Mia's World
Posted 06 June 2004 - 08:44 PM
1. I am GOD in this game, anything I say is what will happen. If I don't like what you do, it won't happen, or your out of the game = ]
2 If you want to join, please tell a lil about your character, who you are, what you are, your personality and how you look like. If you don't tell about your character, you're not a part of the story/world.
3 Your character will not count if it's too powerfull (meaning: your character is not a god character) You can still be an angel, demon, and other creatures as long as they are not overloaded with power.
4 Always play your character after the characters personality.
5 If you follow these simple rules, feel free to do anything you like.
6. If you want to know anything leave me a email. I'll try to get a map for my world on a link so you can see where you are and where you can go.
(I will also play my own character in this game)
And now to start the game!))
This is the second age of this world. I will now tell you how this world came to a second age.
When this world became to be, there was a power of light and darkness. They had a balance of life death. One day in the late first age a human went to the caves Morvel. He was a highly known person as he once slayed a great dragon with powers of ice. His name was Hillance. As he walked through the caves he ended up in the end of the cave. It was like a new land. The sky was dark and red like blood, and the mountains high and dark, they were made of old lava. The air was heave and hard to breathe.
Hillance reached a place where there was a tempel, dark and gloomy. It looked very old and overgrown with dead roses. Inside the tempel there was a sword, a sword who once belonged to the powerful demon god, Dragragath. He who was slayn by the angels of light. But Dragragath's soul lived on in the sword sealed away inside the tempel. The world kept a perfect balance with the demon sealed away. On the stone under the sword were there written these words: "The demon sword of Dragragath. He who holds the sword holds the world in his hand"
As every powerfull man wants: More power, Hillance got through and took the sword for himself. Hillance died of the terrible power that overgrown his ego mind, and Dragragath had a new body. Without warning he burned many willages to the ground, killing thousands of thousands of cratures. The power of light fought back, but this war destroyed the world and almost all life. This was the beginning of the new world, the second age. After hundreds of years the world built up what was gone, and forests grew back. Creatures of the nature used their healing powers to make the nature grow back a little faster.
Dragragath and the demon sword was gone, never to return. At this point the world is back to normal. People think of this story only as a legend, cause there is no tracks of this happening left to see. The legend also tells that when the war of light and darkness took place they had such a strong battle that the land as we know it were parted with the main land.
We now belive it is 1495 years after that legend.
((Now you can start playing with your character from here on))
Posted 07 June 2004 - 12:22 PM
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 114lb
Age: 102
Sleep is young elf grown to life in human city. Fast to laugh as well as to take offence, he mention his natural curiosity and is quick to adept to new surrounding. Though little after hundred years old, he is still very young by elven standards.
As most elves he stands little over five feet and is of light build. His open handsome face is framed by long blond hair which is usually braided into long tail. Blue eyes are shining with natural intelligence and unmatched by thin lips which always seems to be ready to curl into playful smirk. He would pass for human youngster if not for prolonged ears and fine facial features which without doubt reveal his elven origin.
Sleep prefers practice over style in dress and most often wears simple loose clothes which does not hinder his movement and allows him to walk as fast and stealthy in dark city streets as most other elves do in woodlands. Though appears unarmed, he is always carrying two steel daggers hidden on his body.
Eleonor Aiwendil was born in small elven settlement surrounded by deep forests. As young elven boy, his life was pretty much normal. Both his parents were traders, what was rather unusual among elves, and owned small caravan which was set on regular route with human city trading elven goods for iron and other materials hard to find in woodlands. Despite common distrust, both communities benefited from such relationship. They often took young Eleonor on trips with them as he could learn about world and understand importance of cooperation with other races which they felt was lacking in their brethren.
On one such trip caravan stayed to camp for night. Rain and storm weather forced them to. It was unknown to them that war party of gnolls was secretly stalking them for hoping for easy prey. Pouring sound and night concealed all sounds when gnolls. Taken by surprise, hired guards were soon overcame by intelligent predators and fight turned into slaughter.
