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Hp Gains

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#1 The Joker

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 03:06 AM

Wait to level until your like 150% and you get like..an 80% chance your hp gain will be better by 1-2 points.(10 instead of an 8) Lower levels would be easy. Higher levels people would have to really want that few extra HP gamble before they take the plunge into the next level.

Hot - Not?

or make it so when you reset your character you get a new set of HP gains again!

Edited by The Joker, 13 September 2011 - 03:31 AM.

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#2 Gangster

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 07:06 AM

No & no.

Reasons being you can't reach 150% as it caps before then & if it were like that everyone will be doing it therfore no-one would gain an advantage and would make it pretty pointless.

It used to be like this in the past where you could reset a character and get new gains & and it got changed to how it is now. Alot of people kept resetting until eventually they hade nice hp.
The way it is now makes it more challenging to find a nice statted character with good hp gains which gives it a uniqueness
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#3 The Joker

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 07:35 AM

No & no.

Reasons being you can't reach 150% as it caps before then & if it were like that everyone will be doing it therfore no-one would gain an advantage and would make it pretty pointless.

It used to be like this in the past where you could reset a character and get new gains & and it got changed to how it is now. Alot of people kept resetting until eventually they hade nice hp.
The way it is now makes it more challenging to find a nice statted character with good hp gains which gives it a uniqueness

I know the way it used to be, hence me saying that.

So you like rolling a unique 6 stat and getting raped with 274 hp at 30? Your vote does not count, because you didn't read my whole post anyways.

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#4 Gangster

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:13 AM

No & no.

Reasons being you can't reach 150% as it caps before then & if it were like that everyone will be doing it therfore no-one would gain an advantage and would make it pretty pointless.

It used to be like this in the past where you could reset a character and get new gains & and it got changed to how it is now. Alot of people kept resetting until eventually they hade nice hp.
The way it is now makes it more challenging to find a nice statted character with good hp gains which gives it a uniqueness

I know the way it used to be, hence me saying that.

So you like rolling a unique 6 stat and getting raped with 274 hp at 30? Your vote does not count, because you didn't read my whole post anyways.

No I dont like that and you can't really comment because you're having enough trouble rolling a 3-4 stat as it is.(according to your other post)

Please explain how I did not read your whole post, It contained 3 1/2 sentences and took 9.4 seconds to read.

I never revealed my opinion on the 2 matters, I just gave you realistic answers as if a staff member was to reply.
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#5 Pureza


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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:39 PM

I seriously hope you're not making any of these "suggestions" for the multi alt server. The server is fine as it is, we don't need people whining, crying, bitching, pissing, and moaning for changes that aren't needed, or wanted. If you find Nightmist so difficult, perhaps you should play something else.
Jaded ingame.

#6 Gnarkill



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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:41 PM

I seriously hope you're not making any of these "suggestions" for the multi alt server. The server is fine as it is, we don't need people whining, crying, bitching, pissing, and moaning for changes that aren't needed, or wanted. If you find Nightmist so difficult, perhaps you should play something else.

Supported. If anything I think the majority of us on multi would rather see a challenging new area(any level) or a quest with the little time staff has.

Edited by Gnarkill, 13 September 2011 - 08:43 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#7 The Joker

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:44 PM

I seriously hope you're not making any of these "suggestions" for the multi alt server. The server is fine as it is, we don't need people whining, crying, bitching, pissing, and moaning for changes that aren't needed, or wanted. If you find Nightmist so difficult, perhaps you should play something else.

Why are you putting suggestion in parentheses, are you implying what I'm saying is not a suggestion? lol. Obviously changes aren't needed, because the game is doing so well. Your input became less and less useful with each synonym you needlessly used.

Also, I could care less about the multi-server. You can be the anti-social turnip you want to be on multi-server and beat the game by yourself. Where as 1-alt actually requires teamwork, and actually caring what your stats and hp are, instead of just rolling a bunch of 3 stat zerkers.

Edited by The Joker, 13 September 2011 - 08:49 PM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

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#8 Pureza


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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:47 PM

I seriously hope you're not making any of these "suggestions" for the multi alt server. The server is fine as it is, we don't need people whining, crying, bitching, pissing, and moaning for changes that aren't needed, or wanted. If you find Nightmist so difficult, perhaps you should play something else.

