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Passive Abilities 1a

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#1 Shapeshifter

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 01:35 AM

Everyone likes to take advantage of (or might not even know of or note) the little passive traits by race. After looking through the forum and seeing different people talk about different ideas, I thought I would hammer a few things down and get everything together. It took a while, so please dont be offended if I did or didnt use your idea, nor if I dont give you credit for it.

Passive Abilities for Classes

Because I know that things will ultimately probably be tweaked or changed in some way, if they get implimented at all, I'm not foolish enough to think that these ideas are perfectly balanced as they are now. Rather, Im just laying out some ground work to get things started, leaving final calculations and balancing to the person, or people, that do it best (i.e. JLH, other staff members)

My thoughts currently would be to have these in place for all characters under the following set of restrictions.

- Only active in parties of 4 or more people.
- Same class abilities do not stack (or would stack at a marginal increase, instead of 2x, 3x, etc.)
- Abilities would become more potent the higher level the character that's producing it.
- Abilities would leave the party when the character producing them leaves the party, leaves the square, or dies. If that reduces the number of people on the square in the party below 4, all abilities shut off.

Passive Abilities

- FIGHTER -Battle Cry - Increased % of High End damage before armor calculation. (Meaning the percentage that dictates your damage between X and Y before armor calculation. Would make it lean closer to Y)

- THIEF -Penny Pincher - Increased gold dropped by monsters.

- MAGE - Arcane Focus - Increased outgoing spell damage from party members. (Similar to Fighter ability, but for magical damage from spells)

- DRUID - Gaea's Calling - Reduced cooldown on party members MP regain timer. (Reduce the 30 second timer for your MP Bar to refill that 1 point by a percentage)

- BERSERKER - Provoke - Increase on the % chance that they get targeted by monsters, would possibly overcome monster pre-sets to attack certain classes first)

- RANGER - Survival Instincts - Reduce cooldown on party members Stamina regain timer. (Something akin to the Jaguar Blood Potion, but not nearly that effective. Similar to the Druid ability.)

- CLERIC - Divine Aura - Reduce cooldown on part members HP regain timer. (Similar to Druid ability)

- PALADIN - Aura of Light - Reduce incoming damage to party members by a certain percentage. (Something akin to a reverse of the Fighter ability, on creatures.)

Again, these are a few of my own thoughts, on top of what Ive seen around the forum. Hopefully this wont recieve a poor audience and be flamed into oblivion, but as always, constructive criticism is always welcomed. Lets see what happens.

Edited by Shapeshifter, 01 October 2011 - 02:37 AM.


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#2 Crane


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Posted 01 October 2011 - 01:42 AM

As discussed in-game, I like the concept very much. I'm a little concerned about the Cleric and Paladin abilities having very similar names, but that's superficial. Would the Mage ability affect heal spells?

The Paladin one would be fantastic to boost the use of that class.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#3 Shapeshifter

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 01:46 AM

My thoughts on the mage ability would be that it would boost heal spells, only if they were targeting something that would be damaged by healing it. It wouldnt boost in party healing, because that damage isnt outgoing (ie targeting something non-party), but staying within the party. Could tweak the rule set to that to alter magical damage from spells that are targeting monsters, since most of the time you dont heal a mob unless its Heal to Kill.

Edited by Shapeshifter, 01 October 2011 - 01:47 AM.


"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#4 Adultery

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 01:50 AM

you know.... i always love your posts... and as much as i really enjoy this one... sadly its a little to much like WoW... its a great concept and i give you an "A" for that!

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#5 Stig

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 02:01 AM

This is a nice idea, if hard to program. However, it may have to be something that's special to one or two classes rather than something for each class. I like the Paladin one, as it plays well with their 'defender' status and, as Crane stated, would give something to an underused class, and something that plays on the Thief class being just thieves is a plus.

#6 Shapeshifter

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 02:45 AM

This is a nice idea, if hard to program. However, it may have to be something that's special to one or two classes rather than something for each class. I like the Paladin one, as it plays well with their 'defender' status and, as Crane stated, would give something to an underused class, and something that plays on the Thief class being just thieves is a plus.

I can see the programming being an issue, especially if the variables that this would have to grab at dont exist the way I think they do. But if help is needed, I could always outline something, unfortunately I dont know how NM is coded, but I could outline something that could be turned into coding, either by myself, or whomever has to do it.

