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Nightmist Development

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#1 Gaddy

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Posted 04 July 2008 - 12:44 AM

The basic question here is-
What do players want to have worked on each server?

Please HEADER your responses with MAIN or 1-ALT.

Please read everything I write here, and please don't take this post off topic in order to argue one of my points or try to complain about them---etc.

Do not take try to draw things into off-topic debates.
Do not argue between posts or make pointless posts that are not on the topic.

Basically, your responses should be to my post alone, not to one another. Bickering will make this topic far less useful.

The main idea for development, in my opinion, is the crafting system.
1. Crafting becomes difficult because players ONLY bother with top AC equipment and really good weapons. These cannot just keep coming out. We'd actually ruin the game...especially with level 35+ characters using them.
2. Crafting ideas and concepts can be created by players without staff help. They may not be put in, but they can be considered, and it actually isn't REALLY hard to put things in..
3. IE- The recycle bin and dwarven melder have taken me very little time to actually process and implement---mainly because they do not have better qualities than existing items, but to get them reviewed by the staff team did take a while.

So, if you want more crafting, work on some in Nightmist Development.
However, do this with current items in mind as limits...we really do not have any benefits coming in from ideas for really high base weapons, multiple stat bumps, etc.
Balance your ideas, and do not make them excel everything already in-game. Then they can be considered without major revisions, etc...which makes them possible to implement.

Are there specific suggestions for other things on NM-Main?
We've released several bosses and a few areas fairly recently, and those have not been majorly used.
I'm not currently considering working on low-level or highly-restricted areas because players rarely go into them, and they are often more difficult to balance for everyone.
Read and consider the RED sentence about suggestions before you make any.

People mainly seem to talk about areas and guilds---then PKing and such which cannot be controlled very well.
1. The need for guilds is not known by anyone really---I think Tecton has more done than players understand. Or at least that is what I recall as far as concept, etc.
2. Implementation isn't needed until the guilds are needed, so it doesn't make sense to complain about the guilds, unless you're being hindered. (Not claiming that anyone is complaining)

So, what would you expect new sysops to do on NM-1alt?
I don't really follow what players expect to have added to the server. You're not getting new code things, such as the auto-mapper that was expected to come out within the first month of play. So, there are not any new tools for staff to mess with on 1-alt.
This can be good ontop of the bad. We know what can be done in general with monsters and equipment, but it is MUCH harder to balance for 1-alt, most of the time.

So really, can a few players list what they would like staff to actually do on the 1-alt server?

Suggestions for either server should consider-
I'm not looking for pointless, useless, broad, or vague suggestions such as "Make it easier to play with 1-alt" or "more areas"...that doesn't even help a little bit. You have to make suggestions detailed, specific, and possible.

I'm seriously just going to ban players' accounts (on the forum and in-game) if they cause problems on this topic at all.
Do not bicker between eachother or hassle other players' about their ideas.
Keep your posts productive and in an improving manner.
Keep this post decently serious. I don't feel like dealing with nonsense about this.

<3 Gaddy
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#2 PureMourning

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Posted 04 July 2008 - 08:24 AM


Well for starters, we could look back at all of my well-presented threads that already address this. It would be redundant to copy/paste so instead I'll simply leave the link to my first post here.

Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#3 Cruxis

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Posted 04 July 2008 - 11:30 AM


1a is pretty decent already, I'd say everything is perfect except for classes being balanced, gameplay and areas seem nice, even without new ones, it'll be awhile before everything in 1a is experienced. If and when people get bored, there are many hard main areas that can simply be copied to 1a, granted most 1a players never saw these areas since they stopped main, area development for 1a doesn't need any work for awhile.

The problem is that there is more stam, and more damage. The extra hp helps, but melee classes that go through armor will receive more of a boost than classes that don't since armor isn't increasing. Even if it new and better armor was put it, it'd still hold back fighters/rangers more than thieves/zerks.

Magic users don't even gain any power boost, their damage stays the same based on the lvl crit their fighting, pvm damage increases, but only stam will keep them at the top PVP. People have already noticed this. I don't know why people thought mages were so good, they really aren't. It's just a 6stam mage would round anything lvl 30 and under, which every other crit was at the time. Absorb spell is a sexy thing just to have, although it really held them back. Wasn't their damage slightly nerfed anyway right before it was put it? I'd say reverse that.

