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New Class

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#1 Mec

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 10:42 PM

Champion: Using only swords, these champions have mastered the art of war. Given any circumstances, these champions can fight a fierce and effective battle.

In this class, instead of making it a one-alt only class (which, by the way, can be worked around). This class will BENEFIT the player by being one-alt only, and at he same time, add some strategy. This character, This class will be able to join parties and clans.

Races: Human, Half-Elf, Elf,

HP: Cons-7-10

MP: 0

Stamina: 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 (hey, it makes sense)

Damage: Paladin's Damage

Weapons: All swords, blades, scimitars, sabers, rapiers, etc.
Armor: All paladin armor that isn't ONLY for paladins.

Level 1:

You can be on ONE of these modes.
Defensive: Decreases your strength and dexerity by 1, Increases armor by 30. Cost: 0 stamina.
Offensive: Increases your strength and dexerity by 1, Decreases armor by 25. Cost: 0 stamina.

Level 2:

Kick: Affects last for half a second.

If the target attacks the caster within this period of time, the attack fails and has a (dexerity)% chance of doing (caster's level*2) back to the attacker. Cost: 1 stamina.

Level 3:

Stunning Blow: 50% chance for opponents next stamina recharge to be halved. Cost: 1 stamina

Level 4:

Quick Thrust: Double chance to hit, half strength. Cost: 1 stamina

Level 5:

Lower Chop:

Has a 50% chance of hitting and does (level+base damage+strength)/2 damage and has a 50% chance of making the target lose one stamina (if he has one).

Level 6:


If done 200ms or less after an opponents attack, it has a chance of doing (strength) damage and the opponent loses a stamina (if he has one).

One stamina descriptions:

Offensive: Your mind settles in a fierce set of mind. (no square descript)
Offensive2: Your mind calms down, for fear of the great risk.

Defensive: Your mind fear the severe blows your body might take, and settles in a paranoid set of mind.
Defensive2: Your mind feels your body has been defended well, it resumes a normal strategy.

Kick (fail): [caster](you) attempted to kick [target](you), but missed.
Kick (succeed): [caster](you) kicked [target](you), causing him to stumble.

Stunning Blow(fail): [caster] attempted to stun [target], but [target] resisted.
Stunning Blow(succeed): [caster] delivered a stunning blow to [target].

Quick Thrust: (Same as a normal attack)

Lower Chop (missed): [caster] tried to attack [target] with his [weapon], but missed.
Lower Chop (failed): [caster] chopped at [target]'s legs with his [weapon].
Lower Chop (success): [caster] chopped at [target]'s legs with his [weapon], causing [target] to stumble.

Push (failed): [caster] attempted to push [target], but missed.
Push (success): [caster] shoved [target], sending him crashing to the ground.

Level 7:

Focus Defenses:
For 500ms*stamina, ac(armor count) is tripled. Cost: All stamina.

Level 8:

]Violent Slice:
Does twice as much damage as a normal attack. Cost: 2 stamina.

Level 9:

Does AC(armor count) damage. No chance of missing against players,120%-dexerity against monsters (e.g. if a monster had 60 dexerity, there would be a 60% chance to hit) cost: 2 stamina and 15 hp.

Level 10:

Fierce Upper Chop: Does 250% more damage than a normal hit, but decreases 1/2 armor for 5 seconds. Cost: 2 stamina.

Level 11:

Two more modes: (One at a time)

Heavy: Increases armor by 10 and strength by 1, but decreases dexerity by 1.
Light: Decreases armor by 25, but increases dexerity by two.

Level 12:

Prediction: Lasts half a second. If an npc with HALF as much wisdom as the caster strikes within that time, the npc is struck with four times the power of a normal strike. Cost: 2 stamina.

Level 13:

Search: Depending on the area, you can find: branches, dirt, dead vine, sand, or a stone.

Dig Trench: Requiring Spade or Pick. It takes 3 rounds of stamina. Once a trench is dug,it must be killed before the champion or his party gets hurt. A trench has Strength+ level*2 hp.

Throw Dirt: Must have sand or dirt. Decreases target's dexerity by 2 for 10 seconds. Cost: Dirt(sand) and 1 stamina.

Lay Trap: Must have a vine(or a rope) and a branch will add extra damage. , just lays a one time trap that does (level(*2 with branch)) damage to one or a party. Costs 2 stamina.

Level 7-13 descript:

Focus Defense: You are focusing on your defenses.

Violent Slice: Same as normal.

Crash (miss) [caster] attempted to violently pound [target] with his body, but missed.
Crash (hit) [caster] violently crashed into [target] with his body.

Fierce Upper Chop (miss): [caster] Fiercely swung his [weapon] at [target]'s head, but missed.
Fierce Upper Chop (hit): [caster] Chopped a savage blow to [target]'s head.

Heavy: You plan to make heavy use of your armor and it's wait.
Heavy2: You are now using your armor as normal.

