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Gnoll Fortress

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#1 PureMourning

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Posted 04 July 2011 - 04:13 AM

Not that I'm a bit more active in-game, I figured I'd keep a close eye out for easy fixes and ways to spice the game up a bit.

The Gnoll Fortress is an ancient area and is lacking much in the ways of descriptions. Below, I show the original descriptions and then my proposals:

I have no problem going through and beefing up other older areas that suffer from inadequate descriptions!

Inside the Fortress
  • Basic: The Gnoll Fortress: You are in the massive Gnoll Fortress.
  • Look Around: The Gnoll Fortress: The place stinks of rotting meat, and is swarming with guards.
  • Basic: You are standing within the boundaries of a coarse wooden structure that constitutes the resemblance of a fortress. The rugged walls are blanketed in arrow markings and physical thrashings, which add to the battle stricken environment.
  • Look-Around: A foul stench of grotesque meat stings the nostrils. This discomforting sense is accompanied by countless patrolling footsteps that indicate a heavily fortified presence. The view of the sky is obstructed by a canopy of tarnished leather straps that suffer multiple rips as they dangle from the platforms above.
The War Room
  • Basic: The War Room: You are in a large war room.
  • Look Around: The War Room: The walls are lined with weapons and maps. This looks like the place where the Gnolls plan raids.
  • Basic: You find yourself in a large, disheveled room littered with various ornaments of war. The commotion of the patrolling guards is audible from within these confines.
  • Look-Around: Even though disorderly, there are physical clues that this space is used by the elite members of the guard. There are mottled maps and primitive utensils scattered all about. A bulky table is nearby, which hosts an assortment of papers and tools. The walls are lined with rickety fixtures which hold numerous weapons.
  • Basic: a Parapet: You are on a fortified parapet.
  • Look Around: a Parapet: You are on a parapet which lines the top of the outer wall of the Fortress. It is ideal for shooting arrows 'down' at any would be attackers.
  • Basic: You are standing on wooden planks that make up the upper level of the parapet. There are numerous Gnolls on guard around the perimeter of the lower base.
  • Look-Around: The parapet offers strategic reinforcement due to its elevation. There are meager walls that present the fitting opportunity to shoot arrows downwards at intruders. Despite the stark atmosphere of the bastion, a brief moment of relief is lured through the distance horizon that captures the mountains and forests.
  • Basic: a Gangway: You are on a narrow gangway.
  • Look Around: a Gangway: The boards you are walking dont seem to be very sturdy.
  • Basic: Your footing is unstable due to the ramshackle floor boards. The gangway is very narrow and solely serves as a quick passageway.
  • Detail: The construction of this gangway reinforces the attitude and lack of architectural thought that went into its design. The feeble boards that work tirelessly to support your feet, feel as if they may collapse at any given moment.

Small Errors

In addition, these are just some small issues...
  • The Gate to The Gnoll Fortress: You are standing at the rough iron gate of The Gnoll Stronghold. You Can enter the Fortress to the West, or turn back to the East.
  • a Ladder: You are at a ladder leading up to the top of the Fortress. You can go Up the ladder, or South into the War Room.
  • a Gangway: The boards you are walking dont seem to be very sturdy. You can go West to the parapet, or East along the gangway.

Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

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