Supported. If anything I think the majority of us on multi would rather see a challenging new area(any level) or a quest with the little time staff has.

I think the majority of main players have come to terms with the fact that it's the forsaken server. The remaining main staff is to busy IRL to do a whole lot, but what they've done has been very much appreciated. We know JLH doesn't want to modify any code, somehow though 1a managed to get a code update. It's widely agreed upon(among the playerbase), that multi will not recieve this update to code. JLH has also stated he will not add any new staff to the main server. So, basically, make your suggestions for 1a. We don't want any changes on main, unless it's like DJ said, a new challenging area or some small quests to introduce some grandmaster equipment.
Jaded ingame.

#9 Pureza


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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:48 PM

I seriously hope you're not making any of these "suggestions" for the multi alt server. The server is fine as it is, we don't need people whining, crying, bitching, pissing, and moaning for changes that aren't needed, or wanted. If you find Nightmist so difficult, perhaps you should play something else.

Why are you putting suggestion in parentheses, are you implying what I'm saying is Not a suggestion? lol. Obviously changes aren't needed, because the game is doing so well. Your input became less and less useful with each synonym you needlessly used.

The multi server is doing just fine. More old players are returning and enjoying things as they are. So you're "changes for the betterment of the game", aren't needed on the multi server. Nor is your lets cry til it gets changed attitude.
Jaded ingame.

#10 The Joker

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:53 PM

Nor is your insert turnip in mouth attitude, it is simply a suggestion.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

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#11 Pureza


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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:54 PM

And suggestions was in parenthesis, due to the fact that it's more of a, "Waaahhhh, the games too hard make it easier"
Jaded ingame.

#12 The Joker

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:55 PM

And suggestions was in parenthesis, due to the fact that it's more of a, "Waaahhhh, the games too hard make it easier"

More of a, "Hey, I just rolled a good character and I got nuts on in HP gains, I wish there was a way where I at least had a fighting chance to increase my odds of winning the gamble."

Edited by The Joker, 13 September 2011 - 08:58 PM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

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#13 Pureza


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Posted 13 September 2011 - 08:59 PM

It's called gambling for a reason?
Jaded ingame.

#14 Tyler

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 09:04 PM

More of a, "Hey, I just rolled a good character and I got nuts on in HP gains, I wish there was a way where I at least had a fighting chance to increase my odds of winning the gamble."

You win some and you lose some. You cannot "suggest" things to make the game easier with the argument that you had bad luck. It happens. Try to roll again. If you think the roller is too hard, which I get based on your other post, then just use a 2-stat or something. Then, when you're of a higher level or you have a party of 2-stats, you can slowly swap them out with characters that are of better stats and hp.

While I agree the roller should have something different, perhaps apart from your solution as it is not one that I particularly agree with, there is not a problem that lies within the randomness of hp gains. Hps are fine the way they are, and I do not see them being changed.

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#15 The Joker

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 09:20 PM

Well, the way I see it is. Your both foolish. My suggestion is a simple fix, a copy and paste code, basically, you guys and your new areas are the big projects. Why you would disagree to a simple fix that could potentially help everyone is beyond me, but with the game having a player-base of 10 people, I should have expected 8 of those people were 'turnips'.

You guys are only worried about things that involve You, and not what new players could see as, "mooseed up". New players don't give a nuts about lvl 35 gear, or new high lvl areas.

The games dying, and we need to change some of the basic nuts to bring it back.

Also, My bad luck? I have a lvl 12 fighter looking at 346 hp and a lvl 10 fighter looking at 348, both Halfling.

Edited by The Joker, 13 September 2011 - 09:24 PM.

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#16 Tyler

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 09:54 PM

Well, the way I see it is. Your both foolish. My suggestion is a simple fix, a copy and paste code, basically, you guys and your new areas are the big projects. Why you would disagree to a simple fix that could potentially help everyone is beyond me, but with the game having a player-base of 10 people, I should have expected 8 of those people were 'turnips'.

You guys are only worried about things that involve You, and not what new players could see as, "mooseed up". New players don't give a nuts about lvl 35 gear, or new high lvl areas.

The games dying, and we need to change some of the basic nuts to bring it back.

Also, My bad luck? I have a lvl 12 fighter looking at 346 hp and a lvl 10 fighter looking at 348, both Halfling.

