The Gauntlet
Posted 09 November 2004 - 12:01 AM
"Roast..." Crane pondered, "not my favourite dish, but I don't complain about food - I eat what I'm given."
His instincts told him he was lucky back then - if a duel had started, he would have surely been in trouble. He looked at his Justice Blade banging against his leg in its scabbard as he walked, and sighed heavily. "I rely on my sword too much sometimes. There will be a time when I will be unarmed and have to rely on unarmed martial arts."
Lost in his thoughts and his head slightly lowered, he pushes open the double doors and walks into the dining hall.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 09 November 2004 - 03:46 AM
"I was toying with that nincompoop, and now i'm here... what? why? oh nevermind."
He decided to move on, stranger things HAD happened to him. He walked out the door of what appeared to be a closet for cleaning supplies, looked to see if anyone was around, then, dissappointed that no one was, snaps his fingers and dissappears in a swirl of his cloak. He appears at the Lord's side and says "Sorry M'lord, no idea what happened to me."
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 10 November 2004 - 05:43 PM
"Follow me please."
((You have followed the story up to this point, haven't you? If not, I suggest that you read up on it. Otherwise you may get caught making mistakes about your locale.))
A servant rounds a corner en route to Steven's position, appearing right in front of him.
"Hello?" Christine asks tentatively as she enters Pyri's room.
"Lord Darksparrow awaits your presence in the great hall."
"Opie, I was wondering if you had gotten stuck in the astral plane again. Glad to see you are still with us." Darksparrow says as he heartily slaps Opie on the back.
Darksparrow walks past Vardoth, and Tlaloc.
So, he took the shield. Darksparrow thinks to himself, as he looks over the new possession of Tlaloc.
"Come to the great hall" Darksparrow says with great gusto as he thrusts open the doors of the great hall, revealing the grand visage of his great wealth.
"Tonight we feast, and tomorrow you enter the gauntlet!"
Posted 10 November 2004 - 09:36 PM
Opie rolls his eyes at the Lord's dramatic... presentation. He takes a seat at the table next to Lord Darksparrow."Come to the great hall" Darksparrow says with great gusto as he thrusts open the doors of the great hall, revealing the grand visage of his great wealth.
"Tonight we feast, and tomorrow you enter the gauntlet!"
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 10 November 2004 - 09:40 PM
Posted 11 November 2004 - 02:57 AM
"Gah!" he shouted as he nearly fell off his feet, taking a few backward steps to regain his stability. He took two deep breaths and smiled nervously, throwing some hair from the front of his face.
Taking a moment to adjust his clothes and the large sheath on his back, he let a hand raise up a bit, palms open to the servant in a sign of peace.
"...I mean...h-hello, there."