But gnolls were not only hunters in that night. Patrol of local lord was lost too in storm which was unnatural in that season and wandered too far north into neutral lands. Tired and frustrated they travelled on as they would no doubt would face major punishment for failure to return before sunset from their lord. They heard echoing screams from attacked camp and rushed to investigate. Faced by well-armed and organised opponents, gnolls retreated into night but it was already too late for most people. Only survivor patrol could found was elven boy hiding in one of caravan wagons.
Losing his family and away from his elven homeland, Eleonor choose to travel back to human city with his rescuers, feeling he would be comfortable there now. Patrol left him at gate and went to their sires castle hoping that their late would be forgiven. First day was not as good for elf as it could as be as he robbed blind by local thieves. Without any useful skills in human community he could not as find better place for himself in that appeared now completely alien city. Very few days later he joined himself thief guild, where his natural dexterity and intelligent was more then welcomed. Taking up nickname "Sleep" which is translate of his true name in elven language, he is trying to start new live among his human peers.
Posted 07 June 2004 - 02:45 PM
(for Sleep)
You are in the human city as far shouth you can get on the map, and you find yourself in one of the city's taverns, The Gordan Inn. The place is full of people as this is a place where travelers stay when they are in the town. The lumber walls seem old but very nice with candle sticks hanging from it. The light is dim and the smell of pipe weed is all around. A fair maiden serves you your drink while dancing away. There is much joy and alot of cheers and bard's songs playing. Before the maiden danced away she gave you the message: "Follow the silver moonlight of the full moon on the river to the south-east tomorrow night."
(what do you do?)
Edited by Mia, 07 June 2004 - 02:51 PM.
Posted 09 June 2004 - 10:26 AM
The city is large. Mostly the houses are made of stone, but some of lumber. The streets are broad and filled with people selling food and other usefull things. At the gates of the city you have to give your weapons for storing as this is a city of one of the human kings. The city is by the sea, so many things they sell on the streets are things brought from other parts of the land. Though the city is by the sea, it is lying half on a hill and half at sea level. The city is a rich one, but there are many poor people here stealing to survive. The city has alot of guards around to keep the city calm. The Gordan Inn is near the doc and close to the stables. You can also find a blacksmith nearby and another tavern. The city is known for their great taverns.
(if the picture dosn't show, you can see it at this link http://www.geocities...llons/south.jpg )

Edited by Mia, 09 June 2004 - 12:17 PM.
Posted 10 June 2004 - 02:03 AM
Name: Adam
Race: human
Class: if anythin, a cleric((not the gay way they are in nm, but baldur's gate style))
Gender: male
Adam grew up in a poor life-style working on his father's farm. His mother died giving birth to him, and his father was killed by an unknown group of men ((see the now forgotten "A taste for revenge" topic)).
Working on the farm had made him stronger than most kids his age, so when he used to live in his home-town he was one of the strongest kids his age. He is lightly tanned and is now a wandering adventurer, dispite his young age. He always carries around his strong oakwood staff and wears a light brown robe over his basic clothing.
((its not nearly as long as sleep's bio, but im not much of a writer.))
Posted 10 June 2004 - 08:25 AM
I have placed you Adam in the same city as Sleep, but your home town lies a little more to the north-west. You have just entered the city from the sea by ships. At the doc you can see alot of people working and trading fish for silver and bear skin. (more to come, I just have to go to class)
Posted 10 June 2004 - 08:30 PM
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs
Build: Lean and Muscular
Age: 18
Bio: Opie is Paladin experienced in his trade, yet still new to it. He has red hair and blue eyes, wears a black cloak over a breast plate. He carries shield strapped to his back, and has a sword sheathed there as well. He rides a pure white horse called White Lightning, because his original elvish name was too hard for Opie to pronounce, so he learned the common language deffinition.
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 10 June 2004 - 09:27 PM
Age: 31
Race: Human
Height: 5'9
Weight: 113
Occupation: Ranger/Advisor
Appearance: Dreaming is a tall slender woman with long blond hair and soft blue eyes that tend to flash depending upon her emotions. Dressed meticulously and neatly at all times.
