Just incase this doesn't go as planned, SquiggleUK will have it's own roleplaying section set up for anybody who likes this type of roleplaying.
The type of roleplay i want here is game-based roleplay. Use your character names if you want, and try to put in areas of the maps etc. Enjoy

Character introduction - Fingolfin Ancalímon
Welcome my friends to the realm of Nightmist, my name is Fingolfin Ancalímon, and i have been here for some time now. I am a wood elf, 5'4" high, long brown hair, and i always, without doubt carry with me my trusty bow and arrows. During the time i've spent here in Nightmist, my main hobby has been hunting bears in the forest, protecting my family, and meeting new people in the realms. I usually hunt alone, rather than in large groups, as a large group of people is easier to spot than 1 person alone. In my spare time i like to help people, show them around town, and let them know the dangers they will soon encounter out of the town.
If not fighting bears, i like to train with people in the arenas provided in the main towns of the realm.

HP: 107
MP: 32
Weapon: Extended Long Bow
Armor: ( S )Branchwood Shield, ( H )Branchwood Helmet, ( B )Ironweed Doublet
Clothes: ( B )Beige cloth shirt, ( L ) brown cotton pants ( BO )crocodile skin boots
Current Activity: Relaxing in 'Boars Tusk Inn'
Key: ( S ) = Shield, ( H ) = helmet, ( B ) = body, ( L ) = legs, ( BO ) = boots
Edited by Squiggle, 24 February 2004 - 12:35 PM.