You all know me as Fusion, or Yosha, or Mike. I've been playing this
game since September 24th 2003. Since the first day when I went to the
nightmist casino and made 10,000 gold in 5 hours. To the second day
where I actually went south of nightmist to kill small snakes. To the last
day I played when I killed the Mayor and made my way to the 2nd floor
of the museum. I would like to look at this game as i've brought hope,
desire, respect, and fun to this game. Everyone i've ever encountered has
know me as shaky trader, but a good friend, and hopefully a good player.
In my time off from playing because of a new job and some other issue's I
lent my acct of 50 archs, 9 cobalts, 20million gold, not to mention the number
of questie's and items...each character hold a story of countless hours of play time,
each item holding a story of a successful day on nightmist traveling to the hardest
monsters amoungst friend and foe to try and earn somthing that brought
joy. Now my joy is gone. While inactive my "nub" like friend was taught a few things by
a random stranger. This random stranger introduced himself as Brandon, who also introduced
his friend as Jordan. Brandon and Jordan helped my friend Adam learn this
strange game the way others helped me, and in a foolish thought Adam decided
to allow Brandon and Jordan to share the account I lent him. With that in mind
upon my return to nightmist I made an attempt (not knowing what would happen)
to take my characters, my items, my cobalts, everything I earned back...expecting
the others to understand I wanted to be alone, like I always have been, that one
loner amoungst a crowd of many. Brandon and Jordan reported it as theft. Staff left
me in a position where we all agreed to allow me to leave the account or we agreed on
somthing or the whole account was deleted. Brandon and Jordan wouldnt agree to anything
besides sharing.
My gut felt so bad this day. I knew somthing would happen and I had no way out. I spoke
with staff, I tried my best, but I knew my fate. Shortly after Brandon or should I say Blake
did what Blake does. Now after the mess and the storm Staff have decided it was right to
perm bame Blake(can I say this is complete nutz because Blake has already been perm banned),
and delete everything that was unreplacable my 2 favorite characters the most favorite items and probably
roughly %75 of the accounts value. Without any question of "what means the most to you".
I've been stolen from twice before this, I accepted those loss's or anything staff decided
to do or not do. My intentions have been pure for the longest time. But can we all say that
is crazy? where is the line drawn that policy gets in the way of right and wrong...and what
has happened in the past shows (ex:Jess) that somthing more just should be done.
I guess we can add this sad tell to the story of many...and its my story of nightmist.
I think we can close this book, I have no reason to play anymore, my dreams are shot
theres no replacing Proteus or Arab or others....no re-earning my first cobalt its deleted, no glacial crown's or Medal of Triumphs (omg one of my fav quest even though it crashed twice)...
This isnt a former goodbye, but an announcement of my tale...and how it ended....
At one time I had logged on this game for atleast 6 hours or more (some 12+hours), for 502 days straight and the 502nd day was as exciting as the first.
The purpose of this post is to see if anyone has somthing to say about this....and to let players
know what happened to Fusion.

Current Happeneings...
Started by Final Universe, Jul 03 2007 01:18 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 03 July 2007 - 01:18 AM
Brutus of Compton.
copywright ggthxbai co.
11-28-2005 00:31:20 Paralyze Pages You from (Hidden): young yosha in da makin
copywright ggthxbai co.
11-28-2005 00:31:20 Paralyze Pages You from (Hidden): young yosha in da makin
Posted 03 July 2007 - 01:44 AM
One more dedicated player destoryed....one less person to be around when p2p comes. How does this game expect to be around when staff can destroy 5000 hours of work with the click of a button with out any compasion at all?
Brutus of Compton.
copywright ggthxbai co.
11-28-2005 00:31:20 Paralyze Pages You from (Hidden): young yosha in da makin
copywright ggthxbai co.
11-28-2005 00:31:20 Paralyze Pages You from (Hidden): young yosha in da makin
Posted 03 July 2007 - 03:29 AM
Tried? No, someone did steal it.
Delete it all? No. They were given a great deal of characters, just not the ones that were transfered.
The fact is- He gave out his password to someone because he wasn't active.
That someone gave out his password to two other players.
He didn't get it dealt with properly, and he shouldn't have given out his password.
We tell you guys over and over, learn.
Do not give out your password unless you will give up your account.
Be happy you got what you did.
JLH and Simon both said they'd figure the accounts could all just be deleted.
Trevaye put in weeks of effort to get you some things back, and we all basically pushed that it wouldn't be right to give back more than what was given. These kind of things have been dealt with in much harsher ways.
It would basically follow the instructions you were given that this post and your other are terms for full account deletion.
Delete it all? No. They were given a great deal of characters, just not the ones that were transfered.
The fact is- He gave out his password to someone because he wasn't active.
That someone gave out his password to two other players.
He didn't get it dealt with properly, and he shouldn't have given out his password.
We tell you guys over and over, learn.
Do not give out your password unless you will give up your account.
Be happy you got what you did.
JLH and Simon both said they'd figure the accounts could all just be deleted.
Trevaye put in weeks of effort to get you some things back, and we all basically pushed that it wouldn't be right to give back more than what was given. These kind of things have been dealt with in much harsher ways.
It would basically follow the instructions you were given that this post and your other are terms for full account deletion.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7
-Proverbs 4:7
Posted 03 July 2007 - 05:16 AM
You've always been a thoughtful and respectful player of the game, but to see you posting like this is disappointing.
You had an account of things you cherished.
You gave the account password to a 80+ million account to a "nub-like friend."
You went inactive for a period of months, if not years.
You allowed this password to then be shared with two other people.
You were warned by staff that this was a bad situation.
You continued to share.
You again went inactive for weeks.
You were not even aware that a theft had occured until staff informed you.
Staff monitored suspicious activity on your account.
Staff caught the theft as it was happening before characters and items could be distibuted.
Staff collectively spent hundreds of hours sorting through the details of the theft.
Staff recovered the stolen accounts from a variety of locations.
Staff worked hard to convince the admins not to just let everything be deleted.
Staff continue to fend off accusations of bias, yet here we are salvaging some of the account that you so easily gave away so they can be returned to you.
Now, you tell me...
... whose fault is it that the account was stolen? [You.]
... who spent more effort protecting the account? [Not you.]
... how much would you have if staff hadn't shown compassion? [Nothing.]
... who destroyed a dedicated player? [You, all by yourself.]
You had an account of things you cherished.
You gave the account password to a 80+ million account to a "nub-like friend."
You went inactive for a period of months, if not years.
You allowed this password to then be shared with two other people.
You were warned by staff that this was a bad situation.
You continued to share.
You again went inactive for weeks.
You were not even aware that a theft had occured until staff informed you.
Staff monitored suspicious activity on your account.
Staff caught the theft as it was happening before characters and items could be distibuted.
Staff collectively spent hundreds of hours sorting through the details of the theft.
Staff recovered the stolen accounts from a variety of locations.
Staff worked hard to convince the admins not to just let everything be deleted.
Staff continue to fend off accusations of bias, yet here we are salvaging some of the account that you so easily gave away so they can be returned to you.
Now, you tell me...
... whose fault is it that the account was stolen? [You.]
... who spent more effort protecting the account? [Not you.]
... how much would you have if staff hadn't shown compassion? [Nothing.]
... who destroyed a dedicated player? [You, all by yourself.]
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.
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