Home: The Dark Mountains
Weapons: She carries several daggers with her but perfers using her Enchanted bow that glows softly in the light. Deadly accurate and Often Lethal.
Personality: Sweet natured she tends to like to just relax and have fun with those she considers a friend or loved one. However has a short temper and can go off at others if provoked or she feels they are making assumptions they have no right making concerning her or those she considers family or friends.
Dreaming was born of a small family within the Dark mountains as a child she grew up fighting like everyone else to keep the family from being killed by the ever pressent press of the darker families and native beasts of the land. When she came of the age of 16 years old she left her family's home to train and become a better help like all her siblings had before her unlike her Fighter brother and Mage sister she opted for something she was always drawn to the call of nature and the power of a bow and arrow.
Long years went past as she trained hearing very little of her family occasionaly seeing her brother or sister when they came to town after an attack that sometimes they'd not win and would be ressurected within the local inns by a high sorcerer. This made her determination to do better for herself solify. Once she recieved the highest level of training in her native village home in the darker mountains. She'd veinture down and seemed to meed odd friends. Including the one that would lead her around in life.
Banding together with young Ariana a fighter girl that was by far amazing as she was but 10 years old and trained as high as she could get the little girl and the woman became fast friends. Outspoken Ariana and Quiet Dreaming, A true case of opposities attract however when Ariana teases Dreaming is not far behind to protect the little girl and the "Family" she joined a guild. She goes to see her family still high on the Dark mountains but no longer is she really needed there after her parents passed away from older age the brother and sister tending to stick to thier own friends she felt more a need to stay with the guild.
Quietly she just dwelled within the family until young Ariana introduced her to a friend to which she had an immediate kinship and rapore, that of the dashing exploring paladin. Becoming fast friends they talked alot and soon found that friendship was not all they felt for the other. Dreaming falling deeply in love with a friend of her mistress's she tends to be exceedingly loyal to him and at times over critical of others that pick on him even if joking..
However like so many other things. It just wasn't meant to be. She'd love the paladin dearly forever. Though the place in her heart for him had also pushed him out. When She'd left the one guild for a while to be and follow her young friend Ariana. She'd left the guild and Followed her princess all over the realm. Until finally she returned to whre she'd first found a home. Where she'd find that her once beloved friend had moved on. Smiles hold back a little hurt. But she was contented in his happiness for another woman. So now she just wanders free and trying to move on from that of the past.
Edited by DemonSkys, 10 June 2004 - 09:34 PM.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 11 June 2004 - 09:21 AM
The night is falling and you are still at the doc of the city Bregen. (the city far to the south on the map) What do you want to do?
You have been traveling from the far north (from north where I haven't a map over yet) from a human city called Ordra. You have been ordered to travel to the small village to deliver a scroll to the village leader. You haven't been told what the scroll say, but you follow your masters orders. You find yourself a few miles from the city and the night is falling. What do you do?
(will come soon)
Posted 12 June 2004 - 02:44 AM
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 13 June 2004 - 06:58 PM
But apparently it not did applied to Sleep.
Ignoring warning, elf was going to celebrate successful deed in local tavern and atmosphere in Gordan Inn perfectly suited his mood. He was sitting there drinking and trading jokes with patrons he met just couple hours ago. Beer already clouded his mind so few words about thievery did slipped but he was too careless to notice and it seems nobody took him seriously.
It was then when strange rhythm spoken by barmaid caught him off guard. Turned head to her to catch her look. They eyes met for moment but then she started to move away. Sleep was almost going to call to her but jokes and comments from his mates regarding his confusion stopped him. He answered them with merry laugher and drinking continued anew. On other night he would no doubt stay here till dawning but strange words did not left his mind. Was she trying to date him? Finally elf stood from table saying he is tired (which of course triggered another laughter) and with little unsure steps walked toward stairs leading to private rooms in inn.
