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#1 Defeat

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Posted 17 September 2008 - 11:25 PM

Just to go ahead and get this topic started.

Previously stated by Alex, I'd think the Thieves assassinate shouldn't penetrate armour so well. In turn, should it be dropped to 40% or 50% armour penetration on Thieves?

Post your thoughts/Keep on topic. :ph34r:

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#2 Sausage


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Posted 17 September 2008 - 11:34 PM

First of all, on a 6 stam thief that would cut down dmg by about 100 hp.

I don't think there is any need for any reduction like that. If anything a max of 5% difference. Although to be honest I don't think that is neccessary. I think armor has the perfect amount of influence on assassinate.

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#3 Ill never tell

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 12:18 AM

First of all, on a 6 stam thief that would cut down dmg by about 100 hp.

I don't think there is any need for any reduction like that. If anything a max of 5% difference. Although to be honest I don't think that is neccessary. I think armor has the perfect amount of influence on assassinate.

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I don't see how making it go through 25% less ac makes them lose 100 damage?

But anyways yes, I support it. Also to make the ability more of an "ability". Maybe when uncovert 40% and when covert 60%? But thats more codeing then making it all 50% so good luck.

#4 Crane


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Posted 18 September 2008 - 12:32 AM

The debate of realism creeps into the equation again...

Realistically, a covert thief should have greater armour-piercing capabilities (or just plain higher damage) with assassinate than an overt thief; the reason being that if you can see your attacker, you would do your best to dodge the attack or block it with a shield or a piece of armour plating; if you cannot see the attacker, they can quite easily sneak up from behind and either slice your throat or stab the blade through a chink in your protection.

I do not know where to start when it comes to the balancing of classes on the 1-alt server, except perhaps to give Paladins something to make them more appealing to a team.
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#5 Ill never tell

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 01:14 AM

The debate of realism creeps into the equation again...

Realistically, a covert thief should have greater armour-piercing capabilities (or just plain higher damage) with assassinate than an overt thief; the reason being that if you can see your attacker, you would do your best to dodge the attack or block it with a shield or a piece of armour plating; if you cannot see the attacker, they can quite easily sneak up from behind and either slice your throat or stab the blade through a chink in your protection.

I do not know where to start when it comes to the balancing of classes on the 1-alt server, except perhaps to give Paladins something to make them more appealing to a team.

<3.. Paladins are a forum and a half on there own though... :ph34r:

#6 deadman

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 04:25 AM

As Clay said that would be way to far of a reduction on it, maybe 5% less if anything at all.. I think it is fine the way it is, and that people are only complaining because there is a lot of higher level thieves that of course at their level should be able to inflict a lot of damage.
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#7 Ganja

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 05:16 AM

first off you people complain about to much crap do you not realize the player base of 1a anymore you can barely level as it is anymore lets fkin make some topics that make sense and not some stupid whining bs just cause you get clicked by lvl 35 thieves...all this whining bullcrap is just makin me sick to even log on anymore GFG

Edited by Ganja, 18 September 2008 - 05:16 AM.

#8 cxoss

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 05:48 AM

As Clay said that would be way to far of a reduction on it, maybe 5% less if anything at all.. I think it is fine the way it is, and that people are only complaining because there is a lot of higher level thieves that of course at their level should be able to inflict a lot of damage.

Woo! I guess its time to pull up old topics!!!... This is almost like people complaining because they were getting rounded by higher level mages................... And when the "mage users" defended how it was "fine the way it is" certian people like um.... you... Said no its not needs to be changed!! Funny how the tables turn! Lolol

#9 Cruxis

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 03:41 PM

1a only? Where the extremes of classes make more of a difference.

Mages were never overpowered, they were just 3-4 levels higher (and had more stam first, what mainly made them so powerful), I didn't support any mage nerfing back then, and explained that mages would be one of the weakest crits to have lvl 40 pvp and pvm.

Anyway, 75% was fine for lvl 30 being the max coupled with 5stam, a fully decked thief still might not click your average 290 hp arch ranger or your arch mage with aop on, but a lvl 35 thief clicking anything of the same level besides a zerk, and only because they have uber hp because they're not armor dependent, is lame. No new armor has been introduced for lvl 30+ on 1a (with more armor), although some think armor shouldn't go up by much more than a few more points per crit, it should go up at the same rate since damage is aswell. The only reason mages are more noticably dominated is because armor was one of their main attractions, to be able to survive with such low hp.

New armor would help, maybe fighters and paladins topping off at about 145ish and rangers/druids having around 120, thieves and clerics having around 110, mages having about 90. And by topping off, I mean best equips of level 40.

