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Random Junk

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#1 Jihad

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Posted 22 March 2020 - 02:37 AM

Post offers.


The vault contains: Arcane Ward, Baron's Bracelet, Barrier Ring, Bow of Prophecy, Cephalothorax, Copper Shard, 2x Crystal Ring, Crystal Rune, Dragon's Skin, 2x Dwarven Pickaxe, Earth Ward, Feathered Helm, 2x Haunted Bangle, 3x Museum Key, Orcish Draught, Shroud of Awe, 4x Spider Fang, Spider Gauntlets, Spider Staff, Staff of Serenity, 2x Stair Key 1, 3x Stair Key 2, Vest of Demons, Vindicator's Boots.

Sedition,Discipline. 1-Alt Only

#2 Kreshnic

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Posted 25 April 2020 - 09:54 PM

Here is a list of items I am interested in, a few I don't have any idea how to price so I may be starting low.

Crystal Ring - 30k as many as you want to sell

Earth Ward - 200k

Arcane Ward - 150k

Baron's Bracelet - 50k

Dragon's Skin 250k


Let me know what you think here or memo Warlic. 

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