(actions for now: returning to my room and waiting till moon rise while thinking about future date

Edited by Sleeping, 13 June 2004 - 07:21 PM.
Posted 13 June 2004 - 08:56 PM
Your home in the dark mountains lies to the north-west. You find yourself in the forest to the south-west. You are not sure where you are but you can hear noice that sounds like a waterfall close by. You find the forest very quiet as the night has fallen. You can see a little fairy flying from one tree to another. The little fairy glows with a white kind of yellow light. As you move closer it flies away. You can now see a lake and the forest clear around you. The stars are shining bright and the moon is almost a full moon. You can hear from far away a wolf howl.
(what do you do?)
As you are walking up the stairs you can still hear the cheers from downstairs. The tavern is very crowded so while walking up stairs you pass two elves and a dwarf they seem to have a very harsh argument... (well atleast from the dwarf, and a lil light from the elves as they are very 'proud'..) your room is right next to where they stand. You stumbel into your room trying to sleep, but the arguing outside is a very very loud arguing from the dwarf's side.
(what do you do?)
Posted 13 June 2004 - 09:11 PM
Posted 13 June 2004 - 09:29 PM
You cannot hear clearly from inside of your room what the dwarf and elves arguing about cause of the thick lumber walls.
Through the window you can see the clear sky and the moon shining bright, but the moon is not full just yet, it seems like the moon will be full the next night.
(what do you do?)
You can hear a wolf howl very close. But as wolves are afraid of the light of fire, you have no worries about it come to attack you. Besides the wolf's howl you can only hear the river beside your tent. A good nights rest should be good for the rest of your trip to the village the next day.
Posted 15 June 2004 - 08:01 AM
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 15 June 2004 - 04:10 PM
Unfortunately this idea was completely annihilated by loud arguing outside his room. Turning side to side in bed for seemed like hours (in truth only dozen minutes), he decided he can’t rest like that and stumbling headed back to hall.
“Hey” – Loudly exclaimed Sleep as his blue eyes were trying to focus on dwarf who was causing most noise. “Is there a problem here?” He shaked alittle and had to balance on doorframe to stand straight.
Edited by Sleeping, 15 June 2004 - 07:12 PM.
Posted 15 June 2004 - 07:48 PM
As you walk with the forestpath besides the water, you can hear the wolf howl closening. It seems like more of them are gathering up. The little fairy dissapears into the forest, you are now in the middle of it. Since you saw the fairy by the water you have been walking for hours. You begin to feel very tired as you have been walking all day and night.
The elves are tall handsome looking, with long blond hair and one of them have grey eyes, and the other one has blue. They both wear a grey cloack. The dwarf has a brown cloack and his beard is long and brown. He has a various armor that shines out of the mithril. On his arms he has guantlets that looks like dragon scale.
Dwarf: "My name is Gordan. The elves are making so much noise about this dark angel they have seen flying around the mountain of wisdom, and they are all -mooshy- about her killing their animals in the forest. I am trying to tell them that if there is a dark angel flying around they should be happy about it not eating them! They are now insulting my race of people for being on the dark side with the dark angel because I am defending them."
the two elves looks down at the dwarf with a fire in their eye.
Elf one: "Are you mad? You do defend the angels of darkness! You said it yourself. You and your pitty race who lives inside the mountains, you must clearly defend your -own- kind." *elf looks at Sleep* "I am so sorry, for this pitty discusion. My name is Elithis, and this is my dear brother, Elrothis, at your service."
Elrothis: "We are at your service. May I ask your name dear good sir? You are most welcome elf friend."
Gordan: "Ey, now wait a minute! I am at your service too! Going on a quest? I'm in! I love a good orc killing!"
The three all takes a great bow before you, ignoring that you are drunk as a full bottle of beer.
Posted 15 June 2004 - 11:29 PM
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 16 June 2004 - 08:47 PM
Sleep says:
"Sleep, at your service too...humans call me so around here" nodded elf looking both curious and confused at company, "What q-quest?"