That or lower the assassinate armor %, something that can easily be changed that can be done now seems appropriate till some new staffer with no time in his hands comes along and decides to design an uber new lvl 35 area and town with new equips.

New stam got increased on multi much after 30+ was introduced, but it was nopk by then, their problem was never noticable there, lucky them.

But also instead, I support making 1a nopk and main pk


I'm stupid

Edited by Cruxis, 18 September 2008 - 03:50 PM.

#10 Gnarkill



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Posted 18 September 2008 - 09:16 PM

But also instead, I support making 1a nopk and main pk

I made a thread about this and it got closed right off the bat so I deleted it.. don't bother with it Arex they won't hear us out on that one. :ph34r:

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#11 Hustle

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 10:14 PM

well i suppose for reason a thief's assassinate is fairly overpowered, i mean i have to consider a lvl 35 thief can click pretty much anything but a zerker no matter what. and i do mean like 3/5 times considering nothin else is really that powerfull

and of course the so called over powered class of the game has the cheapest vamp wep ever other than a spider staff lol, maybe we can make a new wep like, loly-pop of demons or something and charge like 5jk and make it .9 vamp, yea lol that'd own

i dont know its just funny to me that my lvl 33 dwarf thief (when i take off sg's and aoh) can still manage to rape tragedy which is a 31 ling fighter that at the time was fully equiped with aoh, cr's sg's, and soe! and yet i still didnt miss hardly ever and still did great deal of damage, lol its just funny is uppose, or maybe even a nicely equiped paladin thats 25+ dex ling i still dont miss with my equips off, and iam a dwarf for crying out loud lol, or funny how i can even kill our fully equiped lvl 34 elf druid superbeast with my non equiped lvl 33 dwarf thief, also i can click teh clerics! alltho some put can put up a nice fight lol,

iam dumb and prolly totally wrong but thats just what ive noticed in my game play

#12 EvilDognapot

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 12:20 AM

How about instead of weakening stronger classes, we make weak classes stronger? If thieves are fun and useful and other classes aren't, then it would make sense that the other classes might have bigger issues.
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#13 Ill never tell

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 12:29 AM

How about instead of weakening stronger classes, we make weak classes stronger? If thieves are fun and useful and other classes aren't, then it would make sense that the other classes might have bigger issues.

Wont happen because "We don't know what those classes will be like at lvl 35+".. Except mages, and everyone knows there underpowerd now. Dev or 7 stam at 35 maybe?.. People just bitched because there was a certian few who had mages that were 4-5 levels ahead of anyone else and raped everyonelse.. But now even lower level thieves or thieves with out equip beat out top dollar equips of things higher or lower level.. And they do easy pvm...

#14 Walt

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 02:09 AM

I am a HUGE supporter of devastate. Ask around. That spell would make mages fun to fight, not boring and blah like they are now. 6 mill gold cost for the spell, add to shops please.

Edited by Walt, 19 September 2008 - 02:09 AM.

I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#15 Hustle

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 02:49 AM

I am a HUGE supporter of devastate. Ask around. That spell would make mages fun to fight, not boring and blah like they are now. 6 mill gold cost for the spell, add to shops please.

well i'd have to say i would deff like to see that in place, i dont think it would unbalance anything, if thinking along the lines of the faster pvm so gold uprise just remember dotw lol or simply make it cost more mana (if it dont cost enough)

#16 Elf

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 12:42 PM

I have rallied on more than one occasion to have Devastate added to the 1A server.
It is not transeferable from one char to another and I do not understand why it is not available.

This time I went straight to the top ! I have asked JLH and am waiting his responce.

Will update as I hear back

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#17 EvilDognapot

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 01:40 PM

Theoretical model for a substantive post in "Game Discussion" for this week.


T hief thie ft hie fthiefthie fthi Efthiefth ie fthief thieftheif th ieft hie fthi e fthiefth iefthiefth ieft hi efth ie fthi ie fthi efth iefthieft hie fthiefth ie fthieft.

Iefth ief thi efth ieft,



I have come to the conclusion that Nightmist is highly unbalanced at this time and have a narrowly envisioned idea on how to stop it that also will frustrate the majority of players.

Thank you for your time,

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#18 Raylen


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Posted 19 September 2008 - 02:58 PM

How did you do that? You actually got the right amount of letters in every word. Must have taken a while?
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#19 Cadabra


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Posted 19 September 2008 - 04:25 PM

Lol. Some people have issues.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#20 EvilDognapot

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 03:25 AM

How did you do that? You actually got the right amount of letters in every word. Must have taken a while?

I was in a very large, and very boring class...
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