The only idea I see fit is increasing hp so that nothing is roundable, then if you have pots, the fight might become interesting. (the only thing you should be able to round should be atleast 4 or 5 levels under you)

Maybe triple gains from lvl 35-40, it is a hell of alot harder for the same benefits of increasing from 30-35.

Or maybe just nerf zerks/thieves/rangers so they can't round anything of the same lvl without spells. Rangers don't have this problem as high as zerks and thieves, but it is slightly possible.

Obviously my solutions suck, I have no idea how to solve em.

I hope you can do better Gaddy :ph34r:

#4 Raylen


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Posted 04 July 2008 - 12:27 PM


You HAVE to make hp gains bigger from 37-40. How nuts will it be if a lvl 40 mage gets clicked to kingdom come? I cannot emphasise this enough. It HAS to happen. It MUST happen.

More interesting areas for the tougher-to-play-solo characters (e.g. fighters, zerkers) would be good. You can get most places on a mage/druid/thief. Quite far on a ranger. Little bit far on a pally/cleric. Fighter and zerker pretty much can't go anywhere, especially the poor zerker. How about a nice fighter/zerk only area?

Except you'll need more staff to make that area...

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#5 Hansol

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Posted 04 July 2008 - 01:41 PM

nm multi only needs john to add extra stam

#6 Nerutically

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Posted 04 July 2008 - 02:06 PM


The main problem I see on 1a is class vs class balancing issues... Of course we don't know exactly how unbalanced it is becasue the only lvl 35+ crits so far are thieves and mages.. Before as Cruxis said above everyone thought mages were so overpowerd becasue there was one lvl 33 mage that had 6 stam and was 3-4+ levels above any other character in the game.. This could very well be true about thieves right now they are considerd over power because thats all there is and vs a mage of the same lvl they can click them with ease, even thieves lower levels of a 35 mage can pretty much click it with ease... A zerk at 35 will have 8? stam, probably making it able to click all the lvl 35 thieves just as easy as they click the lvl 35 mage.. But for all the non armor piercing classes they need a boost or better yet make Assassinate not go through as much armor as it already does. Or go back and keep the old minimum of assassinate as low as it was. This way thieves do not have such the advantage over the other classes.. Zerks on the other hand are one of the hardest crits to train on 1a because without a cleric they really cant go anywhere to train without buying pots every 3 minuets thats why A zerks smite going through armor makes sense but thieves are the easiest characters to train and make gold mainly because of the reason below witch is why there assassinate should not be as powerful vs classes as it is.. I mean why train something else when you can farm gold and level fast and still click almost anything..

The Dagger of the Winds is the problem. It is pretty cheap in the minds of a vamparic weapon and is not that high of a lvl requirment sense most people swamp a thief till 25.. This gives thieves a HUGE advantage over anyother class because they are able to wonder WAY further away from the towns than any class that has to determine on Pots or mana to survive. There have been examples of how overpowerd this item is..


Clericless Time Knight(nothing)

Clericless GE( gaunts)

Banshee(no chest, so no drop)

while killing time, we dropped Teptok(nothing again)

while waiting for a few others we dropped HL again with Imhotep party(3 clerics, 9 attackers)went down hard and fast =D

Dropped Imotep(nothing)

Clericless HL again about 4 hours later(nothing)

Someone was nice enough to leave the GSW mort, so we finished it off clericless style(SWH)

When you can take a party of thieves and kill Time Knight and Goblin Elder without a cleric what more can you ask for..

It's hard to not "bash" on the thief class but lets face it we all know the reason that 80% of the lvl 30+'s are thieves are because of the reason above.. This class either needs a downgrade or all the other classes (except mabe a zerk) need a huge upgrade. But like I said above we do not know what any other class does of the same level except mage vs thief and we know the outcome of that 85% of the time..

EDIT: Forgot there was a lvl 35 druid.. How does that deal vs a lvl 35 thief by the way?

EDIT #2: Also something HAS to be done about paladins... Either A. There Aid needs to be enhaced to the equivelent of Clerics. B. The +20 Heal bonus needs to be reinstated. and or C. There hit rate needs to be higher especially when under the influence of Holy Speed.. What the hell is the point of 27 Dex if you still miss 50% of the time..

