!

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 02:25 PM

1.Use you head

Even in death my hate will go on

#9 Prophet

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 02:31 PM

Basically Think before doing stuff :P
Si Senior!

#10 jurian


    YAY! Less Lag!

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 02:32 PM

think before you type? like use youR head?
Even in death my hate will go on

#11 Prophet

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 02:34 PM

omg, I read it through aswell didn't even realise when it was quoted thanks :P

Edit: Can't Edit first topic :P

Edited by Prophet, 24 August 2004 - 02:35 PM.

Si Senior!

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