Why is it that everyone who doesn't like your idea, which is quite a few, is stupid and doesn't know what's good for the game? I disagree to your solution because it isn't needed and isn't a "fix." The game doesn't need players with a couple better HP points. The game needs the players that are willing to level a character up and train parties and take down bosses. We have a smaller playerbase, but that doesn't mean our game is unqualified to handle what is going on.

The game's playerbase is definitely more than 10, you "turnip." There are usually more than 10 on at a time. I'm not worried about things that involve me, actually. More often than not, I don't even go to these new areas. I don't have a level 35 character, let alone the equipment. I spend most of my time leveling lowbies. Why are you getting so defensive about us not supporting your idea to make this game stupidly easy and make it so everyone has tons of HP? This isn't a fix. In all honesty, it's a dumb solution. Almost as dumb, in my opinion, as the dude years ago that suggested we should be able to drive Cadillac's around and they would act like "taxis."

If you have those fighters, level them to 30. Often times, a character's hp looks higher if they get lucky when extremely low level. The same can be said about low hps. If they keep that hp, then congratulations. Chances are, they won't. And when that happens, you can come back and complain some more because the game isn't easy enough. Hell, if you level to 40, a few points in HP isn't going to matter anyway. You might as well go back to RoK if you're just going to come and trash the playerbase for being dumb because we don't support you coming in and suggesting ways to destroy the game we've been playing for years.

Either way, this won't be added. This won't be developed. Trust me.

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#17 Tyler

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 10:26 PM

You are a mooseing idiot. It's not a definite gain, it's to increase the gamble.

And with your lowbie leveling ass you would think that youngins' like you would appreciate said "destroying the game". Maybe getting some good HP gains would inspire someone with a lack of ability such as yourself to actually achieve a higher level.

I'm not trashing the player base, i'm trashing people who aren't giving constructive criticism to the cause, and just come on here spouting nuts from their mouths like little punk bitches.

Let your nuts develop before you come on my posts again, son.

You realize I play these lowbies by choice, right? That isn't a diss to my person. Why in the hell would I want your suggestions to make this game worse? Just because you're crying about the game being too hard to roll and about people getting low hp's doesn't mean it should be made easier, nor should it be a "bigger gamble." There's a reason the HP's have worked like they have for over 10 years. And yes, I realize that there is a gamble in the HP, I read your "suggestion." However, I still think the idea is idiotic in nature and makes no sense to develop and implement into the game. I'm not the only person who thinks that.

And to the "little punk bitches" comment, I hardly see it as that. I stated how I did not support your suggestion, as did others, and we gave just cause for doing so. Then, you get all butthurt about it and start flaming more than the Jonas Brothers.

And it's pretty sad when you state that my nuts must develop, for most develop around the age of 13. I'm 19. I may not be as old as you, but I'm highly capable of determining very bad suggestions from the pretty good ones. So settle down and take your meds, grandpa.

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#18 Pureza


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Posted 13 September 2011 - 10:30 PM

If it does anything, it reduces the gamble you're taking on leveling a good stat'd character. How in anyones mooseed up logic, would increasing the chances at a better hp gain, be increasing the gamble you take leveling the character in the first place. The HP system has been fine as is for years. No one else has ever had a problem with it. WE ALL KNOW THAT GOOD STAT'D CHARACTERS ALMOST ALWAYS HAVE nuts HP. Once again, it's something we've come to terms with. It's part of the game, deal with it, or find another game?
Jaded ingame.

#19 Pureza


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Posted 13 September 2011 - 10:31 PM

and ROFL@ grandpa, go Tyler
Jaded ingame.

#20 The Joker

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 10:34 PM

You two are as useful as a snuggy, just start wearing a mooseing sweater.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

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#21 Tyler

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 10:58 PM

But snuggies cover part of my legs, too. :lol:

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#22 Prototype

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 11:21 PM

I'm inclined to say the attitude of Joker is what poisons the game more then anything code-wise could remedy. Very poor way of making suggestions.
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#23 Gnarkill



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Posted 13 September 2011 - 11:33 PM

But snuggies cover part of my legs, too. :lol:

Mine helps turn me into one baaaaad mothaaa..shut yo mouf!

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Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#24 Stig

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 11:40 PM

I think this has gone on far enough.

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