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A Bag

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#1 Crazy_Druid

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 10:51 PM

ok well i have an idea but it may have been suggested before but i dunno anyway here it goes you can buy a bag (am sure you can come up with a better name but hey) for around 50k and you can wear it at lvl 20 and the bag allows you to carry an extra 5 items and if you get killed you wont drop the items that are in the bag

so anyway what do you guys n gals think

#2 Issy

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Posted 28 July 2004 - 07:52 AM

been suggested, infact i think i was the original person who suggested it on the Old forums.

Great idea, but its been shot down everytime someone brings it up.
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#3 JLH



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Posted 28 July 2004 - 04:47 PM

not keen on tbh
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#4 Aidon

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Posted 28 July 2004 - 08:29 PM

All I can think of is trying to stick 5 Hallies into a grocery bag.

#5 Shane

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Posted 28 July 2004 - 11:53 PM

I kinda get his idea. It would be like a bag of holding off AD&D. Cept it couldnt hold as much. You could put anything in it except anything sharp or piercing. So no hallys, daggers, or swords.

And to be quite honest this idea was already presented a while ago. Only difference is that the other "bags" were called backpacks and just the basic backpack could hold a little more than this bag. It was proposed that you could also buy backpacks that can carry more.

I dont think this idea is for the game though. Backpacks/bags would be cool and needed if the game had a little more lengthy quests as in days or weeks to complete.

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#6 Satterlee

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 09:13 PM

*cough* CheapAssIdeaTakenFromRealmsOfKaosAndNameChangedLazily? *cough*
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