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#1 Mec

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 03:11 AM

Beam should work more effectively than classes used to the dark and less affectively than races with good eyes.

Dwarves and gnomes should be hit a little harder by beam (somewhere in 2-5 damage)

Elves should be hit 2-4 damage less and half-elves 1-2 damage less.

Then beam should have an underground bonus, like 2-3 more.

#2 Malavon

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 10:11 AM

I don't agree with any of that... I don't think dwarves and gnomes would be hit harder, and I don't think elves would be hit for less damage either. I also don't think beam should have an underground bonus, either. It makes no difference if it's above ground or underground.

#3 archmaster

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 01:55 PM

gnomes arent good melee, they should get bonuses, like 5 more dmg with blast or beam
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#4 Squee



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Posted 18 June 2004 - 03:58 PM

I don't agree.

Dwarves aren't always stuck inside some cave in some far off mountain. Dwaves are just as capable as a human when it comes to living in a bustling city.

Same with elves. Not all of them live in some sunny, open place. In fact, some elves perfer darkness and seclusion rather than the sun.
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#5 Mec

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 04:37 PM

Dwarves and gnomes are famous for living underground and have better eyesight than most in the dark.

Elves are supposed to have keener eyesight so a bright light isn't going to startle them. Anyway, since I can't explain the underground bonus myself, I am going to quote:


Imo Beam at night would cane way more than in daylight. Extreme light being fired at you out of complete darkness would suck way more than when your eyes were already adjusted for the light of the sun. It like when your in bed and the lights out, and your brother turns on the light and you scream 'I'M BLIND! I'M BLIND!' as you shield your eyes.


#6 Mec

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 04:45 PM

Malavon, on Jun 18 2004, 05:11 AM, said:

I don't agree with any of that... I don't think dwarves and gnomes would be hit harder, and I don't think elves would be hit for less damage either. I also don't think beam should have an underground bonus, either. It makes no difference if it's above ground or underground.

Well, I don't think you're right.
Come on, tell us why you don't like it.

.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-WARNING!!!!!! THE BELOW MAY CAUSE STRIFE-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-*-.-

Anyway, while we're un the subject of what we 'think', I think that you don't have a brain.

---------------------------------------Strife gone--------------------------------------------
Well, since you don't agree with me, I'll think I'll suggest something else, if somebody closes their eyes, how on earth is beam going to hurt them? Perhaps making a new helmet called 'blindfold' that is minus 2 dexerity and protects against beam? OR somehow putting a visor down on a halmet?

#7 Malavon

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 06:46 PM

Wow... you're pretty stupid.

1. I agree with Deval's comment about it doing more damage in the dark etc, but you didn't suggest that. You suggested that it did more damage underground, which is a stupid idea. Ever heard of torches? Just because it's underground, it doesn't mean it's pitch black.

2. I don't think eyesight makes any difference at all to how much damage beam would do. It's a beam of "pure light"; it can NOT get any brighter than that, so it doesn't matter if you think it will seem brighter to some races, because it can't actually get brighter.

3. You have to remember that the dwarves in Nightmist DON'T spend all their time underground; they are in parties adventuring with the other elves, humans, gnomes etc. The opposite is same with elves: In Nightmist they spend just as much time underground as the dwarves do.

4. Just because I don't agree with you I don't have a brain? lol, how pathetic can you get.

#8 Metatron

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 07:21 PM

how about that beam does more damage in shady areas that already exist in game, like the way assainate hits for more in those areas?
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#9 Mec

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 07:22 PM

No, just because before you didn't state ideas. I used that as an example of an 'i think this but I don't want to state my reaason'

Much better

You all do have a point,

However, it seems that some races can more easily deal with bright light than others. Eyes get used to things.

And about dwarves: I suppose a whale doesn't spend ALL its tike in water, so it wouldn't react badly to being caught upon land.

Dwarves spend more time underground than most races. I'm not talking about the player dwarves here, I'm talking about the roleplayed and 'nightmist' dwarves. Therefore their eyes are better for seeing in the dark, not the light.

Let me ask you this too, which is generally darker, underground, or above ground. Underground IS the correct answer. Even though it can have torches, underground still IS generally darker.

I bet you're thinking that at night it's darker above ground. Let me tell you this:
There is no night in nightmist.

The fact is, my suggestion makes sense. Thank you very much.

