Uncoventional Healing (newb Friendly)
Posted 07 May 2004 - 12:52 PM
Posted 08 May 2004 - 12:19 AM
Opie has that purple stone/crystal Mantis originally had?
Mantis is in the air, battling Eagles in his Daemon form? (Whom I picture as a dragon?)
Steven is still on the ground, trying to catch his breath after Galeb stepped on his throat?
Galeb is standing over Steven, relieved that Deamon did not finish an attack on him?
Charon is running at Opie to...I think...tackle him?
Am I wrong on anything? ^^;; ))

Posted 09 May 2004 - 07:17 AM
Aladar was jerked out of thoughts of their journey by Ulantees and his swift command to bract. It was a few seconds before he even realized Ulantees had asked something of him.
'Oh sorry... Intent? I will see what....' Aladars eyes glazed slightly taking on an unatural light 'Its a young man named steven, he.... he gave the king a weapon? something about steven is important... GAAAH!!!' Aladars scream of pain sent him reeling to his knees 'Something.... powerful... VERY powerful has unleashed itself in the battle... I must...' Aladar trailed off as he stood and sprinted in the direction of the battle.
As he came to the edge of the battle all power from his limbs was suddenly gone. Aladar fell to the ground with a loud thud, and lay there breathing heavily.
'Ti......'Anna what... Use me' Aladars body was lifted into the air by no known force, suspended at least 5 feet above the ground. His body took on a soft white glow, that quickly grew to a stark blinding white. Where Aladar had been suspended a tall female mage now stood, cloaked in what could only be described as holy light. With a loud 'Whooosh' two dovelike wings flapped open behind the woman. This was an angel of that there was no doubt.
With a great booming voice of command came these words 'YOU! Daemon! Cease your violence, or suffer greatly'
Within the words was woven all manner of awe, as well as great feelings of peace, but great undertides of Violence could be heard in them. This being, whatever it was, was not something to take idly. The bystanders watching the battle fell to their knees in reverence, knowing a divine presence was among them.
'What you have done here is unthinkable, to kill innocents for the return of but one life, Even a life unjustly taken. You cannot be allowed to go any further, once again I command you, stop or suffer demon.'
((Ti'Anna isnt happy....

Copying From many is Research.
It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval
Posted 09 May 2004 - 07:36 AM

Copying From many is Research.
It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval
Posted 09 May 2004 - 04:07 PM
One would no doubtedly think Steven were dead if eyes weren't open - full of regret and sorrow. He had failed...again. However, this time was so much worse. Not only did he doom himself but he had dragged so many innocents with him. How could he live with himself now? Whatever King Elwin had planned for him, Steven was ready for it; he deserved it more than anything in the world.

Posted 09 May 2004 - 05:33 PM
This will not work, not here with so many against me.
He looks around to see the carnage of the small skirmish, and noticed that Steven was gone.
Oh no, he's gone, I failed to protect him...
"I may have failed, but Mantis wont!" Daemon reaches inside his breastplate, and retrieves a small, red, glowing stone.
"It is your turn, you are not meant to leave yet." He says as he crushes the stone in his claw. With his other claw, he again forms his large flaming sword, and stabs himself in the chest. His eyes bulge from the searing pain and he falls to the ground, beginning the slow and painful transformation back into Mantis.
Posted 10 May 2004 - 01:20 PM
The King of Eagles was protected from the electricity by Bremens shield. When Opie was hit, he reached down to gently take the stone with his beak.
Posted 10 May 2004 - 08:46 PM
He turns to Blaster, "Alright buddy, i'm going to try this enhance spell one last time, you ready for it?"
"Yeah, lets give it a try, I have complete trust in your ability."
Opie chants a few words and Blaster again bulks up, Opie also casts some magical protection spells and a Magical aura around Blaster to protect him from mjor damage. "Blaster, get, that, druid."
"BREMEN!!! I KNOW THAT'S YOU!!! YOU CALL YOURSELF A PALADIN?" Opie again starts to glow with a magical blinding white aura, and he tucks the stone in his armor. He then grabs his own sword and runs to the now transforming Mantis. "Oathen, protect him, please."
Blaster, now very large, yet still surprisingly short, runs towards Bremen, great axe swinging. "You messed with Opie, now you mess with me. DO YOU'RE WORST SPELLCASTER!!!"
((ooc, that was such flagrent God-modding, that I chose to ignore it. Never happened. I never dropped the stone, and What i did with Blaster. Not god-modding. I never said it hit you, so it's possible that you didn't get hit. although it was unlikely that you wouldn't.))
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin
Posted 11 May 2004 - 12:13 AM
"Argh!" he cried out as he tried to lower Steven's body in front of his. In a way, he succeeded and Steven took the majority of the blow. Steven's scream of agony was cut short as the electricity surged through his body, paralyzing any and all of his muscles.
However, Galeb was not fast enough to lower his meat-shield and he, as well, felt the sting of lightning. He fell to the ground, dropping the heap of singed flesh (Steven) to the ground in front of him. On one knee, he shook his head trying to recover.
His half-elven blood provided him with some resistance to the lightning...but not a great deal when compared to his pure-blooded fore-fathers.
Still in one hand, Galeb held his remaining scimitar. His other sword lay several yards away, recently struck out of his grip by Steven.
((In case anyone is wondering, Alex probably won't be coming back into this RP...except maybe somewhere near the end. I never intended him to be a main character...he was mainly there to show that Steven was, indeed, a known face around Karfendale.))