Gordan says:
"Oi! wait a minute... you're not going on a quest? Well, you are an elf too, I should have known. Elves don't go on quests, they useually stay in their valleys or whatever and looking at their mirror in the water. I mean, no offence, I do not know you, but you just looked like a person who goes on quests"
Elithis says:
"And why should we mind a dirty little dwarf? you are filthy! Why don't you go take a bath or something??"
Gordan says:
"I love the smell of war!!"
Sleep says:
"No...I'm not going on any quests.." Sleep shook head forcefully, in disagreement with dwarf. His hair broke free and fell upon his face. "Just this strange date next night..." He blinked and cut short realizing it won't be apropriate to bring other people there. "..nothing." he added after short pause. His nose was telling him same about dwarf and he looked at him warily
Gordan says:
"Splendid! I will join you on yer quest!" he said and bowed gracefully before you."Are you alright? you seem to be very drunk.. maybe you should lie down, its not good to go on a quest with a great hangover laddy!"Gordan takes Sleep's hand and shows the way into your room.
Elrothis says:
"That is so rude. A dwarf should know better than to lay a hand on an elf!" He said and gracefully turns his back. "Come my brother! Let us leave these smelly creatures!"
Sleep says:
"My quest? It is date!" firmly protested Sleep, as dwarf grabbed him and tried to lead back into. "What you dwarves would know in such things?" He blinked some more and casted look upon other elves who seemed to be rather happy of good ridiance from dwarf, "Hey, he is yours companion!"
Elrothis says:
elves both turn their backs to you and walk away
Gordan says:
"We dwarves know much about dates, though we have a problem when we date men and men.... It's so hard to see the diffirence on woman and men"He laughs out loudly
Sleep says:
tried and pulled away his hand from dwarf, rubbing it as if was burnt "Men? I'm not going to meet any men....What you are going to do on date?" he gave Gordan caution look as dwarf laughed
Gordan says:
"We do not date other men if we know they are men. And what we do at dates?" laughs a little more. "Now wouldn't you like to know? Elves are not familiar with the rough..." He sopped in the middle of the line while thinking that it wouldn't be a proper thing to say. "You should get some sleep young elf master. If there is a date, you shouldn't have a hangover!" He pushes Sleep into the bed and puts a cover upon him.
Sleep says:
Despite his protest, Gordan manages without problem to tuck him into bed. "And how exactly you are going to help me to date her?"
Gordan says:
As merry he is he laughed again "No no, I am not gonna help you date her! That is your job. I am just here when you go on the quest to meet her. By the way, where are you going to meet her? Is it far? maybe save her from the -dark angels- as the puffy elves called them?"
Sleep says:
despite fact that he was lying on bed, he was still feeling himself taller then dwarf. ."She told me to meet her along river to southeast...on next night" barely legibile mumbles Sleep.
Gordan says:
I will see you in the morning. But before I go, you do have some weapons right?" He said in hope for some orcs on the way over. "you know, it is not safe without a weapon out there in the wild." Gordan moves to the door.
Sleep says:
nodded slowly suddenly realizing he is happy to see fact that dwarf is leaving by his own accord. "Yea...whatever, sure I have weapons....see you tomorrow..." words come unconnected as he become to fall asleep due to silence settle in room. his last thought was to jump out window next morning so dwarf won't see him leave
Gordan says:
*few hours later*
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!! someone was hammering your door..
Gordan says:
The one who hammerd the door seemed to be in a great hurry!
Sleep says:
knocking was ringing and ampifing tentimes in his head. he had to stop this noice! he opened eyes by tremendous force will and rolled off bed. "It is damn night!" He shouted from across door as he struggled to feet
Tavern keeper. says:
"Its me, Bobby, the tavern keeper. It's in the middle of day already, and your friend Gordan is waiting for you. You have been sleeping all past noon."
Sleep says:
"Noon..." moaned elf as he finally reached door and pushes it open. He stared dumpwitted at tavern keeper. "Who did you said is waiting for me?"