Edited by Nerutically, 04 July 2008 - 03:17 PM.

#7 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 04 July 2008 - 02:17 PM

well, im not really sure about 1a so i'll have to talk about MULTI.

what i think is that there are lots of ideas in multi which have already been invented, they just need to be expanded. these are namely crafting, and the coliseum. then of course, bosses, which i'll come to later on in the post.

crafting is probably one of the best ideas that nm has ever had, the ability to change an item to something else with other things.. and as you've said gadster, its pretty easy to program into the game too. i really love the idea with the halberds and sand wurm hides, as they are two of the most, if not the two most items which have been built up ingame which need sorted out somehow, so the fact that something has been done is vair good and promising, so thanks for that.

but other things can be done too. the cobalt bow was an awesome addition to the game, as it not only got people playing, it took people to the other places in the nightmist realm which they may not have gone too. it got me playing at the time, as it is a pretty good item, aswell as being something fun to collect. maybe something else like this could be implemented, but as long as it has a varying list of ingredients. this i think is very important, as people get bored easily. the glowing cobalt ring, which only one person has had the patience to acquire, and this is because of a low drop rate and killing only one monster.. yes, this may have been done purposely to keep it out of the game, but thats not fun at all. keeping stuff out the game can be done by other ways too.

another thing about that, is the items given up should be held quite close and high in players standards. with the cobalt bow (i know im using this example quite a bit, but its a good example) many ingredients were used, many different types. essentially, fifteen different items were used to make the cobalt bow, each one hard to get and held quite high in the grand exchange of things - and this was awesome. maybe other items like this could be good, they dont have to be as good as the cobalt bow, but they have to have something that gives them such a uniqueness and quality that people have the patience and the desire to get it.

for examples of items which can be made by crafting, i'll be more than happy to help with possible ingredient list, and for final items alan (Raylen) has numerous ideas for crazily overpowered items, which have good descriptions and basic ideas, just need to be levelled out a bit :ph34r:

now, the coliseum. this is also a great addition to the game, and i love how it has been brought into use with the cobalt bow and changing names of items, which means theres more variation in items, which is good because nobody likes to keep having to use for example, halberds - bloodied axes have come into play.. maybe this can be expanded? so doing the same thing to items which are still used all over the game, like blades of times, boots of time, angelic scepters, just to name a few.

but yeah, linking coliseum and crafting was a great idea, props to who came up with the idea (im guessing aeryn, but im not going to speculate because if it wasnt aeryn i'll feel pretty bad). but now we need more of that kind of stuff, to give players the drive to keep going. at the moment, loads of people are playing - you can tell by the amount of stuff on the boss thread. both lew and i, gaddy, sergei, jason, gary, mark, jess/wolfie (to some extent), rene and many others are very active and actively killing stuff for fun on this game, as theres such an active playerbase at the moment (and this has been the case for a couple months now), why not harvest the fact there are so many people on and maybe run a mini-quest, or add something new to the game.. stamina perhaps? haha hint hint. but all im saying is, why not give it a go. there are many dedicated players (i am sorry to say, am one of them) who will happily put hours and hours into this game, to do anything to try help it carry on, so the staff don't have too much weight to bare, all they ever have to do is ask - and im sure most of them know that.

now bosses. this was an iffy one, and its been brought up in the past but i thought i'd give it a go anyway. different, smaller percentage boss drops for certain bosses? things like, for example, the armlet of enlightenment from the credenza, and the feral choker from the wolf lord (not a good example really, as thats the only thing it drops to my knowledge - but i mean that kind of drop rate). add some different items to different bosses, hell, you can even put little boss drops which are already boss drops with different names on different bosses, something to give a bit of variation, a hally with a con mod or something, which is pretty useless - but shiney, and something to work towards. then that can be itself expanded on, being that used in a crafting recipe. and if this is done, the item in question wont be in game too much because of the super-small percentage.

in this post i have really tried to keep on topic, but another point and my final point which i'd like to make is well done to the staff really. thinking about it, whilst writing this alot of stuff has been done which has been led by staff and they're actions sometimes havent been noticed, or celebrated haha. so yeah, what im trying to say is thank you for all the nightmist development so far really ;) and if you need any help with descriptions, maps, ideas, with a good doobie im always flowing with emotion so yeah lol :) good topic gadster!
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#8 Piggy

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Posted 04 July 2008 - 03:32 PM


EDIT: Forgot there was a lvl 35 druid.. How does that deal vs a lvl 35 thief by the way?

