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multi-alt 1-alt PKing behaviour behavior

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#1 Stig

  • Game Staff
  • 1810 posts

Posted 25 January 2015 - 12:33 PM

So this is the problem...

While this game does allow PKing, there comes a point where it goes too far, such as constantly hunting the same player(s) or deliberately targetting newbies or returning players just because they are easier prey.  The problem is that getting PKed, especially over and over again, is not a nice thing to face because it is usually no fault of the victim, and is a very quick way to force players to quit.

You can say "They should learn" or "It's part of the game" all you want, but if you do it so much that it causes players to quit in frustration because it is impossible to progress, then it becomes griefing.  Destroying other people's enjoyment just so you get a kick is not acceptable by any stretch of the imagination, so I will only say this once: to those who go out of their way to PK anyone and everyone, tone it down and stop being such a kill-joy.  There is no victory in forcing people to quit, so stop being so élitist about your power, skill or standing in the game.

Griefing is a bannable offence.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: multi-alt, 1-alt, PKing, behaviour, behavior

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