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#1 Horny

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 06:54 PM

yes... me again... quitting... but this time... i'm smart enough to know i cant quit! I'll just be on a crit that no one know i have and start over *kisses* i wuv you all... No one will be on the crit Horny... but my sis will be on the rest...

Well... maybe we'll meet again
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#2 Simulation

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:19 PM


#3 Angelus

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:39 PM

I know for certain that within a few days everyone knows what crit...

But good luck with it.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#4 Horny

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:56 PM

I'm sure that if you keep this up in a few days you will be removes from my msn and i'll never takl to you again! And wtf dude i gave you a gift and then you go and sell it??!!! It was a gift! You dont sell give right after you get them! it's like saying 'Burn in hell i dont need you'. Omg i cant believ you angelus... i was expecting so much more from you but i dont get anything... Well you know what i dont need you and i dont need this silly game and i dont need anyone... And this has turned into a GOOD-BYE POST! And i hate everyone who said bad things about me... i'm only human i'm not always a slut! and i care about all my friends that stood by me and helped me when i needed them! I dont care if you're sad cause i go but i'm going and for all of you who dont care that i'm leaving... THEN WHY ARE YOU READING THIS? And angelus wake up ... you're the biggest male w***e there is! And if you ever say one mean thing to me i promise i'm gonna hack your computer and delete everything and if you say i cant... i'll pay someone to do it and i still will!!! I hate you dude i reall do!
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#5 Tadpole

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:59 PM

lol go horny
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.

KuMiko in game.

#6 Angelus

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:03 PM

Erm i meant in general, people who played before can't sit on a crit, people will find out...and as for the hally...

The vault contains: 12x Advanced Mana Crystal, 7x Branchwood Tunic, Candy Apple, Centipede Gloves, 2x Claddagh Ring, 3x Fish, Guard Room Key, Halberd, 3x Icecream Cone, Lover's Locket, Magma Knife, Oak Vest, Pandilex Cake, Ring of Windia, 3x Scroll of Divine Restoration, 4x Steel Bracers.

Anyways, stop being friendly and then doing this again, if you don't like me then don't try..
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#7 Horny

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:10 PM

[Friend] Angelus: anyone wanne buy a halberd?
[Friend] Angelus: and whats claddagh ring worth

Isnt it a coincidence... that those are the exact same things i gave you??!! And that was given to me by a good friend who i thank...

Dude everytime i try to be friendly to you i hear 'how much i changed' and 'what a big sl*t i am'! I'm sick of being blamed for everything...
You're mad at me cause i dumped you for Kev like 6 months ago! Stop being so childish! It'a happened! If i would leave wes right now i doubt he would act like you!! You're just a spoiled kid who will never grow up!
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#8 Angelus

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:13 PM

Horny, on Jun 19 2004, 09:10 PM, said:

You're mad at me cause i dumped you for Kev like 6 months ago! Stop being so childish! It'a happened! If i would leave wes right now i doubt he would act like you!! You're just a spoiled kid who will never grow up!

Not really, and im not mad at you, i simply don't care. When i started playing NM with your bro, and he left, you were the only person i knew, i cared that you ditched me as a friend, not talking to me for months and then after months coming back on again and expecting things to be the same. And don't call me spoiled, you have no idea what you're talking about...
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#9 Lich

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:17 PM

Hun bye i guess-

and these are the days of our lives

tune in next week when horny says-
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#10 Horny

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:19 PM

lol sure i ditched you as a friend... Dude... i was a n00b... i made other friends... and it wasnt my fault you could keep up with me! You told me you wanted me to be a n00b again... to need your help! Now i dont need it... I am a 'big girl' now! i can manage to get to BT and stuff lol!
And i remind you that everytime i talked to you you said 'it's not my fault you left me for kev'!

EDIT: And btw ppl i'll be making a website with nm's funniest quotes... e-mail them to me if you have some at dizzy@zappmobile.ro :) and ty Lich *huggies*

Edited by Horny, 19 June 2004 - 08:21 PM.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#11 Lich

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:19 PM

or the week after that when angelus says
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#12 Angelus

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:24 PM

Horny, on Jun 19 2004, 09:19 PM, said:

lol sure i ditched you as a friend... Dude... i was a n00b... i made other friends... and it wasnt my fault you could keep up with me! You told me you wanted me to be a n00b again... to need your help! Now i dont need it... I am a 'big girl' now! i can manage to get to BT and stuff lol!
And i remind you that everytime i talked to you you said 'it's not my fault you left me for kev'!

