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First Aid

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#1 fallen

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Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:20 PM

Add First Aid and make the bandages craftable out of some of the useless drops like rabbit furs ect. Maybe have things like bears in the forrest drop pelts that could be crafted, small snakes drop snake skins and the hedge minions some sort of leaves, that you could craft to bandages, and many more along this line (sand vipers, rattlesnakes, warthog ect). Add lvl limits to the bandages so that a lvl 10 couldnt use a more powerful bandage designed for a lvl 24 ect.

Add a NPC of a preist in all the major cities and you could give the pre-crafted items to them and they create the bandages and return the finish product to you, preferable free of charge or for a very very low cost at low lvl and slightly higher for the higher lvl bandages. Example you give the priest in NM the 2x small snake skins + 2 gold, he gives you a small bandage in return. You give a 2x sand viper skin + 25 gold to the preist in silversail and he gives you a large bandage in return. Could also have roaming npcs in places like the dessy, dungeon, on the way to time knight and all other remote suitable areas that could craft as well, kinda like the guide on the way to the time knight. Perhaps have it so if you type /hello trade traveler he stays put for like 30 seconds and you could have him craft them for you for a little higher cost then in town. this would make it more practical to go to some of the tougher areas in the game :P

Make the Bandages Stackable with a limit of being able to carry 1 stack in your inventory at a time, so you could carry say 5 healing potions and a stack of 20 healing bandages and as you train you still have room in your inventory to collect items for trade in. may also want to consider making the craftable items like the small snake skins stackable as well. would need a stack limit though of like 10 or 20 for items and bandages.

The Bandages should make you recover hp slowly, for the lower lvl ones for example 1 hp per second for a total of 20 seconds = 20hp. Were the higher lvl ones could be 10 hp per second for 20 seconds = 200hp ect. I think one of two things should be added as well either if you take any damage the healing over time gets interrupted or add a time limit to the use of the bandages. Example 1 while using your bandage a small snake hits you for 5 damage and interrupts your first aid so you only end up getting 1 hp per second for 5 seconds for a total of 5 hp, or have a time limit that you can only use a bandage once every 2 minutes. This would still make healing potions a must and prevent people from using them as a heal over time while fighting.

The current system is gonna make it near impossible to train alone at high lvl :) , even with the ole hit and run tactic. The high lvl monsters will rip anything up thats not self healing in seconds, and who wants to run all the way to the "good training spots" and hit and run a monster till you use up your 12 healing potions and die, and drop all your gold and lose a big percentage of the exp you gained :o At least with this addition you can carry 11 instant healing potions and a stack of 20 bandages to allow for alot longer training adventures. Would also help the lonley clerics/paladins with healing after a battle with proceeding to the next square instead of sitting waiting for stam to heal all party members, and make the harder/ better exp pod areas in game way more open to be used!! :)

I know the post is long, take the time to read it I think its a decent idea. Feel free to add to the idea but be sure to show your support so we can get it added!!!! :wub:
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#2 Woodstock

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Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:27 PM

i like the idea, but i dont see how a sped up regen or renew like WoW would work in this game, regular pots do just about same thing but instant and take up same inventory space. if there was a dif slot or an ability like WoW for it, it would work great, for all classes
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#3 fallen

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Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:41 PM

i like the idea, but i dont see how a sped up regen or renew like WoW would work in this game, regular pots do just about same thing but instant and take up same inventory space. if there was a dif slot or an ability like WoW for it, it would work great, for all classes

what I was thinking is make it so a healing potion takes up one slot in your inventory(like it does now), make it so there is no differance between having 1 bandage or 20 bandages they take up the same inventory space cause they are stackable. with the limit of one stack in your inventory at a time. :)
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#4 Woodstock

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Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:57 PM

that sounds better stated, supported
When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
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#5 Dark


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Posted 26 March 2007 - 11:04 PM

I like idea,

Edit: was drunk n wrote somthing random....

Edited by Dark, 27 March 2007 - 08:45 AM.

#6 Zapatak

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Posted 26 March 2007 - 11:06 PM

I like it
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#7 shomer

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Posted 27 March 2007 - 01:39 AM

sounds the exact same as the first aid thing on WoW :)
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#8 fallen

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Posted 27 March 2007 - 05:32 AM

sounds the exact same as the first aid thing on WoW :o

In World of Warcraft, you have bags with 12-16 slots each and u get like 5 of them :) ......a single fighter or thief at higher lvl is'nt gonna be able to do anything alone at all really, well anything worth doing like getting decent exp, gold or any sort of drops. Current format a handful of fighters and rangers alone couldnt kill the Bandit Leader. Is the Desert just gonna be a 200 square waste of the game, cause even a few plp together wont last long out there. If you really read the post it address alot of current problems with practial solutions.

For any of that stuff is to happen inventory, or healing abilities need to be adjusted. Yes WoW has first aid, but why wouldnt nightmist in a 1 alt format have it ? Alchemy was added to Nightmist and WoW has that as well, of coruse they are gonna have some simularities they are after all both 1 alt format rpg's. I mean it probley sounds alot like first aid cause it is first aid :)
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#9 joanna

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Posted 27 March 2007 - 12:59 PM

sounds the exact same as the first aid thing on WoW :)

pots stacking in 5's
bandages stackin in 20's
bandage ingredients dropped by monsters then crafted
bandages healing over time
level limits on bandages

Sounds familiar...

Why not just say 'Totally plagarise the firstaid system from another game called world of warcraft, minus the skill level' and avoid the long winded post?

Its not that bad an idea, but id rather see pots made stackable, and either reduced in price drastically or the crafters area opened without needing 3 crystalrings

Oh, and a way for tougher classes to draw fire from others, but that id like to see in multi-alt too

#10 fallen

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Posted 29 March 2007 - 07:17 PM

so u want wariors to have taunt just like in WoW....

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#11 joanna

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Posted 29 March 2007 - 11:45 PM

so u want wariors to have taunt just like in WoW....


Never really played a warrior in wow so cant really comment...

but what i was intending to mean, as an equivilant in WoW would be simply to move the warrior/paladin up close to the enemy you are fighting, and move the mage/healer/ranger several yards away. So the enemy would swing at the warrior/paladin instead of the lightly armoured crits

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