If any of these see the light of day, I would like to see at least the Paladin and the Thief, they could even be turned into singular passives that spread over a party if need be.

Personally I would like to see the Fighter one replace Critical Strike, but that might be a biased opinion.

As for this idea being too alike to WoW. Sometimes things like that cant be helped. WoW is a strong game that has been going for years, borrowing a couple tidbits here and there that dont infringe on copyright could very well benefit this game a ton. I dont like to think that this game is much alike to WoW anyway, and I dont want to see it get any closer, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good of the game.

Lets see more repsonses people! Who else can get some creative ideas flowing.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#7 Cruxis

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 06:20 AM

I dare say, this could greatly solve the classes balancing problem, and not make everyone think their crits as grey blobs and which gives out the most damage for the scenario. That would make me very happy as a player. Hell, I'll send JLH some paypal loot if it motivates him to do this quicker!

I like the idea of them only being active in parties, 4+ seems a good number as well.

The abilities set seem great, though I'd switch fighters and berserkers ability. I don't think a berserker would wanna get hit more, and they seem more about damage output than fighters. If fighters get it (and going off a passive ability even needing a name), Sentinel or Cover would work sexily. Then again paladin seems a good user for such an ability too, especially coupled with their dex spells.

As Stig said, some classes deserve this more than others, perhaps those could get a second passive ability that works solo and only for themselves? Thieves and mages come to mind especially.

Also, just because it's a party activated, doesn't mean it has to effect the whole party. It could be that character, all characters the same class as that character in the party as well. If some solo passive abilities are added for certain classes, they could become inactive when in a party if needed. This will allow more flexability in our ideas!

Here is how I'll show mine, I'll try and make it clean and understandable. Like has been said, this is brainstorming, and is my suggestions, it can be tweaked :lol: And of course some have been said before, some even above! Just my take on them.

-Description - Activation - Level - Who's affected (Character, Class, or Party)

-Reduced mana cost - Party - Level 35 - Character

-Increased gold - Solo - Level 20 - Character
-Increased drop rate - Solo - Level 30 - Character
-Increase dodge rate - Solo - Level 20 - Party*

-Poison wears faster - Party - Level 1 - Party (Poison has been becoming popular, don't almost all "strong" bosses use it? Maybe poison damage can be used more than melee, making fighters very useful in this case)
-Draws attacks from other monsters - Solo - Level 1 - Party*

-Draws attacks from other monsters - Solo - Level 1 - Party*
-Basically a constantly active Consecrated Embrace - Party - Level 35 - Party

*Solo activation and party effected would end up meaning, the character gets the ability solo, but would also give it to their party when it in. I would hope in turn, this allow for the character to give this ability to the party even if it has 2 or 3 members (going by it needing 4+). I say this for "Cover" mostly.

More when I can if it's welcomed.

Edited by Cruxis, 01 October 2011 - 07:25 AM.

#8 Dangerous

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 09:06 AM

It's nightmist har

#9 Stig

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 03:59 PM

The logic behind increased drop rates could be problematic for things like the Armoire that drops all sorts of things, or monsters that drop a collection of items, but still have a chance of a null drop... what gets the increased chance?

Some good ideas going around though - I'll debate on some of them.

#10 Shapeshifter

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Posted 01 October 2011 - 04:51 PM

The logic behind increased drop rates could be problematic for things like the Armoire that drops all sorts of things, or monsters that drop a collection of items, but still have a chance of a null drop... what gets the increased chance?

Some good ideas going around though - I'll debate on some of them.

My interpretation of that would be to increase the drop rate entirely, by cutting the percentage of a null drop. That way it tips the scales in favor of dropping anything rather than nothing. Granted it would be a marginal increase, not completely cutting out the chance of a null drop, because (and I think many players would agree) I wouldnt want to see something like this abused and drastically decrease the value of drops.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#11 Crane


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 07:20 PM

I got the impression that they aren't cumulative, like ten Thieves wouldn't give multiple boosts to gold drops or a party of Paladins in Castle Darksparrow won't give each other multiple buffs of damage resistance.

