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#31 World

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 12:32 PM

Would the monster the pally is in control of be able to attack all levels or just
+/-10 to the characters level, also would the pally be able to kill the monster or someway set it free leaving it on that square or sending it back to where it came from?

#32 Cule

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 10:30 AM

i think it would not be a good idea to have the ability to set them free as people would "plant" monster where they want (imagine 50 thief outside nmcity...that would really slaughter newbies) ... so they wouldnt really use the skill what it was meant be used ...

other idea would be that the monsters that a paladin takes with him/her becomes good and wants to fight in the name of the "god entity" (what god that may be ... )
so that they would not attack players ... only monsters or perhaps only undead ...

#33 green_mantis

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 08:18 PM

it would have to be set so that a monster would be destroyed by the city guards when you entered a city.
also it could be set so that the monster only attacks things that are your enemies. (ie monsters and people on your enemies list)
that would keep the newbies relatively safe.
they would also have to react in self defense if attacked (attacking the aggressor character)
and i think that the monster should stay with you at all times; meaning that you can not dismiss a monster without killing it.
and the monster would die if you logged off (you get no exp from it) so that people wouldnt be able to set traps for other characters.


Edited by green_mantis, 01 April 2004 - 08:19 PM.

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#34 The_Final_Climax

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 08:30 PM

Hum. Reading over the lot of this, although I'm against the idea of being able to "win over" monsters, or having power of anything of the sort. But, I'm thinking this somewhat sounds like the familar that was talked about alot, minus all the interaction. Plus this sounds like if they could attack, you'd be able to run the pally on its own, unless the monsters were inkey with your /nopk list. Otherwise, they'd attack alts. I'd say this is an ok idea, seems more like a familar based, so I'd say to bring up a "minion of the faith" or something it would seem like (not putting thought into the idea, as I dont agree with it..but just for sake of example) it would cost a certian amount of magic to be shared, and its life(unless its lower than your max magic, then it would have its normal health) would run via your mana, costing so much mana like one every second or two, and when damage would be sustained to the monster thats health was over that of its casters magic it'd die and your magic would be at zero. Also if it was able to gain exp, you'd only aquire about 50% of what it did, and if your monster was killed by a player, insted of simply being dismissed before mana ran out, it should deal some sort of penalty either to your health, or maybe xp? Looks like I put abit more thought then I had planed into this, even though I'm not a fan of the idea...=P. Well, if someone can do anything with this, either tare it down and light it on fire, or make something of it. Please feel free to flame/expand the 'idea'. :)
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Eesha ingame.

#35 Mec

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Posted 06 June 2004 - 07:38 PM

I don't like it: too easily abused, too strange.

How to fix it?

First of all, spelling and grammar.

Secondly, being holy isn't goint to affect some dumb, stupid, brainless snake, is it? It should only have a sway on intelligent humans, and they're not going to follow you around, fighting your enemies, etc. So pretty much, the idea is worthless.

#36 Cule

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Posted 07 June 2004 - 09:56 AM

you didnt read all the posts did you? :)

#37 Malavon

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Posted 10 June 2004 - 12:06 PM

Primal_Whisperer, on Mar 3 2004, 05:16 PM, said:

Pally's least of all.

Erm, that's wrong... Paladins are holy, and have access to the weaker clerical spells once they reach a high level. They also get a turn undead ability but a much weaker one.

The spell sounds ok, but I doubt if it will be added. Doesn't seem like staff ever read this section.

#38 trigger happy

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Posted 21 June 2004 - 05:53 AM

i like the idea because we want necromancer no dought and we haven't goten it so far lol..so this would get us close to one? lol...but the chance of you not effecting the monster should be higher depending on how high of damage it can do and its hp...like a skeleton 80% chance but a demonic soldier 40%? something around that as an example

#39 trigger happy

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Posted 21 June 2004 - 05:54 AM

Mec how about stop acting like a noob and talking about everyones spelling and grammer..i can think of 2 different topics that you said something bad about someone spelling and grammer when your spelling and grammer is nuts also..so stop being a punk and try being a little nicer?

Edited by trigger happy, 21 June 2004 - 06:02 AM.

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