With only gaea's on, its very difficult to click the druid (for thieves). With ALL ac spells up, the thief cannot click the druid. Druids cant round thieves (well I cant with 21 wis)

*note* thats with no clerics spelling the thief before someone gets smart

As for dueling, I dueled walt and mike both when they were lvl 35 and we were about equal, both losing some and winning some. (Rarely dueled Manda/Broc when he had his thief so I couldn't say in halfling duels but it wasn't easy)

Now they're lvl 36, I find it quite difficult to kill them in duels (1 lvl makes the difference?)

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#9 Raylen


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Posted 08 July 2008 - 10:21 AM

Library info for Gauntlets of Pain:
Armor base: -50, Can be worn by: all except zerkers, Description: Etched with battle scars, these icy black gauntlets infuse your blows with feral savagery. However, they are cursed with a corrupting force that leeches into the rest of your armour, rendering it as brittle as the ice from whence these horrific gauntlets were forged., Level needed to equip it: 33, Strength modifier: 7, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: -10, Charisma modifier: 0, Absorb spell: 0


btw is that descripton hawt or what?

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#10 Gaddy

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Posted 08 July 2008 - 01:54 PM

If someone could take all of the ridiculous things that Alan suggests, tone them down to not being better than everything in game or crazy, and suggest a good and semi-complex crafting setup for them, I'd consider working on some of them.
Can't say they'd all go in, and the staff team would have to pass each crafting recipe.

Keep in mind that the items have to be passed to get in game, and keep in mind that any items that would be beaten out or replaced for new items should require using the item and more.
Keeps an abundance from being formed, and it keeps bosses active.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#11 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 08 July 2008 - 06:54 PM

i quote alan directly:

"if all my items were added into game, it wouldnt be such a major deal. its just adding them seperately makes them look stupidly overpowered"

so basically, add everything alan suggests. w00t.

Library info for Gauntlets of Pain:
Armor base: -70, Can be worn by: all except zerkers, Description: Etched with battle scars, these icy black gauntlets infuse your blows with feral savagery. However, they are cursed with a corrupting force that leeches into the rest of your armour, rendering it as brittle as the ice from whence these horrific gauntlets were forged., Level needed to equip it: 33, Strength modifier: 2, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: -10, Charisma modifier: 0, Absorb spell: 0
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#12 Snoopy


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Posted 08 July 2008 - 07:24 PM

Library info for Azure Robes:
Armor base: 42, Can be worn by: clerics, paladins, pacifists, Description: These robes sparkle with azure sequins. Rotating round the body of the material are 3 enchanted stones giving extra protection against a range of attacks. The robes shine brightly and the constant rotation of the elements adds draws the eyes away from the figure of the wearer enhancing even the ugliest travelers looks . Level needed to equip it: 31, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 1.

Made using

Earth stone –3 eyed jack – small rate
Fire stone - 3 eyed jack - small rate
Water Stone - 3 eyed jack - small rate

3x aura of protection

3x azure robes

1x Boots of time
You have to protect each of the stones with the scrolls creating a protected stone (discp)

Then bind them to the robes using the power of timee!!!!!!!

Lol joking aside somthing like that would be nice hehe
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#13 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 08 July 2008 - 08:38 PM

did you mean to call the decent robes azure robes too?

lol, i likey. maybe let the earth stone, fire stone and water stone dropped by diff bosses though. having 3 eyed jack drop all of them im not likeying.


earth stone - aethol small rate (a boss underused 2 the max)
fire stone - NEW AREA LAVA BOSS haha joking, lyz the enchanter small rate
water stone - water wraith small drop.

i like idea man.
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#14 Gaddy

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Posted 08 July 2008 - 09:22 PM

Please do the development by creating topics in the section called "Nightmist Development".

It will make it easier to sort them out and view them. :ph34r:
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

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