To be honest, most classes don't need passive abilities, since they do fine in parties already - it's only the monsters that don't do well in parties, such as Fighters and Paladins, that could use the buff. If Fighters gained Critical Strike for monsters, it can be used effectively against heavily-armoured foes.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#12 Adultery

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Posted 02 October 2011 - 11:50 PM

"-adding thief damage while in parties cuz they suck for damage
as most of a thieves backstabs would come from flanking when in party
-mages to overcome mob spell reistance for a more fair chance of partying and being useful
-clerics maybe getting a damage spell equivelant to flame or blast when grouped for better ksing chance or for quicker ktp killing (to get to SK maybe)
-druids may share exp bonus in forests or something
-fighters increase ac for party maybe 20-25
-zerks increase damage for party or share rage(this could be bad lol)(edit: almost everything about this class is broken but overlooked due to crappy solo training if a noob was to start one breaking it further wouldnt matter)
-rangers could maybe get a party oriented ability that when active or activated to not be attacked as they are far away and shooting arrows/bolts"

supported!, i love the cleric idea. something to make the class actually useful damage wise would be fking awesome!

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#13 Prototype

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 01:08 AM

you know.... i always love your posts... and as much as i really enjoy this one... sadly its a little to much like WoW... its a great concept and i give you an "A" for that!

True, they invested millions in knowing what people like. We should just be bold and go the other way, and make up stuff no one likes. And then pretend 90% didn't come from DnD and similar games.

We're straight up original, wut wut!?
Haikus are easy
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#14 Adultery

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 12:17 PM

you know.... i always love your posts... and as much as i really enjoy this one... sadly its a little to much like WoW... its a great concept and i give you an "A" for that!

True, they invested millions in knowing what people like. We should just be bold and go the other way, and make up stuff no one likes. And then pretend 90% didn't come from DnD and similar games.

We're straight up original, wut wut!?

lol we are original. wut wut?! homo.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#15 Chronic

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 12:05 AM

adding thief damage while in parties cuz they suck for damage
then again when it comes down to it, ppl just gonna use theifs to pk like before and just group up to get the extra 75dmg range put into play. maybe something as simple as making the dmg less harse while unvert would be the trick for this class.

but then again the whole server is cooperateing without certain ppl playin so there would be no need to pk anyways! (these ppl cant cheat anymore so they dont play :lol: ) Thank you Stig, and i hope to see more bans in the future if such nonsense were to occur.

not to mention the 5 lvl pk range.. that one sorta killed the whole point of logging on and seeing.. This is the 1alt server, this is a PK server. might wanna change that if u ask me. should be something like.. This is the 1alt server, Get along with eachother or go to main.

i never did agree with that change in game, sorta kills pking and like terron stated on another post, this server gets most its changes from ppl that dont play and the ppl that do get screwed. i would like to see that changed back to 8lvls or even 10lvls like it was to give the ppl that do wanna pk the chance to pk cuz afterall thats why 1alt was so great in the first place right? Pking shouldnt come at the cost of a shade and or death. Lvls was changed cuz ppl complained they were getting owned by something 10 lvls higher then them.. lets be real.. its sorta simple LVL UP. just like i did when i started and got owned.. now im the one owning.. go figure.

Edited by Chronic, 04 October 2011 - 12:37 AM.

Solstice 1a

#16 Chronic

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 12:43 AM

Sry if i went alil off topic.

But i agree with terron, he sorta summed it up for me. Changes he stated seem alil more reasonable and easier on staff to accomplish and implement without much problems that could occur from those changes in the future.

LOL keep in mind this is nightmist were talking about..

But then again i play the game and not the forums. Over and out.

Edited by Chronic, 04 October 2011 - 12:52 AM.

Solstice 1a

#17 ice_cold

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 06:10 AM

these seem uneccesary to me
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#18 Adultery

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Posted 05 October 2011 - 05:10 PM

there is no need to change the pking back to 10 levels or even 8 for that matter.

the 5 level pk system was put into game to prevent bs. anyone pking a crit 10 levels lower then them is bollocks! (and you know that was abused constantly)

with that being said... why would anyone complain now...? because it will actually take some type of skill pking someone? :lol:


Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#19 Adultery

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Posted 07 October 2011 - 07:01 PM

i have no idea what you said... but i understand what you mean lol

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#20 ketchup

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 10:24 AM


1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

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