For Staff
Posted 29 July 2008 - 09:48 PM
Yes I understand as well by doing this you are trying to get them to put there ideas into something which you can do, but will always be those people who like the big ideas that can't be fixed with current tools(items and such) and perhaps by not shooting down there idea straight away it may gain enough support that when JLH looks through the forums he will see these topics that perhaps would never have been (most don't give their support to projects/suggestions already shot down by a staff member).
Furthermore, even if worst comes to worst and nothing is added despite support at least then JLH wouldn't have to run through the suggestion forums reading cheap little digs from staff/players alike because of his recent inactiveness in updating the game(relatively recent in Nightmist history), what people don't understand is just how much time he has put into the game and I would bet any money that it is ALOT(and I mean alot) more than any other member of the team.
Posted 30 July 2008 - 04:16 AM
Edited by Xïöx, 30 July 2008 - 04:16 AM.
Posted 30 July 2008 - 01:41 PM
As for responding to posts with, "That would require coding."---I haven't seen that as the only thing said to a post in quite a while, and it's usually included as a way of nicely saying, "This idea isn't worth chasing."
Brushing off ideas may not be very helpful, but there are a lot of random ideas posted with a general idea that seems good. However, general ideas are a half-cent-per-thousand. Without the real concept and a balancing scheme along with a method of implementation, big overhauling ideas that require coding are not helpful at all.
So why would we spend the weeks of thought, work, and time to really come up with all of the work behind putting in a general idea---that isn't even needed or in the general trend of Nightmist?
-Proverbs 4:7
Posted 30 July 2008 - 07:44 PM
Just my .02.
Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.
Posted 30 July 2008 - 11:32 PM
With some topics at least, either leave them open for discussion with other people, or at least leave them visible so people can learn from others mistakes..
I'm not sure if you sit at the forum and get bored, but not everyone's perfect - so the forum won't be. If you try to make it perfect, the forum becomes dead because people are sick of all the deletion, which is exactly what has happened in the past couple weeks or so.
Also, i'll quote something..
It is under post titled Dagger of the Winds. If you would like that to be looked into, contact your game staff and ask them to look into it further."
Surely, if that is what we should do, then the whole suggestion forum is a waste of time? What is the point of having a forum for players if this is what we should do to have something changed. The whole point was to have people talk about it, and hear the communities view on the matter.
Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 30 July 2008 - 11:37 PM.
Posted 31 July 2008 - 06:17 AM
I am on the forums quite a bit more than anyone else. However, that simply means that I read just about every topic posted, aside from the off-topic and roleplaying sections. I do not edit or delete posts in most of these areas. I respond to almost everything, but that is something any forum member can do.
Editing and deleting posts is not common, though I have started editing to add comments to players without making new posts altogether, is that bothering people? If it is, I will discontinue that method of response.
The new trend is to apply the rules we place in-game. I've taken the same approach to the forum.
Sausage- You have approx. 3 posts in the recycle bin over the last month and a half. I might have deleted one of them--but not more.
Yes, we've been pals for quite some time on the game. How do you feel I've gotten too power-abusive or the sort via deleting posts? I don't really follow the correlation.
Annoyance- As for me responding to things with basically, "You should read other topics"---I don't see how that is wrong at all. And if players want certain small things looked into, contacting the game staff makes sense.
No where in the quote do I say, "So you're stupid for posting and you are banished!"
It's simply direction and suggestion. I didn't feel the need to repeat things that I've written two or more times on another post...
Most of your posts deleted outside of my "Crafting Concepts" topic are not deleted by me, at least from what I see in the Trash Bin.
As far as topics---not many get outright deleted. ZERO staff-deleted topics are on the list displayed below. Posts within topics are only deleted when they're completely off topic.
The exception is my topic, "Crafting" in Nightmist Development, where I clearly laid out that players needed to follow my guidelines. If you have a problem with how I handle that topic, that's too bad; I set it up how it works best for me because it is for me to use. Players contributions are very welcome, but they need to be in the fashion that will actually assist me, on that topic.
As for the rest of the forum, not much is actually deleted...nothing of actual use, except when it's littered with things against TOS, such as saying 1-alt game staff are bias for Pandemonium. That gets things deleted because it's how I keep myself from account banning the players. I get rather bothered when people are ignorant and rude enough to suggest that Elf, of all people, is bias and unfair.
Should I start leaving the posts and account banning the players who break that rule? I can then edit the post to add, "This got me account banned for X weeks. I shoudl follow the TOS and not be a ######."
