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Slave Trade

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#1 oldfart

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 08:04 AM

Most everyone has crits that they dont use, or just dont want anymore, and its not always easy to sell them off. What about a slave trader in the coli? Could be based on lvl,class,and stats, or some other guidelines. but it would be a way to get rid of alot of unneeded characters. maybe somehow turn them into npcs that you have to fight in order to earn your gold? any thoughts or suggestions?

#2 Yggdrasill

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 09:01 AM

A long time ago on main there was a suggestion of having some very special events, where if the character died it was permanently dead and could no longer be played (with the equips going in to the account vault and whatnot). Obviously the reward for winning an event like this would be significant.

Your idea reminded me of this. I don't really have an opinion on whether or not I really support either one yet.
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#3 Crane


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Posted 14 May 2010 - 11:30 AM

I don't think people would enter their crits into such an event... say I entered Crane or Akane (both level 40) and got unlucky with a connection failure, for example... if they died I would be extremely unhappy.

As for a slave trade NPC, are you suggesting that any crits you give to it become NPCs that behave like players and drop gold upon death? It sounds a bit easy to abuse, not to mention that the way crits are valued is highly prone to personal opinion, so I cannot really support this at the moment.

Edited by Crane, 14 May 2010 - 11:30 AM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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#4 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 06:15 PM

i think the idea of an event with actual "death" would be pretty cool. I would doubt people would use their very best characters, but who knows. I think it could be fun though.

As for the first suggestion, i think it would be a tad challenging to get a standard set of prices.

#5 oldfart

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 08:02 PM

I don't think people would enter their crits into such an event... say I entered Crane or Akane (both level 40) and got unlucky with a connection failure, for example... if they died I would be extremely unhappy.

As for a slave trade NPC, are you suggesting that any crits you give to it become NPCs that behave like players and drop gold upon death? It sounds a bit easy to abuse, not to mention that the way crits are valued is highly prone to personal opinion, so I cannot really support this at the moment.

#6 Gnarkill



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Posted 14 May 2010 - 08:14 PM

Not Supported. I think the staff could do something more useful with thier time than spend it on something like this. If you want gold for your chars sell them via forum. If you don't use certain chars or can't seem to sell them and don't want them.. maybe you could hand them to a friend that needs them, or a random new player, or just let them delete.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#7 Gaddy

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Posted 15 May 2010 - 05:22 AM

I also think an event where characters were permenently deleted or deleted for a long span of time would be pretty interesting. Obviously, if a crit held true value to you, you would not enter it in a perm-death event. Right?

However, having crits auto-train or auto-gold in any fashion seems like an awful situation. Gold and experience should be earned. Simply having a ton of characters should not make a player capable of getting rich or higher level. For example, I am on vacation for a month and a half. How much gold would the 80 odd level 30+ characters make during my vacation?
Any reasonable amount seems unfair to allow an absent player to gain, and anything low means that it would be pointless to do.

However, I think lending and renting characters or accounts may become more common eventually. In this case, your characters gain experience because someone else is using them, and they could also pay part of the gold they make to rent the account. Since the password would remain the same, unless they stole the account from you, you could even still log into the account when you wanted to use the crits.
This seems more ideal than coding something into the server. However, it would require new players that do not have parties of their own, rare parties (like a paladin area party), and extreme trust...since you are giving away a password.
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#8 DownFall

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Posted 15 May 2010 - 12:51 PM

That infact is a good idea Gaddy altho i would like to see this being able without being stolen from.. Like putting it into a rental account where u can say change the pass for like a month or so. In which the timespawn would be set by the owner of the account and after that month it gets changed back to what it was automatically so there's no way to steal.

And none of the characters would be able to be transferred to another account unless its the 'admin' of the account.

#9 Pureza


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Posted 15 May 2010 - 06:53 PM

There's only enough trust between a few select players for something like that. In general the playerbase isn't to be trusted. People have proven that time and time again. Whether it's been people stealing from shares, or people stealing crits they are supposed to be training. In short, Gaddy's idea would be nice. But it's not gonna happen, at least not anytime soon.
Jaded ingame.

#10 Gnarkill



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Posted 15 May 2010 - 07:22 PM

I agree with RJ, and I'm one of the ones that has a hard time trusting after I "lent out" a scepter of balance, a bunch of chars and my clan "Bad Kids" (that I put atleast 6m gold into) when I was taking a hiatus a while back. Needless to say the chars were banned from the person letting someone who wasnt supposed to be playing use them, the scepter got kept, and the clan got sold all for personal gains. There is very few , if any in this game that can be trusted. It has been a pain to try to rebuild and it all was my own mistake to put trust in people on here and I won't share, lend or borrow anything ever again.

Edited by Gnarkill, 15 May 2010 - 07:27 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

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