Tavern keeper. says:
"Gordan, the little dwarf friend of yours. He asked me very kindly to see if you were awake. And it is good to see that you were" He smiled and thought you had been awake for a while.
Sleep says:
blinked few times as his sensitive eyes were trying to adjust to bright light in hall. "G-Gordan..." he repeated slowly trying to remember events of last night. "Is he still here?" looked behind innkeeper cautionly
Tavern keeper. says:
Bobby looks a little around and answeres "Yes he is still here. He and the two elves in your party, I believe their names are Elrothis and Elithis.."
Sleep says:
"he and the two elves..." mumbled Sleep repeating slowly again after innkeeper. "yea sure" he forced friendly smile upon his face, "can you tell them to wait for me downstairs?"
Tavern keeper says:
"of course master elf." Bobby went downstairs where the elves and dwarf were.
Tavern keeper says:
"Master Elrothis and Elithis, the good sir will be down soon. may I serve you a drink while waiting?
Gordan says:
"Give me a beer oh great master of the golden beer!"
Elrothis says:
"Oh, no thank you. . . .
Sleep says:
He slammed door shut and went about room collecting things he thought would be useful in outside trip. deputing exitting inn by window or returning downstairs first for good drink
Tavern Keeper says:
"Here you go master dwarf. The golden beer." He said with a smile on his face.
Elrothis says:
"I'm not entirely sure I'd like one such as him about all the time. . . noisy, immature fool" Elrothis scoffs. Elrothis searches for a cloth to clean the poor excuse for dirt from under his nails, finding none he continues to insult Sleep "Really obviously he's not meant to be with us. . ."
Sleep says:
Second option was obviously prevailing. He spent some time to get himself in order, combing hair back and pinning them with delicate silver clasp. Hanging backpack over shoulder. He headed down to mainhall, despit condition his steps were light and graciful. "Serve me beer, fellow.." He smirked at innkeeper seeing that inn was rather deserted this morning. "And put it on my account, if i could only remember where I left money this morning"
Gordan says:
"Now laddy, you shouldn't have a beer now. If you are going on a date with an elven nancy pantsy she wouldn't like a beer smelling elf" He said while he enjoyed his large mug of beer
Elrothis says:
"So you do understand the aversion to the stench. . .and simply choose to ignore it?"
Elithis says:
"For once I agree with the dwarf. And beer isn't a proper drink for an elf. Here drink this elven potion. It will help a little on the hangover"
Gordan says:
"I am a dwarf, I do not care about my smell. Its the good smell of manlyness"
Elrothis says:
"Eugh, you disgust me"
Sleep says:
Looked at dwarf and his large mug with obvious jealously, "Nor will it will help to go there with headache when you can't even speak properly..." he accepts potion from Elithis, "Wow. I wish elders would teach me to brew these before I left forests"
Elithis says:
Elithis smiled a little. "You can learn how to brew them where you belong my dear elf. You should learn to live like an elf again and come with us."
Elrothis says:
"Oh no if it's mortals he loves, he should stay where he belongs"
Sleep says:
Frowned as he drink whole potion in single go, "Um," he coughs," that tastes awful." He remarked obviously ignorant to other elves speakes, "Love, me? I dont even know her yet"
Tavern Keeper says:
Tavern Keeper Bobby watched them and laughed at them for a little while. "Weren't you guys suppose to go on this quest you are always talking about? You have used maybe an hour on just talking about this young master elf and his girlfriend."
Sleep says:
raises his blond eyebrows at Elrothis. He had sitted on edge of table crossing arms in not friendly manner. "There is no fun at all in wild forests. You only say it because you never knew anything better..."
Elrothis says:
Shoots the Barkeep an evil look but kindly suggest that he keep his nose out of other's business
Tavern Keeper says:
"Oh I am sorry my dear master elf, I didn't mean to offend you."
