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Small List Of Improvement Suggestions

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#31 The_Final_Climax

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 12:38 AM

Or..maybe he is talking about having it made so your alts have the same setup when you setup one..but..that really doesnt make sense..unless you have to choose to save it, and for what alts..which also really doesn't make sense..so..I think Bean has it right..just thought I might throw in what I'm somewhat seeing from it..
Deceive or be Deceived. Thus, Flourish or Perish.

Eesha ingame.

#32 Tienno

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 07:48 AM

Jesus Bean im glad someone understand me, i re read that message i put and i didnt know what i meant but yeah you are right thats what i meant to say.

I feel so dumb

I will always give my 2 cents no matter what. You can bet your last dollar on that one!

#33 The_Final_Climax

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 02:23 PM

Alastar gives Tienno a big lick!
Well..I was off..but so what. Just happy to know what is going on now ^___^
Deceive or be Deceived. Thus, Flourish or Perish.

Eesha ingame.

#34 joanna

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 05:40 PM

Gaddy, on Apr 20 2004, 05:19 AM, said:

I don't really understand Alone's explanation of the /s macro.

Here is how i use mine.

you can type in something like this on the slot-

/cast enhance/

then you type in the main talking thing

/s [critname]

and it casts enhance on the crit. So----

/cast enhance/ on /s macro setting box

then in general chat type

/s everlast
/s lancaster
/s newb
/s image
/s cervix
/s gad
/s dangerous
/s prankster

and i've casted enhance on all of those crits.

Unless you are a VERY quick typer i dont see the point of doing that...

/s (space) = 3 keyboard presses

Now the 8 alts you mentioned all have different first letters, so typing the first letter then enter would be sufficient, ie /s e (for everlast)

So for each alt, you need a '/', a 's', a space, a letter, then an enter. Five key presses

With eight alts thats 40 key presses.

So, why not just click enhance then click on your 8 alts? Thats only 10 mouse clicks (presuming one extra click to get DR selected again)

Even if you f-macro /s you would still need 24 key presses... 10 mouse clicks seems a lot quicker

#35 Squee



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 08:13 PM

It's a matter of preference. Maybe you're using an opitcal, laser mouse thingy on some shiny surface and it likes to go all cer-azy on you? Wouldn't it be easier just to type the commands?
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