Light: You plan not to let your armor encumber you, and not use it little.
Light2: You are now using your armor as normal.

Search: [caster] is searching for items that may prove useful.
Search2: [caster] has found something!

Dig Trench: Every stamina round: [Caster] is digging a trench. At the end: [caster] has dug a trench.

Throw Dirt: [caster] has just thrown dirt(sand) in [target]'s eyes.

Lay Trap: [caster] has just laid(lain?) a trap.
You have just tripped over a vine(rope) for [damage] damage.
A branch swung at your face for [damage] damage.

Level 14:

Hurl Rock: Require: Stone

Does [strength]+1 or 2 damage. You must wait 3 seconds between each stone.(armor may hinder it). Cost: 0 stamina. (up to a maximum of 294 damage)

Level 15:

Timed Slash:

Same as kick, but costs 3 stamina, lasts for twice as long, removes 2 stamina, and hurts for three times as much and twice as often.

Level 16:

Scary Manuver:

Meant mostly to scare the enemy, this manuver is also useful for dispatching many foes.

Does (strength) damage to all enemies on the square , but costs 3 stamina and 14 hp for each enemy. Also has a (charisma*2)% chance of decreasing an enemies dexerity or strength by one for 1 minute.

Level 17:

Crouch and Cover: Multiplies armor by 5, but decreases stamina recharge to 1. cost: 3 stamina.

Level 18:

Dance and Swing:

Increases dexerity by 3 for 1 second, and swings a swing 75% of the normal damage. Cost: 2 stamina

Level 19:

Block: Stops all blows for 100ms: Cost: 1 stamina.

Level 20:

Mental Focus: Decreases armor by 20, Decreases dexerity by two, increases wisdom by 5. Affects last 3 minutes. Cost: 3 stamina.

I have to leave for an hour. I will complete this after that time.

I'm sorry, I will be unable to complete this for quite some time due to uncontrollalable circumstances.

Note: My sister wants to click on the smilies, so I decided I would post them:

:) B) ;) :) :wub: :D :) :) ^_^ ;) :P

Edited by Mec, 28 June 2004 - 02:42 AM.

#2 Gaddy

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Posted 28 June 2004 - 06:18 AM

I feel like you've thought through the class too much for me to be so coldhearted as to shoot it down...
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#3 Mec

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Posted 29 June 2004 - 12:55 AM

Ya dun't like it?

#4 Mec

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Posted 29 June 2004 - 01:22 AM

OOk. 4 stamina abilities.

Level 21
Experimental Swing:
A normal swing that does normal damage, but gives twice the experience. Cost: 1 stamina.

Level 22:

Study Enemy:
Like rapid fire or berserk, except:

Does only 50% of the normal attack damage for the first few swings, but does the total damage in the last. Cost: All stamina

Level 23:
Overwhelm Opponent:

For every one stamina, it does two hits for 50% damage.

Level 24:
Rain of Stones:
Throws all the stones in your inventory at the target for 75% damage. Cost: 4 stamina.

Level 25:
Herioc Thrust:

Like Dual shot, but must have a special 'champion's only weapon'.

Level 26:
Like Crash, only costs 4 stamina, no hp, does 4 times the damage, but misses 50% of the time.

Level 27:

Must have a special champion's only weapon. If an opponent is mortally wounded, it deals 300 damage. Cost: 3 stamina.

Level 28:

Level 29:

Level 30:
Heroic Warfare:
If, 15 seconds after the caster casts the spell, the caster is still alive, it kills the target, but during this time, the caster's armor and dexerity goes down to zero, Greater or Lesser Pact can NOT be used at this time. Also, this renders JZ useless during the 15 seconds.

Blade of Heroes: Classes: Champion
Base Damage: 17
Level: 20
Magical: Yes
Descript: This long, steel blade has been forged for the only warriors who can use this blade to the finest ability. The blade is of no worth to others.
10k gold in the champions guild. (where they level)

Champions Saber: Classes: Champion
Base Damage: 22
Level: 25
Magical: No
Descript: This is a horrible weapon, with only a small potential for damage. However, if this potential can be brought out by a great warrior, this blade would be very deadly.

Sword of Triumph: Classes: Champion
Base Damage: 24
Magical: Yes
Descript: This is a tricky blade to wield, but triumph is sure to one who knows how to correctly use this weapon.

Bye Bye, I hope you like my class.

#5 muse over sunset

muse over sunset
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Posted 29 June 2004 - 04:48 AM

It sounds good, but way to many abilities.

#6 Squee



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Posted 29 June 2004 - 04:53 AM

This class will BENEFIT the player by being one-alt only, and at he same time, add some strategy.

Posted Image

#7 Mec

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Posted 29 June 2004 - 04:18 PM

The whole is to have so many abilities, that you don't know what to do with them. So, one ability over and over would not work. You would do each ability at exactly the right time, and then be VERY effective. Without using the abilities skillfully and correctly, you have a stinky character: a paladin without healing.

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