Posted 11 November 2004 - 04:30 PM
Posted 12 November 2004 - 03:35 AM
((Mantis. If i'm not mistaken, I Believe the name is Steven. Stupid))The servant seems unsurprised, and emotionless as he instructs squee to the Great hall.
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 12 November 2004 - 05:11 PM
Opie, on Nov 12 2004, 03:35 AM, said:
((Pfft. I even corrected it when I typed it. I don't know what happened.))Quote
((Mantis. If i'm not mistaken, I Believe the name is Steven. Stupid))The servant seems unsurprised, and emotionless as he instructs squee to the Great hall.
Posted 16 November 2004 - 01:30 AM
He looks around smugly, hoping to see looks of amazement on peoples faces. "Well? What are you all waiting for? Dig in!"
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 16 November 2004 - 02:29 AM
green_mantis, on Nov 10 2004, 04:43 PM, said:
"Hello?" the tentative voice echoed its way through dark dreams, tore softly through solid black..."Hello?" Christine asks tentatively as she enters Pyri's room.
"Lord Darksparrow awaits your presence in the great hall."
"Hello?" the voice echoed past the young girl sat cross legged in the middle of the blackness, eerie green flames sparking around just beyond her firey red aura. Slowly... Pyri opened her eyes
The green flames rushed back into the solitude of the night her mind imagined and for the briefest of moments she felt cold, alone...
"Yes?" she murmered distantly. Her red hair flew around her head with length it didn't have in reality, flapped across her face
"Go to them... you have no time to rest, remember?" a voice crackled with static as it rippled through the air
"No time?" Pyri smiled softly... her eyes lit with green, shadow streaked across her face...
"Hmm?" she stirred slightly, opened her eyes revealing their unnatural orange-red colour.
<But not green> she thought to herself in afformation as she rolled over and found herself facing the mirror...
*Whoompf* she hovered for a moment, met Christine's eyes as the door opened... and fell to the floor with a crash
"O-oooow" she groaned as she slowly and drowsily rose to her feet, and only then did her mind click
"Ma'am... Christine!" she yelled, her serious almost worried face melting almost instantly as she threw her arms around the woman before pulling away "Are you okay? I thought... I thought that I might... have gotten you in trouble. Are you okay?"
She was genuinely worried... and in her mind she knew that wasn't the only thing to be worried about
<Don't worry> came the voice in her mind, little more than a whisper <I'm here... I'll protect you>
Out of the corner of her eye she saw the green flame in the mirror, saw a ghostly outline of her dream self...
<Magical mirror> she thought, as she slipped past Christine and shut the door fully before the woman had a chance to look inside and see. There was an almighty crash as the mirror exploded and shattered, sending shards across the room... as she had known it would.
<Good to know...> she thought back to the voice she'd heard, still uncertain quite how logical it was for her to do so... then the child was back, looking up at Christine almost guiltily
"A... are you okay?" Pyri asked again, a little more meekly.
Posted 16 November 2004 - 02:38 AM
Sean, on Nov 10 2004, 08:40 PM, said:
"Actually he didn't" Tlaloc said with politeness that practically dripped with sarcasm "I inquired about what the meal was, not when we would be permitted to eat it"Vardoth looks round at Tlaloc and says ''Does the great lord(says in sarcastic form) answer your question?'' ''Well we must go now to feast we shall continue chat over dinner maybe?'' he says as he walks into the hall.
Still... Tlaloc wasn't exaclty paying attention to Vardoth as he said that, he was too busy watching the dear Lord DarkSparrow... and he grinned almost maliciously. He saw it, he was sure he'd seen those eyes linger for the slightest of moments.
He knew. He had to.
"I have to say, this is more like it" Tlaloc glanced around, for the slightest of moments looking like a kid in a candy shop... for the slightest of moments. The longer his gaze lingered, the more it was obvious he's the kind of kid who'd have been thrown out for pocketing the sweets.
"Most impressive" he said with a nod of mock approval as he sat down directly opposite DarkSparrow... and grinned again "I hope your vault... is more impressive still"
"After all, this is the 'Legendary Gauntlet'"[/color] but even as he said it, playful sarcasm burned in his eyes like coals
Posted 21 November 2004 - 07:48 PM
"Yes, it is quite impressive, and yes, it is the Legandary Gauntlet, and you'll do good to keep that in mind before you even consider the vault."
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 25 November 2004 - 10:45 PM
"Oh, but if I don't consider the vault, someone else might do so and we can't have that... besides, if I don't consider the vault, what reason do I have to fight this Gauntlet of your Lords?" the words rolled smoothly off his tongue, oozing charm that he didn't actually have as he fiddled somewhat distractedly with the formal cuttlery on the table... perhaps trying to work out what exactly he was meant to do with it.
He was twiddling a knife between his fingers when he looked back up at the man after a moments silence "I certainly didn't choose to enter this little challenge because I'd heard anything about it... which my dear Mage, you are a Mage aren't you?, is quite unusual for something 'Legendary'"
Edited by Charon, 25 November 2004 - 10:46 PM.
Posted 21 December 2004 - 04:20 PM
"Excellent!" Darksparrow exclaims excitedly. "Let us eat!"
Posted 23 December 2004 - 06:32 AM
Steven's mouth watered as he looked around blankly - his nose would be his eyes for the moment. He crept along the hallways, not giving much notice to any kind of armoured suits. Sniff, sniff again and the smells were getting stronger.
Treats of all kinds filled his head - roasted fouls, boars and beefs. He could see the juices dripping and he could swear they were just inches away from the tip of his tongue. So intoxicating, so hypnotic. If he died this very moment, he'd probably put his celestial trip on hold - this was his momentary heaven.
With a Gollum-esque attitude, Steven's hands slowly pressed the doors to a dining hall. First a slit then a crack, letting waves of airy flavours pass on towards him. He sighed and his eyes rolled back into his head.
He let out a soft moan and opened the door a bit more, pushing ever softly with his shoulder. It gave way with a tiny croak but was more-or-less silent. Even more scents escaped the hall and even more did Steven fall into his trance.
He pushed the door a bit more, pushed his body forward a bit more, pushed his shoulder against the wood frame a bit until...
With a sudden thud, Steven found his face firmly against the rugs leading into the halls.
"Ugh..." he groaned as he squirmed a bit under the instant and subtle pain. Palmed hands pushed up from the ground and Steven looked up to those in the Hall, a speechless and a rather embaressed look upon his face.

Posted 08 January 2005 - 01:47 AM
He looked on for a moment as a few other people started chuckling at the site of Steven falling flat on his face, then he stood up and walked over to him.
"You might want to be more careful, my friend... balance is of paramount importance in all things, not just staying on your own two feet," he loomed over Steven, speaking like the Elder Paladin that acts as Crane's guardian. After a second, he smiled warmly and lowered his hand to help Steven to his feet. "Come on, up you get."
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 12 January 2005 - 11:06 PM
"...Th-Thank you.." he murmured with a half-smile, bowing slightly as if to usher Crane back to the festivities.

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