*Put big ass story here*
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#13 Lich

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 08:26 PM

and these are the days of our lives
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#14 Simulation

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 02:06 AM


#15 Petey

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 07:59 AM

Yea What Horny Said lol..Tell him like it is

#16 Vodka

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 08:24 AM

My butt is going numb.
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#17 Horny

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 08:29 AM

Lol ash you always knew how to make me laugh *giggle* love you girl :)
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#18 ice_cold

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 08:36 AM

your a very interesting person who ive only rescently became to know because of my lvoe for elsie, lol. no seriously, hope you have fun with whatever you do
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#19 Horny

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 08:54 AM

:) my conclusion is: i cant stay a day without nm, and i wont quit cause of some idiot child! I'll just kill him everytime i see him and put a bounty of 10k on him each day or something like that >.<
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#20 Onlyme

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 09:05 AM

haha u go Girl :)

#21 Petey

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 09:05 AM

Well You Know I Think I Use 10k A Kill...Lmfao anyway Have Fun Girl U Know How To Get Ahold Of me

#22 dec

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:11 AM

lmao lich such good timing, and another thing, if the the whole hally thing hasnt been cleared up, i was on at the time that was said on friend chat and angelus told me he had like 3 hallys in his vault, therefore i bugged him for one. needless to say i didnt get it but newho, sorry if this has all been cleared up and i restarted it but meh.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
In Soviet Russia
Poem write you!

Belzabar in-game

#23 Angelus

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 12:02 PM

Horny, on Jun 20 2004, 09:54 AM, said:

:) my conclusion is: i cant stay a day without nm, and i wont quit cause of some idiot child! I'll just kill him everytime i see him and put a bounty of 10k on him each day or something like that >.<

Lmao, what are you trying to do, i never talked to you anymore, you came back to me. I got over it, maybe you should too. Even now you have me on your friend list, and i don't have you. Just stfu and take me off then..

Meet the new me.. << doesn't give a f*ck
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#24 Crane


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 01:37 PM

Best of luck Horny!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#25 Paranormal

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 09:16 PM

Horny, on Jun 19 2004, 09:10 PM, said:

[Friend] Angelus: anyone wanne buy a halberd?
[Friend] Angelus: and whats claddagh ring worth

Isnt it a coincidence... that those are the exact same things i gave you??!! And that was given to me by a good friend who i thank...

Dude everytime i try to be friendly to you i hear 'how much i changed' and 'what a big sl*t i am'! I'm sick of being blamed for everything...
You're mad at me cause i dumped you for Kev like 6 months ago! Stop being so childish! It'a happened! If i would leave wes right now i doubt he would act like you!! You're just a spoiled kid who will never grow up!

Don't worry Horny.... That Claddagh Ring he's trying to sell or has sold was one that I gave him... lmao
Kevvy=Manda's Suga Daddy

#26 Ryuku


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Posted 21 June 2004 - 02:22 AM

I will miss you Horny, byes!

#27 Vanilla

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Posted 21 June 2004 - 12:11 PM

Wow, who needs the morning soaps when you've got the Nightmist forum? Do the restart thing and you'll just get all that drama back eventually. Well good luck and everything. Catch me on AIM (WahineIcing). Love ya!
There may be some doubt about a hell beyond the grave but there is no doubt about there being one on this side of it.
*Tidal in-game*

#28 Angelus

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Posted 21 June 2004 - 12:58 PM

Paranormal, on Jun 20 2004, 10:16 PM, said:

Don't worry Horny.... That Claddagh Ring he's trying to sell or has sold was one that I gave him... lmao

Could you also leave me alone if you don't like me, people who care about you don't go posting nuts on a forum so don't even try that. All the crap you ever told me would look funny on the forum too, but you don't see me posting anything about you...

And i still have both, ever tried asking for them back?
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#29 Paranormal

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Posted 21 June 2004 - 01:46 PM

Angelus, on Jun 21 2004, 01:58 PM, said:

Paranormal, on Jun 20 2004, 10:16 PM, said:

Don't worry Horny.... That Claddagh Ring he's trying to sell or has sold was one that I gave him... lmao

Could you also leave me alone if you don't like me, people who care about you don't go posting nuts on a forum so don't even try that. All the crap you ever told me would look funny on the forum too, but you don't see me posting anything about you...

And i still have both, ever tried asking for them back?

Excuse me but umm.... if you read that correctly it says Horny.... Not Angelus!! and can you point out where in that sentence I said anything that pertains to anything you ever said to me? Or wait..... was that a threat to paste all of the conversations I had with you on the forum? *shakes her head in disgust*
Kevvy=Manda's Suga Daddy

#30 alone

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Posted 21 June 2004 - 01:59 PM

PM eachother - No one else gives a flying-moose.
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


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