Posted 11 May 2004 - 01:49 PM
Bremen grabbed Steven and and lifted him quickly out of Galeb's reach. Then Bremen cast a spell on Steven to counteract the effects of his lightning bolt. Next, Bremen called one of the eagles down and placed Steven on its back. Finally, as the eagle carried Steven up into the air, Bremen turned his attention back to Galeb.
The King of Eagles felt the axe hit his protective shield, and backed away from Opie and Blaster. You call yourself a paladin? You fight to protect thaat wich you are sworn to oppose. you allow the stealing of souls, right before your eyes! Indeed, you aid it! You disgrace your oder today.
Edited by Primal_Whisperer, 11 May 2004 - 01:53 PM.
Posted 11 May 2004 - 06:45 PM
He dared to attack a paladin? Retribution must be swift.
Mantis runs toward Bremen, as he does there is a lightning flash, and the legendary sword, Vindicator, appears in his hands.
Mantis leaps into the air, and is surrounded by glowing green energy. Leaving a green trail, he flies at Bremen.
Beleaguez runs into the path of Charon, between her and Opie.
He neighs loudly for Opie to throw the sword and stone to him.
Posted 11 May 2004 - 06:52 PM
A dark figure, unseen by all, hops down from the rooftop from which the deadly projectile was thrown.
Posted 11 May 2004 - 07:17 PM
Assassin, on May 11 2004, 07:52 PM, said:
((ooc: *Charon gives the Assassin a Standing Ovation!!!* *Charon looks around and whistles innocently*A small shriuken pierces the Eagle King's shield and exits through the eagle's head, trailing bits of brains as it goes.
A dark figure, unseen by all, hops down from the rooftop from which the deadly projectile was thrown.
Yes, I know I should, yet again be posting that the Assassin is god modding. You know what... I can't be bothered to right now
*Charon... is currently too annoyed to post properly*
... so I'm temporarily going to take over the "rant" page Silverwizard started, so as not to taint this thread with my hostilities. Anyone who actually wishes to read my own rant... please go there
As I understand it... Charon got paralysed by some sort of lightning shockwave she didn't avoid anyways, so she doesn't have much to do right now...))
Edited by Charon, 11 May 2004 - 08:43 PM.
Posted 11 May 2004 - 08:26 PM
This thread has become a dismal failure. I feel that the 'fun' has really been sucked out of this thread...and for that, I'm sorry. As creator of this thread, I should've been more aware and my fore-sight should have been sharper.
I saw some characters were outragously more powerful than others...and I didn't bring it up until now. To be blunt, it was simply too little, too late.
We can't have a thread where some characters are just 1-person armies while others are just simple farm-folk. The farm-folk will always be pushed around by the one-men-wrecking-crews, whether it's intentional or not. The God-Characters will feel held back by the weaker characters. All in all, the game becomes less and less fun, chaos errupts and (ultimatley) feelings are hurt (as I'm sure you all can sense).
Again, I apologize to everyone. I really should have dealt with what I saw as "not right." Instead, I ignored it and brushed it off, hoping it would fix itself.
I know some of you really enjoyed this thread...and I am most sorry to you.
Perhaps a I'll attempt to open a new thread - one with more rules and restrictions. I feel I can take the mistakes from this thread and create a new one that will be much better.
...And even if I can't, I'm sure this experience has given us all something - something that we can take away with us and better ourselves.
I will now request for this thread to be closed. Again, I apologize to everyone. Ultimately, this was my fault...and I'm sorry that the solution had to be so drastic.

Posted 11 May 2004 - 08:45 PM
No matter what you chose to believe, I shall state this once that I am not. Believe me if you will... don't believe me if you won't/
Squee... for what its worth I'm sorry if it was my last rant which drove you to this, I always tried to stay out of the angry side of this thread until this last time... but I felt I'd been calm for too long.
Squee, all of you... I truly am sorry

Edited by Charon, 11 May 2004 - 08:49 PM.
Posted 11 May 2004 - 09:52 PM
That being said. :locked:
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