Sleep says:
watches Elrothis' look with corner of his eyes as he is turned toward barkeep. "Theres nothing to worry about my more wild bretherns, Bobby." He smiled friendly "I think you are right and I should be going"
Elrothis says:
"Ah the boy sees reason from a barkeep"
Gordan says:
Gordan was jus about done with his mug of beer when he slammed his hand on the table and used his deep strong voice: "Now listen up! My young laddy here is going on a date. And he wouldn't be late now would he? So we should do as Bobby said, we sould get moving! Alright then. We are off. Get your weapons from the gate keepers. And I will get my lovely battle axe I have missed so much!"
Sleep says:
Smiles in pleasure, watching expression on dwarf's face "I think, my friend, I'm keeping my weapons with me. It is not way to walk around city completely defendless like dwarf"
Tavern Keeper says:
Bobby shuts his eyes wide open trying to not say anything as he knows the rules of this city
Sleep says:
Shrugged his shoulders at Bobby, "All better to leave the city for couple days."
Tavern Keeper says:
"Yes, you should leave the city now, you know the rules. Carry weapons inside this city will get your hands choped off. And I do not want a part of that. I beg you, please leave my tavern now."
Sleep says:
Bowed low before bartender, "With my pleasure...these stupid guards are too slow to catch me here" he winked
Gordan says:
Gordan just sits there thinking over the name of the tavern... "Just come to think of it. This tavern has the same name as me.... Gordan... The Gordan Inn" He said and smiled very proudly.
Sleep says:
Patted Gordan on shoulder, trying to ignore his smell which was too much even for his taste, "Good revelation, friend. Now lets go out before we will get arrested"
Elithis says:
"Yes, I wouldn't stay here for long. I wouldn't be proud to have one less hand. It would ruin my good charisma"
Elrothis says:
"This steanch is giving me a headache" Elrothis puts his hand to his head as if in great pain. He moves for the door and is about to reach for the latch when the sight of the filth on it makes his stomach churn. . .
Sleep says:
Looked over his new mates, laughing lightly, "I know less guarded gate out of town....Unless you are gonna risk being sighted walking around with known criminial." he winked to Elrothis
Elithis and Gordan says:
Elithis and Gordan both got up and moved for the door where they would be traveling together on a -quest- as Gordan would say.
(As for the rest of the players, its now sveral hours later a bit past noon, and all are awake and ready for what will happen next)
Edited by Mia, 16 June 2004 - 09:49 PM.
Posted 19 June 2004 - 07:08 AM
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:02 AM
You wake up the next day by the little fairy you saw last night who was pulling your hair. It seems like the little fairy wanted to tell you something or show you something. She begins to fly away from the tree but stops and looks at you.
Posted 20 June 2004 - 11:03 AM
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 20 June 2004 - 11:24 AM
As you follow the little fairy you can see the forest clearing a littlebit. The fairy now lands on a little white flower and points at the ground. walk to where the fairy points you can now see a small hole in the ground, but big enough to crawl inside. The fairy flashed more than ever now. The glowing was strong and you could see she made a little fire ball in her hands. She used the fire ball to light up a torch for you. After that the fairy was back to normal glowing, but seemed to be really tired.
Posted 20 June 2004 - 05:46 PM
"Sorry, forgot to wake up, here ya go."
He reaches into a saddlebag and pulls out a sugar cube. "Your lucky we're headed to town, that was the last one."
Opie hops onto White Lightnings back, and before he can yell "YA" Lightning takes off running "I guess you really want those sugar cubes."
(Opie is now at the gate of town)
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 21 June 2004 - 03:11 AM
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 27 June 2004 - 10:08 PM
The towns people rush over to you and bows before you, after hours talking with the town leader he told you that the letter was an acceptians of an alliance between the dwarves in the mountains behinde the city. The dwarves had been on a council with some of the humans about an orc problem that had been bothering both the town of the humans and the dwarves in the mountains. Frida, the towns leader, asks you if you if you could help them out a bit. They have noticed some movements to the west. She also offers you a bed for the stay and free food if you would accept. She also had another offer to come with, and that was to travel to the south and ask for some help from the humans in Bregen. As for now you would be free to do what your wishes were.
