Bloodied Axe:
Base damage: 25, Can be used by: fighters, berserkers, Description: The curved steel head of this axe is mounted on a blackened shaft of wood from some unknown species of tree. Even in the most dry summer weather, the edge of the blade shimmers with a sticky red liquid. Whether the blade itself actually drips blood or whether this is some kind of trick of the eyes, the rapid swing of a bloodied axe is enough to make even the most experienced veterans cringe in fear., Level needed to equip it: 20, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: .
Bloodied Axe
Started by Evilcloud, Jun 09 2007 11:53 PM
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