Now you can all try to make it look like so it doesn't make sense., go right on ahead. You're starting to convince me.

edit: Oh, and about elves:

It's not about the elves being in bright, sunny places all day that should make them more resistant to beam. It is their good eyesight that elves supposedly have. (Pardon my grammar in that sentence)

Edited by Mec, 18 June 2004 - 07:25 PM.

#10 Malavon

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 10:33 PM

To be perfectly honest I can't see how having "keen eyesight" would decrease the beam damage. So you can see objects further away clearer, and you have infravision... so? I don't see the link to beam damage tbh.

#11 Mec

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 10:51 PM

Let me rephrase that.

Elves have 'better eyes'.

#12 lowmion

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 05:55 AM

I am surprised that you havnt used the already inbuilt racial bonus's to try and prove your point.

dwarves have an underground bonus, supposedly because of their being more able to 'see' in their natural habitat, being underground it's dark,

and elves having a forrest bonus because their 'eyesight' is better and they're more attuned to the world than most,

just stating this moot point , neither agreeing nor disagreeing with this post,

#13 Malavon

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 09:52 AM

Mec, on Jun 18 2004, 11:51 PM, said:

Let me rephrase that.

Elves have 'better eyes'.

Yes, better eyes because they can see objects that are further away, and because they have infravision. That's it. The only two reasons. As I said earlier, I can't see how that would make beam do less damage.

#14 archmaster

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 02:12 PM

more dmg in dark would be nice, but would that include underground?
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#15 Mec

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Posted 19 June 2004 - 09:07 PM

Look, being able to see things farther away implies that elves have better eyes and would be able to cope with bright light better, you're not listening to me, you're just stating the same argument over and over.

#16 Squee



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Posted 20 June 2004 - 01:20 AM

You say that like you're not... >_>

Okay...look, Beam just doesn't conjure light to burn your eyes right out of sockets. If it was, then you wouldn't be able to do damage to Chairs and Tables (seeing how they have no eyes) nor would you be able to harm Treasure Chests or Doors.

Beam is (simply put) more than just light - a lot more.
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#17 Mec

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 01:40 AM

How does beam cause harm, then.

#18 Squee



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Posted 20 June 2004 - 01:53 AM

I, personally, want staff to tell us how Beam causes harm...

...But, if I had to guess, I would say that it causes harm in the exact same way Blast does (blasts an opponent with pure energy)...but in a more powerful way.
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#19 Pandilex



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Posted 20 June 2004 - 02:07 AM

Mec, on Jun 20 2004, 02:40 AM, said:

How does beam cause harm, then.


No, really. Beam is just a name. It could well be called 'Squibble'. Beam was more appropriate because perhaps a beam of light travels from the mage to the victim.
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#20 Malavon

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 11:22 AM

Mec, on Jun 19 2004, 10:07 PM, said:

Look, being able to see things farther away implies that elves have better eyes and would be able to cope with bright light better, you're not listening to me

Being able to see objects further away is irrelevant! It does NOT mean they can cope with bright light. It has NOTHING to do with it. Why won't you just accept the fact that you're wrong in this case?


you're just stating the same argument over and over.

Yes, because you keep making the same point over and over. If you actually accepted the fact that you are wrong, then I wouldn't need to keep repeating myself. It's actually you that is refusing to listen to anyone elses argument, not me.

#21 Julius

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 08:11 PM

I think Beam should have a % chance to cause the same effects as divine light on the target hit by the spell. It makes sense with the way the spell is worded in its casting, just a thought though.
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#22 Mec

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 08:33 PM

Yes, I think that pure light woudl also cause some harm to the targeted person's eyes. I mean, have you every tried looking at the sun?

#23 Squee



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Posted 20 June 2004 - 08:40 PM

Please correct me if I'm wrong (which I probably am) but does Divine Light reduce the hit percentage of all people/monsters on the square?
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#24 Mec

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 08:50 PM

Only non-enemy ones, I believe. I use divine light more often than many, so I think I'm right. Maybe making it have a small chance of doing a solo divine light would make sense.

#25 Squee



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Posted 20 June 2004 - 09:20 PM

Then, maybe, if cast on people, it would have a small percentage of casting Divine Light on enemy PCs.

And, if cast on monsters, it would have a small percentage of casting Divine Light on enemy NPCs.
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#26 Mec

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Posted 24 June 2004 - 02:19 AM

Good thinking, Squee.

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