As you enter the torch lights up some of the cave that now seems a little bigger. On the walls you can see some drawings of old. It looks like som dwarven runes, but they have faded a bit so its hard to see what it is in this poor light. The drawings look like a man in a outside a tempel. On another wall you can see the same man holding a sword with kind of a strange light around it. You are not sure if its faded out or what. As you turn around you see a map over a big land and a small land. You only recall the small land, but you can see its broken off the other larger land. Before you get to study the drawings and runes you see 3 orcs comming up the dark in the cave hall.
The 4 of you are now by the river, but no one is around yet. It is still on the afternoon and the sun haven't yet gone down. The elves went into the forest to find something to eat while the dwarf lit up a fire to boild a rabbit he had killed on the road down here.
Edited by Mia, 27 June 2004 - 10:14 PM.
Posted 02 July 2004 - 07:43 AM
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 17 July 2004 - 06:55 PM
Race: Unknown
Class: Unknown
Height: 7'10
Age: Eternal
No-one know exactly what he looks like, his face is hidden under his large black hood. He speaks with a stern voice that echoes authority whilst at the same time sounding concerned and comforting. He wears a large black cape covering him from head to toe. His ginormous figure makes him a formidable target for all. In one hand he holds a staff. He is capable of extreme magic and has immense strength and abilities. An Aura of Good hangs around him supressing evil and wickedness.
Rumours say that he comes from an ancient land far far away; In this place war has split the land after a desperate power struggle when the King died without an heir to the throne. He comes to this land in search of someone worthy enough to unite his home nation and to bring peace once again. He speaks only words of wisdom. From his travels he has gained even more wisdom and is now more knowledgable than any other who walks the land. Some say he is even a god. However, he truly knows that he is not, but is a Messiah spreading the word of god and fulfilling the tasks of goodness.
Posted 23 July 2004 - 03:08 AM
Race: Human
Class: Thief
Gender: Female
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 125 lbs
Build: Athletic
Age: 21
Appearance: Tamandra has golden-brown hair that, when loose, cascades down to her shoulder blades; however, preferring practicality over beauty, it is generally pulled tightly in a roll at the nape of her neck. Her warm glass blue eyes are at odds with the warm, olive tones of her skin and her preferred colour choice. When relaxing, she can be found wearing long flowing dresses in various vibrant colours in whatever the current fashion is. When on a job, if you had a keen enough eye or had gained enough trust, you would see her in rough, brown, close-fitted outfits designed to blend into shadows and against walls.
Personality: More like her warm hair and skin than her eyes, Tamandra takes kindly to strangers and is often helping anyone she meets. Making friends, however, is always difficult, and having any other relationships is nearing impossible. She has a weak spot for children and tends to get herself in trouble with potential employers when she refuses to take an offered job because of moral conflicts.
History: From a long line of great healers, Tamandra has been extensively trained in the ways of healing. Unfortunately, Tamandra has very little skill in that area finding that she can do no more than set bones and use heal minor bruises without a healing kit. At an early age she found her skills lay in the art of stealth and slight of hand. When her family found that she would not make a great healer, they were disappointed; when they found where her skills truly lay, they were horrified. So, to avoid shaming her family, Tamandra packed what little she could morally take from her family and left the only place she ever knew. Also leaving behind her first love, a human bard by the name of Jakob.
As Tamandra traveled, she used her skills as a thief only as much as she needed to survive, yet she quickly found that one could not be passive in one’s life as a traveler when she was robbed several times in her first weeks on her own. Tamandra decided that she would need to take a more active roll in her safety and set about training herself to respond to attacks better than she had.
Seeing the way that her life seemed to be heading, Tamandra made two vows to herself: she would honour her family in one small way by never accepting a job against the defenseless, and would always honour her Jakob in all else. Two strong words which can be so hard to stay true to: Never. Always. Only time can tell if her vow will remain unbroken.
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