I don't know if I led you guys to think that I delete a ton of stuff when I said that I would delete when I feel it is needed, but that isn't the case. I delete posts when they are pointless and likely to drive a topic away from the subject at hand. And I will respond to post anyway I feel, because that is how the forum works. I don't belittle players or the sort, so I don't think there is a problem with me responding with my actual opinion.
Here is the first page of the trash bin.
It's time-frame is thrown off by the mass of deletions from my personal topic, other pages have spans about two to three times as long. I defy anyone to point out anything useful that is within the bin, excluding any opinions about things on the Crafting Concepts topic, which I moderate by specific rules posted in the topic.
From: State Of Nightmist
From Topic ID: 28474 0 Sausage 2 29th July 2008 - 12:35 PM
Last post by: Sausage
From: Crafting Concepts
From Topic ID: 28366 0 Raylen 1 29th July 2008 - 11:56 AM
Last post by: Raylen
From: For Crane...
From Topic ID: 28489 0 Äññöÿäñcë 1 28th July 2008 - 05:38 PM
Last post by: Äññöÿäñcë
From: For Crane...
From Topic ID: 28489 0 Äññöÿäñcë 1 28th July 2008 - 05:37 PM
Last post by: Äññöÿäñcë
Edit (will Come Back To This)
edit 0 Angelus 8 28th July 2008 - 03:11 PM
Last post by: Angelus
Poll: If You Could Have Your Body The Ability To Produce Banknotes At Will 1 joanna 11 28th July 2008 - 12:20 PM
Last post by: shomer
Staggered Exile
Derived from an Ancient Past 9 PureMourning 234 26th July 2008 - 06:46 PM
Last post by: -×»ºLätérãlù§º«×-
Chaotic Collaborations
New Event Idea 7 PureMourning 186 26th July 2008 - 06:40 PM
Last post by: -×»ºLätérãlù§º«×-
From: The Xp Loss Cap
From Topic ID: 28298 0 Cruxis 0 25th July 2008 - 08:06 PM
Last post by: Cruxis
From: The Xp Loss Cap
From Topic ID: 28298 0 Walt 1 25th July 2008 - 02:56 AM
Last post by: Walt
From: 2, 1a Crits
From Topic ID: 28457 0 Payne 0 24th July 2008 - 02:19 PM
Last post by: Payne
From: Beatrix
From Topic ID: 28456 0 Hansol 0 23rd July 2008 - 11:06 PM
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From: 2, 1a Crits
From Topic ID: 28457 0 Piggy 1 23rd July 2008 - 02:19 PM
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Thê Ðårk £îght
back on 1a 3 Gnarkill 98 22nd July 2008 - 03:58 PM
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9 Rangers
Multi 0 Gnarkill 32 22nd July 2008 - 02:51 PM
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From: Crafting Concepts
From Topic ID: 28366 0 Snoopy 0 21st July 2008 - 12:59 PM
Last post by: Snoopy
From: Grand Vault Sale, 24 Vaults
From Topic ID: 28449 0 Raylen 0 21st July 2008 - 04:57 AM
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From: Boss Thread
From Topic ID: 23794 0 Äññöÿäñcë 1 19th July 2008 - 07:11 PM
Last post by: Äññöÿäñcë
From: 370k 1a Gold
From Topic ID: 28442 0 Sausage 0 19th July 2008 - 01:25 PM
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From: Mage Damage Discussion
From Topic ID: 28304 0 Äññöÿäñcë 0 19th July 2008 - 11:32 AM
Last post by: Äññöÿäñcë
Ranger 1a
Lvl 20-25 6 Peacemaker 73 17th July 2008 - 10:45 AM
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From: Mage Spell
From Topic ID: 28335 0 Walt 0 17th July 2008 - 09:08 AM
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From: Crafting Concepts
From Topic ID: 28366 0 Raylen 0 17th July 2008 - 05:23 AM
Last post by: Raylen
From: Crafting Concepts
From Topic ID: 28366 0 Raylen 0 17th July 2008 - 02:39 AM
Last post by: Raylen
From: Crafting Concepts
From Topic ID: 28366 0 Äññöÿäñcë 0 16th July 2008 - 08:00 PM
Last post by: Äññöÿäñcë
From: Crafting Concepts
From Topic ID: 28366 0 Äññöÿäñcë 0 16th July 2008 - 04:04 PM
Last post by: Äññöÿäñcë
From: Crafting Concepts
From Topic ID: 28366 0 shomer 1 16th July 2008 - 11:31 AM
Last post by: shomer
From: Daily Mini Quest
From Topic ID: 28419 0 Gaddy 2 16th July 2008 - 11:11 AM
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From: Crafting Concepts
From Topic ID: 28366 0 Raylen 0 16th July 2008 - 02:37 AM
Last post by: Raylen
-Proverbs 4:7
Posted 31 July 2008 - 09:43 AM
And if I could..
