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Advanced Monster Spells

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#1 Crane


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Posted 01 May 2010 - 02:04 PM

Let's be honest... most monsters and bosses in the game are ultimately the same... high HP, hit random crits, and things like that. The response is ever larger parties and the same formula of hard hitters backed up by Clerics. Saying that, given the limited abilities that monsters can have, attempts have been made to create unique fights, although it still feels very basic in the end.

Most of these suggestions would suit 1-alt best, but I would like to propose a new range of monster abilities to spice up some new or existing boss fights.

- True spells that can be counterspelled or resisted as if it came from a player.

This wouldn't replace the current monster spells, as some of them aren't really spells. Either way, having "true spells" would perhaps place an emphasis on equipping Wisdom modifiers over others occasionally.

- Area attack that damages all players in the vicinity (e.g. Wrath of the Gods).

I originally wanted High Priestess Ku'Nal to have a lightning spell that damaged all players for about 20 or 30 damage each, but decided against it due to the code change requirement at the time. Such a spell is more devastating for large parties over small parties, and would be a nice counterbalance to growing party sizes, especially on multi-alt.

- Ability for a monster to teleport a random crit to a designated room.

Almost like a forced vortex gate, a boss would pick a crit at random as normal, and have it teleported to a designated room set by its designer. It should have a specified chance of success, like the summoning spells, so it does not activate all the time. For 1-alt, it would require players to keep on their toes and attempt to recover from the teleportation by working their way back to the boss, probably single-handedly.

An example could be the Time Mage teleporting a crit to the Portal Opening, half-way through the Chamber of Wisdom. Note that this is just an example and not something I'm actively endorsing.

- Ability for monsters to heal other monsters.

This is where true strategy would fall into play because a small group of monsters could act like players would, and parties would have to identify and kill the healers first if they wish to advance.

Monsters would only be able to heal monsters that fall into a criterion, e.g. "HEAL^black " would only heal monsters that have "black " in their name (note the space), such as Black Bears or Black Knights, but not Blackguards or anything else that lacks the text segment. Note that the monster wouldn't be able to heal themselves using this method - that's reserved for the current self-healing ability already in place - however, if two identical monsters are set to heal a monster, and their names fall into the criterion, then they can heal each other.

Like with the area attack on Ku'Nal, I wanted this ability on the Evil Deities so they could heal Ganymede, but not each other, forcing you to dispel the deities first so you could take down the corrupted Pacifist unhindered.

- Ability for monsters to teleport themselves to designated rooms.

The phrase "Catch me if you can!" comes to mind in this instance. Like with being able to teleport players, a boss would be able to teleport themselves to a designed room, forcing the players to continue their search. The staff teleport sound could also be optionally played for effect (yes if the boss is a mage using true teleportation, no if the boss is a thief slipping through a crack in the wall), along with whatever custom message is in place for that boss.

- Ability for monsters to throw items to the floor.

You might ask what the point in this is, but just think how versatile it could be. For example... a friendly NPC could chuck healing potions onto the floor for players to use, or a Dwarven Grenadier could drop a Fire Bomb, prime for detonation, forcing players to make the choice of either letting it blow and damage everyone, or for a brave soul to pick it up and let it blow in their hand for five times the damage, but saving their comrades.

- Desperation.

Abilities that only activate if they become mortally wounded (possibly have a stat to set this, 0 being "no desperation" and 0.2 being the "mortally wounded" mark), possibly including self-healing (or a stronger version of what they already have), and, optionally, increased frequency of attack. A monster who leisurely attacks you most of the time might go into a panicked frenzy if severely injured in an attempt to survive. Would force players to stay alert and also act as a subtle clue if their health status is hidden.

- Retreat.

As a spell, the monster would simply vanish, like the Giant Mosquito Swarms and the Spirit of Ariat vanishing when they reach the end of their set path. Rather than being predictable though, it is random and probably best suited for regular, 'true neutral' animals that might eventually run away if scared. A high HP boss with this stat probably would never be killed.

- Kamikaze.

Instead of attacking normally, a monster could decide to engage in an attack that also kills them (e.g. a suicide bomber), either as an area attack or a direct attack against a random individual. Such an attack would probably be very high damage.

- Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.).

Like Kamikaze, except it triggers upon their death. Fanatic denizens could make one final effort to take out their attackers (e.g. a dragon falling on the party when shot out of the sky), or could simply be some kind of mechanical device that explodes when too badly damaged, sending metal or stone shards everywhere. Would probably be an area attack.

- Rapid Fire.

Currently, monsters always attack the same number of times in a cycle; for example, Black Bears always attack once and the Bodyguards always attack four times - it never varies depending on the type of attack or spell they are using. Generally this won't find much use, but it would prove useful for the kamikaze and M.A.D. attacks where a dragon falling out of the sky wouldn't crush everyone present, say, but wouldn't just fall on one person.

Ganymede would have had this with his Cellular Collapse spell, casting it five times in rapid succession, while keeping only a single attack on his Staff of Tranquility, but due to the code change requirements it was changed to a dual, hard attack.


The rapid fire ability wouldn't necessarily target the same player. I would propose flexibility with the option on whether to acquire a single target (which might dodge one of the individual attacks), acquire a new target on each attack, or to not pick the same target twice (so the falling dragon doesn't doubly crush an individual), but this might be too much.


With the teleport spells, if the target room is the same room that the monster is currently located, nothing happens.

Edited by Crane, 01 May 2010 - 03:30 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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#2 Crane


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 08:10 PM

An extra one...

- Spawn Invisible

Fairly self-explanatory; when the monster is first spawned, it appears invisible. This would give area designers the opportunity to set up monster ambushes and to complement monsters that conceal themselves a lot... that is: Drow Rogue, Dvergar Trapslinger and the Marauder, for example.


Not sure if this should apply to monsters summoned by other monsters or not.

Edited by Crane, 02 May 2010 - 08:11 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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#3 Apocalypto

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 07:02 AM

I like alot of these ideas. Especially the idea of monsters being able to heal other monsters.

#4 Cruxis

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 06:46 PM

Dammit Gareth you shoulda been helping JLH make Nightmistttt, these ideas are ace. I can only hope JLH has time to implement them.

Stamina stealing would be cool too..better bring some nightshades for clerix!

#5 Crane


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Posted 03 May 2010 - 10:39 PM

I did suggest a Mage spell once, named "Disorientate", that zeroes a target's stamina (if a player) and stops a monster attacking for a few seconds, at the cost of draining the Mage's own stamina (meaning it's only useful as a support spell), but that might cause too much unbalancing on high-end bosses - they would have had resistance to it, depending on their Wisdom, but of course, if you had multiple Mages, it could get around this. As a monster spell it could be very interesting.

Just to add... the "Retreat" ability is best used as a "Desperation" spell - meaning you have to kill them as fast as you can - although there's nothing stopping you from designing a cowardly monster that uses it right off the bat.

Another suggestion could be:

- Mana Leech

Monster drains a target player's mana, if applicable. This would be a set number, plus or minus some variance, rather than a percentage of their total mana.

I wouldn't mind contributing to Nightmist's programming, even if I spent the first year refactoring his code! Thing is, the Nightmist source code is JLH's trade secret, and it depends if JLH ever wants to trust me again.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#6 Crane


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 11:51 PM

Another couple of ideas...

- /examine booby trap.

This isn't a monster ability, but for the Pyramid of the 3rd Moon, I did want trap rooms where if you try to /examine in them, it triggers a trap there and then, like a poison dart shooting at you as soon as you open a particular treasure chest... should be made to hurt or kill either just the crit that /examine's (in the case of a poison dart trap), or the entire population in the room (gas trap, for example). Would make people more cautious about rummaging around!

- Ability for a monster to destroy all instances of another monster type upon death.

This is primarily useful for monsters that, for one reason or another, depends on the existence of another monster, and if that monster is killed, then they too should be deleted (not killed in the conventional fashion though). It could be used to make a convincing illusion of one monster converting into another if done correctly with monster movement - for example, a werewolf could convert into human form by the human entering the square while the werewolf leaves via a route that players cannot traverse (the Roc Hatchling does this), and if either form is killed by the player, the other form, which would be waiting in a monster-only holding room, would also be destroyed.

Monsters getting destroyed this way might need a display message of their own to indicate their death, so it doesn't vanish without explanation should the 'parent' monster be killed on a different square.

Could also be used in an interesting puzzle where an obstruction, like an energy barrier, can only be dispelled if you defeat the sorcerer that controls it.

Other examples for existing monsters could be:

* All the Hydra Heads being destroyed when the Hydra Body is killed.
* Animated Armor, Dancing Sword, Ensorcelled Bow, Flying Hammer and Possessed Dagger all falling inactive when the Dwarven Enchanter is killed. For one like this, the ability for a monster to destroy several monster types at once would be required.

Edited by Crane, 23 May 2010 - 12:01 AM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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#7 Crane


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 10:41 AM

The following aren't monster spells, but would add interesting new strategies and new environmental hazards:

Electrical Hazard:

As an optional extra for wetland / underwater areas... if set for a particular room, then Stormwrath, Shock and Jolt behave differently - instead of hitting a target creature, it hits every monster and player (including yourself) in the room for 20% of the normal spell damage. This is used to simulate areas where you are completely immersed in water to the point that any discharge electrifies the body of water - not all wetland areas are like this though... e.g. for the Alligator Creek, you're in a boat; in the stream outside the Ercule Swamp, you're probably only up to your waist at worst, hence your hands are probably still free; and in Castle Darksparrow, part of the area is marked as wetland for the chance-to-hit penalty in order to simulate the difficulty of fighting up a spiral staircase.

Attack Attributes:

Hard to explain, although a step up from the 'counterspell-enabled' spells listed earlier. Currently, all attacks are treated the same, regardless of what the message states, so I would like to suggest optional attributes that can appear in a monster's programming... for example, the Blue Dragon's gust of flame attack damage could be listed "200%Fire" (I'm not saying it is actually 200 damage), the Mountain Ranger's flaming arrow attack could be "100%Fire%Piercing", and the Druid's Stormwrath spell would be the equivalent of "%Electric". This wouldn't have any effect on players by itself; however...

Equipment with Arbitrary Protection:

Like how weapons harm some monsters differently to others, some armour will protect against some monsters differently. Granted, having different armour counts depending on who your opponent is is simply too unwieldy; however, how about entries (hidden from the player) like "fire:0.5" on the Dragon's Skin, meaning that if you are attacked by a monster using a fire-based attack (based on an attack attribute above), its damage is halved. Admittedly some thought may have to go into the algorithm where dual attributes are concerned - for example, an attack that is both fire-based and piercing (Mountain Ranger's Flaming Arrow) shouldn't have its damage halved, as piercing attacks are still full-damage, but only reduced to, say, 75% effectiveness. If you have multiple instances of "fire:" on different pieces of equipment, then the effect is cumulative (e.g. two "fire:0.5" will result in only 25% of the damage getting through).

For monster and player spells, the attack is always protected against; for mêlée attacks, it is only protected against if there was at least some degree of armour absorption, otherwise it does full damage (in reality, this would mean that an attack hit an unprotected region of the body).

The protection factors are hidden from the player, as they can become quite complex - plus it gives something for players to work out! Of course, protecting against piercing arrow attacks from Rangers may have to be left out due to the huge amount of rebalancing that would be required, and best saved for a new game. Still, there's nothing stopping the elemental-like attributes on monsters.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#8 ice_cold

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 10:59 AM

theres atleast 1 monster i know of that spawns invisible unless im thinking differently then you.the Sludge Lord spawns invisible and ou have to /examine it
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#9 Crane


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Posted 06 July 2010 - 01:37 PM

theres atleast 1 monster i know of that spawns invisible unless im thinking differently then you.the Sludge Lord spawns invisible and ou have to /examine it

A few monsters do this, but they only actually spawn if you /examine them. The Sludge Lord and a few monsters in the two pyramids do this. But there is no facility that allows a monster to actually spawn invisible, in that you walk onto the square, think nothing is out of the ordinary, and then you suddenly get ambushed.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#10 Pureza


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 09:26 AM

Would be very nice to see some of this added. Perhaps making the game a little more strategic over the button mashfest it is now for the most part.
Jaded ingame.

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