From: For Crane...
From Topic ID: 28489 0 Äññöÿäñcë 1 28th July 2008 - 05:38 PM
Last post by: Äññöÿäñcë
From: For Crane...
From Topic ID: 28489 0 Äññöÿäñcë 1 28th July 2008 - 05:37 PM
Last post by: Äññöÿäñcë
Are those two posts which you deleted which were mine or do I not understand?
Also, I think I understand why you were so touchy about the crafting topic - so I apologise for getting up in yo grillz for that one.
I can open each post that has been deleted in the trash bin; I did so to check on the ones I wasn't sure about as far as why they were deleted, etc. All of it was pretty useless stuff.
As for your two posts, I thought you might've drunkenly posted and deleted them yourself. One was a log of you killing a hydra hatchling...lol.
Does me editing posts as a way of responding to questions, rather than using the reply option, bother you? Or anyone that I do that with?
For me, it helps keep topics shorter and more organized, but I don't know how others precieve it...
I see.
I'm glad this has been discussed, because it has cleared up a lot of doubts I had running through my head..
The only other thing that really annoyed (or bothered) me was the opening of the crafting topic. You made it a tad strict if you don't mind me saying, people couldn't post variations on descriptions or anything like that - peoples flowing creative juices were destroyed. Someone mentioned they posted a variation on a ring I made, and I know I posted a lot of variations and ideas how to make a certain idea better (in my eyes anyway). I think if you planned to run one topic like this, another one should have been made, so people could do this. A topic which I made myself, but you locked when you made your own.
The way you edit posts as a response doesn't bother me too much, but it is a lot easier when you post rather than edit posts - because then I can see that someone else has posted. I normally scroll through the index of a forum and see if any new topics are there / who the last person was to post on a certain topic - if just my name is there, I think that nobody has replied. Not a massive problem per-say, but it does make reading and replying to your replies more difficult.
Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 31 July 2008 - 09:34 PM.
Posted 31 July 2008 - 11:07 AM
Back into the shadows once again...
Posted 31 July 2008 - 12:52 PM
I don't play Main any longer, so I'm not saying you're a power hungry staffer. I'm simply saying the lack of Moderation on the boards has pretty much left you in charge. I think you may have let that go to your head a tad is all. I'm not gonna bicker about it, just clearing up what I had to say.
Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.
Posted 31 July 2008 - 02:41 PM

p.s thought it would be fitting seeing his avatar.
Edited by Angelus, 31 July 2008 - 02:42 PM.
Back into the shadows once again...
Posted 01 August 2008 - 01:14 AM
New Event Idea 7 PureMourning 186 26th July 2008 - 06:40 PM
Last post by: -×»ºLätérãlù§º«×-
i posted on this one! It was deleted

Posted 02 August 2008 - 10:19 AM
I see.
I'm glad this has been discussed, because it has cleared up a lot of doubts I had running through my head..
The only other thing that really annoyed (or bothered) me was the opening of the crafting topic. You made it a tad strict if you don't mind me saying, people couldn't post variations on descriptions or anything like that - peoples flowing creative juices were destroyed. Someone mentioned they posted a variation on a ring I made, and I know I posted a lot of variations and ideas how to make a certain idea better (in my eyes anyway). I think if you planned to run one topic like this, another one should have been made, so people could do this. A topic which I made myself, but you locked when you made your own.
The way you edit posts as a response doesn't bother me too much, but it is a lot easier when you post rather than edit posts - because then I can see that someone else has posted. I normally scroll through the index of a forum and see if any new topics are there / who the last person was to post on a certain topic - if just my name is there, I think that nobody has replied. Not a massive problem per-say, but it does make reading and replying to your replies more difficult.
See, when I just edit the post its harder to see if anyone else has replied - so it's more difficult to get a response.
Posted 05 August 2008 - 08:45 AM
Posted 06 August 2008 - 06:19 PM
hi i wonder if staff cud add some daggars to shot litening thnx
Gnarkill- Multi and 1a
Posted 09 August 2008 - 03:26 PM
[sarcasm]lets hire only staff who have displayed a true devotion to banality and would never rock the boat, charge them with improving the game, give them only tools that can be used replicate past failures, and only intervene if it's on behalf of something misguided and destructive. Then when someone points out this pattern of lunacy, we will remind them that to do anything else would require coding and if it is so important then maybe they should make their own game. Then after that we delete criticism in a fit of irony[/sarcasm]
Posted 30 August 2008 - 07:31 PM
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